The Biggest Lie Sold To Us About North Korea 💣 ⁉️

in news •  8 years ago  (edited)

Welcome, peaceful humans being..

Here's my latest breaking news report, which focuses on the situation between in North Korea and the US.

As these two countries face off on the global stage, we go into the threats made against Guam, where China and Russia stand on this conflict, and their likely response.

Video! What you need to know about North Korea

[RELATED: North Korea Warns Of Nuclear Strike As U.S. Navy Closes In]


Ehud Barak, an Israeli politician, made this now infamous interview on the BBC an hour after 9/11 took place. He named a list of 'rogue states' which he insisted should be isolated. The list was comprised of Iran, Iraq, Libya and you guessed it, North Korea. Go straight to 7:55, near the end of the interview, to hear him speak the list. The war on terror was born, with a list of countries to attack ready made!


The Western main stream media names North Korea the 'Rogue nuclear state' in its headlines, putting the idea into the viewers head before they have even read the article. The MSM also often shows the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) which is the state news agency of North Korea. Here is one example from July 4 2017.

Here is the video of North Korea reporting its threat, on Wednesday, to attack Guam which came hours after Trump warned Pyongyang that it would face "fire and fury like the world has never seen" if it threatened the United States again. You can see this video here.

We only have the main stream media to rely on and they have already lied to us about Iraq and the weapons of mass destruction. They have also misrepresented Assad and Syria. The people in Libya are certainly not better off with humans slaves traded openly there now. [RELATED: North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile In Defiance Of President Trump]

Its important to remember that the US paid a P.R. firm $540 million to make fake al-Qaeda videos for its Iraq propaganda program. It is no longer considered 'tin foil hat' to not trust the main stream media. Check out this video for a fast introduction to Information Warfare.

Also check out this chilling video showing amazing technology which enables video images to be manipulated in ways that will have you doubting everything you see in the media.

What does the average person on the street really know about North Korea or the people who live there?


Can anyone name some positive things about North Korea or are we to just regurgitate what we have been told from sources who may or may not be trust worthy?


[RELATED: North Korean Birthday Celebration Video Shows Missiles Hitting U.S. Cities]

Watch this important video showing Oh Joon, who was the South Korean Ambassador to the United Nations, addressing the UN Security Council. What do you think he had to say about the people in North Korea? Does he consider them enemies?


Over the weekend, the UN Security Council unanimously voted to approve new sanctions that included a ban on coal and other exports worth more than $1bn. North Korea responded by saying it would launch a “thousands-fold” revenge against the US.


“We are ready to retaliate with far bigger actions to make the US pay a price for its crime against our country and people,” said the official Korean Central News Agency. It said it would send “packs of wolves” to “strangle” those nations opposing Kim Jong Un. George Friedman, writing for Business Insider tell us that North Korea's main advantage is its geography:

"Seoul (the South Korean capital), now a modern metropolis, lay within artillery range of North Korea. The north massed its forces on the border and threatened that in the event of a conflict (which it insisted it would trigger if provoked), it would shell the massive metropolitan area and move its tanks south to occupy the city. By the numbers this was possible, but the North Korean military on the move would be extremely vulnerable to air power. Still, sheer proximity meant an irrational move could do significant damage."trump.png

Friedman thinks that North Korea has its balancing act down pat:

"Rationally speaking, North Korea couldn't possibly launch a nuclear strike. Therefore, it was critical for North Korea to appear irrational. Only apparent irrationality, meticulously managed, could convince the Americans, the South Koreans, the Japanese, the Russians, and the Chinese that North Korea was utterly dangerous. But the regime's apparent irrationality had to be calibrated in such a way that North Korea's dangerousness was never so credible or imminent that someone would preemptively attack it."

Friedman thinks that North Korea is bluffing:

"Its strategy became one of bluffing. A game of bluff requires utter discipline and no dissension. The North Koreans sought to frighten the Americans and the South Koreans by pretending to be irrational and on a hair trigger."

