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Thanks, watching it now.
I am real, but I am not sure about anyone else anymore.

lol, "Russian Bot" !! And proud of it!

good show - thanks

It seems that some are willing to doubt President Trump's resolve to stay with the agenda he mapped out in his campain promises, but it must be realised that the globalists or gangster bankers as I like to call them have had one or two centuries to set up their deep state cronies, not only in America, but world wide. IMHO the 'Donald' has been able to wreak havock on the deep state with just one year in office, against formidable opponents. The gangsters control the MSM, Hollywood, silicon valley and are entrenched in every aspect of government. It may look like he back tracks on his agenda at times but I believe the deep state will be shattered by what I call the Trump effect.