Be Better than Media Outlets; Don’t Immediately Claim Racism, Sexism, Classism

in news •  7 years ago  (edited)


The image above is a response from a Huffington post Contributor. It may come to the surprise of many, but yes, even the Huffington post can be racist!

It’s amazing the state of politics today.

There’s no depth of thought, logic, argument.

There’s no discussion of ideas.

We immediately call people Nazis and look at their skin color. We divide people into rich/poor, male/female, straight/gay, immigrant/juedo...

Manny will claim, correctly, that social media fuels this division because it more easily allows snark and and derision towards each other, a large majority of which we would not say to each other‘s face in person.

Be good to each other out there people.

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that was a pretty presumptuous tweet. it's what happens when you do identity politics for 40 years.

the comeback was brilliant. Poor Tim, he's probably used to it.

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The lefties at Huffington Post drink to much soy lattes. This makes their estrogen levels shoot through the roof and they become hysterical.

haha... they should switch to coconut milk.

‘Soy boy’ has been my most recent fun term to describe these people!

And it is backed up by scientific research. The fluctuacting hormones cause these soy latte lefties to have irrational meltdowns!