He goes on to say that, "It was an obvious bluff, since resorting to a nuclear attack would guarantee the annihilation of the regime — and possibly the nation." Let us know what you think about this in the comments. How do you feel about what happened?


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Most news are from CNN which we cannot trust, and i have seen people who travelled to North Korea posted videos online, and it doesn't look as bad as what we are told, and i trust individuals more than the news

That's why I would never give cnn the time of day it screams fake news

It should be noted that when you visit you're VERY restricted to what they allow you to see... including your travel buses having blacked out windows in some areas. They do a pretty solid job of controlling the "output" from inside their country.

International game of nuclear chicken.

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I don't believe nukes exist. Looks like a big scam to me, to be honest. Initially, I thought it could not be that nukes are not real, but after I reviewed all the "evidence" for nukes and the footage from the 60s I am 100% certain it's a scam. I have to chuckle at myself for ever believing this trash. Just another lie from government.

Not saying radiation is not dangerous or nuclear power plants are not real since it's obviously possible to use the heat generated by nuclear material to produce steam to make a turbine turn, however, the part where it enables you to achieve "critical mass" (super scary term) which produces millions of kilotons of energy in the fraction of a second is the part that I do not buy.

You are one of the blind then.

And you are a stupid retard. Congratz :)

If i'm a stupid retard how can you, the sane and intelligent, say that nukes do not exist? How does that not make you blind and make you respond aggressively?


Its a detailed analysis and the bubble boomed with this information what the other countries made on North Korea. If you refer history there is one or two Big whales (Countries) who declared war on other countries by mocking them they have Nukes later occupied them but failed to prove the Nukes.

If one think that I have artillery so I am strong is foolishness. War won't happen with only weapons. There are other big players like Virus, Chemical Weapons.

So word or dialogue is the only powerful tool to stop the tensions but not war.

Also one should remember that we have only one Planet to live, so one shouldn't suffer entire mankind for selfish interests

The rich will most probably move to Mars. Already there are actions set in motion by numerous parties to establish a colony on our neghbouring plant starting 2025. Do not be so sure they will not nuke the planet. The veru near future offers the possibility of removing the need of the working class. Millions of people will riot after they see that robots will take their jobs. Big companies have already taken that into account and i bet they are working with governamets on the solution : nuclear war in order to exterminate as much of the population so that after the dust has settled they can be seen as saviours of the survivors. Those who will survive will benefit the new world order. The stupid, the blind and the cowards will die. They have to dissapear in order for the top elite to gain total control over humanity. Our strenght relies on our numbers.

They are never going to get to Mars. They have to get to the moon first and they could not even do that. Earth is the only option, just don't participate in their scams and you'll be fine. Nuclear war won't happen since its all based on a scam. If they could nuke us, they would have done it in the 60s, but they can't. So, it's just some guys talking shit and people believing them that's dangerous. Only if you are willing to kill someone for money you have lost the game and played in favor of the Elite. Stay away from that and all will be well.

Absolutely true

Is this real life or theater? I feel like there is a major war for the US about every 10-12 years. WW2 (mid 1940's), Korea (1950's), Vietnam (late 1960's), Drugs (1980's), Iraq (1990's), Afghanistan and Iraq (2000's). . . our decade is yet written. I don't think the people in either country really want to fight each other.

... Syria

For a person who has lived in a comunist regime i can only say that there is not a single good thing in that system. Fake news or not there is nothing positive about comunism.

Free housing, guaranteed job and food ( although limited ). I was born three years after comunism fell in my country. Since then the people, who have been supported by foreigners to seize power and kill the regime leader, have sold every valuable asset the country has( land, gold, oil ) to foreigners. The regime leader held the population in poverty to pay all debts. It would have taken two more years for the country to be free of any dept and consequently any exteriour influence. Why would the big players ( especially the US ) want a medium sized country to have such freedom?

The problem with communism is It's execution with humans. By "guaranteed job" what you really mean is forced labor. A job is a means to an end - to produce products in exchange to buy products. Without selfish motivations, humans become lazy.

The next phase communism MIGHT work is when AI operates all of our means of production, but capitalism will still be required to drive art and other more intangible commodities


The more information spread about North Korea the better.

