NFL Now Least Popular Sports League, Lower Than The Slavery League (NCAA) - Losing Critical Male 34-54 Demographic Amid Anthem Protests

in news •  7 years ago  (edited)

It's hard to believe that the NFL has managed to do more damage to its brand than a confederacy of neo-feudal NCAA plantation overlords has done in decades. more popular than the NFL.

Amid the continuing NFL controversy over "standing for the national anthem", the NFL is rapidly losing large swaths of its key demographics. In particular, men 34-54 are tuning out, which is quite possibly the NFL's most important demographic. Overall favorability numbers and ratings are tanking:

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Down over a relative 25% in a month.

The NFL is really in a tough spot here, as personally I think they would be seeing similar issues if they had come down hard on this phenomenon right from the start. They either look like oppressors (who will probably get accusations of racism), or they look weak and powerless while attempting to "respect the opinions of their players."

Personally, I wish my day jobs had actually pretended to care about that...usually, if your opinions are a problem for your employers, you are simply out the door.

A lot of discussion has happened about the players, in particular, Colin Kaepernick. I don't find him too interesting - in fact, the most interesting thing about him to me is how he needs to virtue-signal that "he's really black" by employing the most ridiculous Afro available - because, let's be honest, in his short hair pictures that dude looks white.

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Hmm, the optics on this will be poor...what's the fastest way to look blacker?

Rest assured Colin has done much to ensure that all thinking people are well aware he is full of it. He appears to be moving down some sort of "Hitler-esque" bucket list, wherein he converts to each vile racist group and ideology committed to causing violence that he is able to find. If he's not careful, "they're" going to want to move the TSA to the 49'ers tunnel to give him an appropriately named "Rapiscan" before he enters the field.

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Only the last line is not fallacious, but what a combo: Destructive-Cult Religion + Openly Black Supremacist Politics.

Sources I've made up also note that Colin is in early negotiations with zombie Malcolm X to recreate a "Biracial Panthers", for those days when his hair is just too flat.

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The shockingly productive result of googling "Zombie Malcolm X"

An amazing aspect of this story is that the NFL has actually managed to become LESS popular than the NCAA, or the "Plantation Football/Basketball" League, where not only are players not paid and used as literal slaves, they are violently witch-hunted if their school or coach gives them so much as bus fare or a carton of milk.

"The NCAA is firmly committed to the neoplantation belief that the enormous proceeds from games belong to the overseers (the administrators) and supervisors (coaches). The plantation workers performing in the arena may receive only those benefits authorized by the overseers.”"

-Walter Byers, Memoirs, First Director of the NCAA

PS - Boycott the NCAA, or be known as plantation apologists. March Madness is boring anyway.

If you have any additions or errata for this post, please let me know! I will see that they are voted to the top of the comments, and will make the appropriate edits (if possible).

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Sources: Zero Hedge,, ESPN, The Atlantic, FOX, CNN, Twitter
Copyright: Fellowship of the, TheOdysseyOnline, South Park,

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