Gregory Mannarino - Market Alert: Pan-Selloff to Another Pandemic...Be Ready For Anything!!!

in news •  10 days ago 

This is Greg's post market report and he is 100% accurate about a pandemic being put into play. Let's face the facts...globalists, Democrats, RINOs, and their bureaucratic minions are losing power at a rapid pace and they are being backed into a corner, which means they will do anything, so releasing a pandemic to tank economy in an effort to tank DJTs administration is one of the few weapons they have does not matter some of them will get killed off...they really don't care about their followers. We all saw the market tank during COVID, so imagine if ebola, some kind of weird bird flu, or other strange disease pops up. Well, guess what has been pushed in the news lately...yep, ebola in NY and threats of other things elsewhere. It's a good sign, it's on the table.




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