Keep it up bro. spread the truth. Expose the liars

I also am doubting if all the news about North Korea are true...

And it would be certainly wrong to kill all citizens only because one person threatens the world (if he does)

But no matter if the news about North Korean atomar weapons are true ore not, there is no doubt that this country has very little freedom. if your religion does not fit to the state you will be persecuted (maybe even killed) .

Therefore in my eyes there is no doubt that Kim Jong-Un should be somehow stopped, but we can not do it at the expenses of the life of thousands of Peaceful North Korean people...

Even the most evil dictator is no reason to share innocend blood.

Glad to see you motivated and keeping busy , keep working hard on your projects ! Steem will always be here waiting for you to show us your results :D @lukewearechange

Thanks for posting this! I posted earlier asking if this is all a distraction. I'm now following.

Both is fuck and suck

Believe what you will, that's freedom I suppose. And a marginal distrust of government is generally healthy. However I've been to S. Korea and visited several N. Korean state run businesses all over Asia, where the employees are kept in compounds on the site of the businesses and never allowed to leave.

Their families are "watched" lest they try to flee. This shit is no joke, and not a good fodder for constructing wild conspiracies. Stalin did a terrible thing once upon a time by creating a massive propaganda campaign that launched that whole damn family into "godhood" in the eyes of their populace. A slow poison we're really starting to feel the effects of.

As for good things? Sadly, their aren't many. The food I suppose. And very beautiful landscapes no one is safe to go enjoy, lest they be labeled a spy and imprisoned.

This poor quality of life is part of the reasons employees abroad in other Asian nations are kept so isolated... so far as they know what's outside of those doors is no better (or worse) than what they face at home. And they're allowed no opportunity to discover otherwise.

It's tragic, and the more sanctions we lump on the more the populace (not Kim) suffer. Because people who believe their leader is a god will suffer any injustice he lumps down on them. </3

Thanks Luke!

Excellent post on the NK situation.

It's laughable to think that NK threatens the US. Especially considering the US military presence in SK, Japan, Guam, the Philippines, etc. and selling weapons to Taiwan and Vietnam.

Does NK have hundereds of US bases on the doorstep or off the coast of the United States?

Does NK conduct annual military exercises mimicking an invasion and nuclear bombing runs?

Another important consideration here is the China Containment strategy and the Pivot towards the pacific from US military.

John Pilger recently released the documentary:

The Coming War on China

I highly recommend this film.

Here's and interview with Pilger, worth your consideration.

China and Russia are correct. America is the biggest meatflower in the world.

The best description I've heard of N Korea is that it is a hostage situation where everyone (including all of the leadership) is a hostage.

I don't think that N Korea is suicidal, that said, I do think they are unreasonably sure of themselves. Trump is a massive wild card and he WILL overreact to any real attack on the USA (which to be honest is probably the right move). I am in no way concerned that the N Koreans will attack the US, but a city is a large buy in on that bet. If N Korea attacks the US, our best bet is to end the war instantaneous because any other action will force china to get involved resulting in WW3 and the destruction of the modern world.

China is playing double agent. They want the US to start a war so they can get involved end consequently take the US's place as top economy.

News the bigges lei
Good post you

Upvoted. I'm going to resteem this now :]

Makasi for the information .. i am happy to see this news .. hopefully we can be friends with good .. follow me @kingsteem .. i beg

No follow me first!

Really nice post ---added to that [Senior American officials sent mixed signals on North Korea on Wednesday as President Trump’s “fire and fury” warning rattled allies and adversaries alike, a sign of his administration’s deep divisions as the outcast state once again threatened to wage nuclear war on the United States.] !!!

It shouldn't be just "no war against north korea"
it should be NO MORE WARS FOR ISRAEL !

C'mon landing on the moon is still controversial, the technology they had back then and now is impossible to compare.
They can do lots of fake things now, more efficiently and more convincingly​.

