Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) has detained three members of the Indian Border Security Force (BSF) for allegedly infiltrating Bangladesh through Rajshahi border. The detained members of the BSF are SI Haranath Singh, Constable Rakesh Kumar and Santos’ Kumar.
Indiain Bsf:
He said the BSF members mistakenly entered the Bangladesh border in the fog during the night. They are all members of the HRDCA BSF camp in India's Murshidabad border. Meanwhile, BSF's commander of 84 battalion has been notified. They will be returned by the flag meeting.
Bangladeshi Bdr
BGB and local sources said that BSF members were patrolling the middle border at night. BGB members were patrolling at the same time. At that time a group of smugglers entered India and BSF members chased them. At one stage, they crossed the border of the border into the border of Bangladesh.
In the meantime, the BGB members took three BSF members with arms and took them to the camp. Several members of the BSF were able to flee