I watched the VICE documentary on North Korea a few years ago where Shane Smith wandered around for a while with a military escort. It was surreal and creepy, but the people seemed okay. Maybe brainwashed a little, but the solution to that is information. I think sanctions aren't going to work, just hurt the people. And if it gets bad enough in North Korea, South Korea will probably be the ones who get the fallout (hopefully not literally).

This post has received a 5.56 % upvote from @minnowhelper thanks to: @eutectico. For more information, click here!

If you search out North Korea documentaries, there is a complete eye opener about that place.

I've watched plenty of them and they are very interesting.

I do not support North Korea "at all", but I understand why they act the way they do... it's just miscommunication, misunderstanding, and not a lot of compassion.

It's all about ego and military. It should be about talking, and negotiating better.

It's an awful mess, it never should have reached this point, yet it is still escalating and won't stop.

Looks like all the big companies jumping on the blockchain train and after that I think many smaller companies will do as well. I have a friend he is working on a blockchain for HRS Hotel Reservation Service. It is very cool to see what blockchain technology is doing for the world and how quick it grows.
THE WORLD IS GOING BLOCKCHAIN thanks for sharing this info have a nice day and Steem on :)

I really appreciate independent channels and posts like these, we are living in the generation of false realities force fed to us by the media. The public refuse to wake up because from our youth on we are taught to believe without questioning. Your organization is one of few that see the light n spread it. Keep the good poats coming.✊

Great post

really good video, Luke. Yet again proving that it is not all what it seems under the surface, there is always something more to than what they tell us-is going on. And trust me WWIII would be bad for everyone. It is not as if everyone in the world has a hidden nuclear bunker that they can slither away to.

Wow! That video on facial manipulation is wild. The technology is still a little "rough" but in a few years, how are you going to be able to tell the difference? Scary stuff.

This is to me a very interesting subject, as I follow this mather several times daily, but yes if you take away everything fed to you by the news regarding north korea, we actually dont know anything, except that their leader is somewhat an arrogant psycho according to their own media, unless kim is the real prisoner and the media over there rules it? who knows.

War is crap, no one wishes for it, but in someway I believe trump is on the right path, instead of sidelining and dont care like alot of the other world leaders and former president, trump actually cares by taking action (well alot of words anyway)

What is most worrying is latest statement by China saying they will defend northkorea if US attacks first, but stay neutral if north korea attacks first WTF?!?!?

Im pretty sure North Korea now has at least very alarming weapons for no good reason. and im wondering why the world just have been ok with this for so long.

Find out what that country is so angry about, there must be something that the public is not told, and there must be a reason for that behaviour.
if it is really just because of 1 person (kim) then make a world leader vote on what the outcome should be.

This is ridiculously stupid from time to time.

just my oppinion anways, good topic to put on and good post. look like my little brother.

There are no false flags's all in the open now. If you can decipher the fake news it still doesn't matter. What the hell is anybody going to do about it?

They don't care what anyone's their game and they are winning. North Korea is merely a pawn on the board and will remain so until they decide to remove it from the game.

If they didn't want North Korea to have weapons of mass destruction then they wouldn't have them. If they want the world to believe that they have them, when in fact they do not, (none of us are privy to the truth) then they will do everything in their power to do so.

The military industrial complex are the terrorists. The warnings have gone out for decades and this just feeds into the centuries old divide and conquer stratagem. The pieces keep moving. Notice there isn't so much noise about terrorism anymore?

They change the strategy of the game when they see fit to do so. They have no intention of flipping the board. They now make obscene amounts of money just moving the pieces around and changing the narrative.

Just an opinion.


                    ~may all hatred cease...and let there be peace~

Who ever thinks they get the real news & truth from the main stream media should be ashamed and spanked!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I think they (the regime) are scared and not thinking correctly. Not a fan of Trump, but he scares people. Instead of the US walking on eggshells for other nations, it is the other way around. Not saying I like his methods, but it is driving NK into South Korea waiting arms. If the South can just get an in with their soft power it could be a poison flower for that cult that calls itself a nation.

Most news nowadays are play on stage. Their are reports that some news agency staging bomb attack in Iraq.