Right now the media is promoting all kinds of conspiracy theories about Trump's corona case.
In the video above, I break down the lies, misinformation and hypocrisy coming from the MSM about Trump's health and the pandemic in general.
Have a watch.
I've gotta warn you this is not for the faint of heart.
This Saturday I along with my Green Beret mentor will be putting on a 24-hour survival training
That starts Saturday October 10, 2020 in the woods in New Hampshire.
It is your last chance this year to train with my Green Beret mentor.
You will camp out overnight in the woods in a shelter you will build.
And if you want...
You will learn how to catch and butcher and animal. Which you will then eat (All optional)
This is an intensive training that will leave you ready to not only survive, but to thrive, if s**t hits the fan and you need to bug out into the wilderness away from the world's problems.
You will also collect and filter water, learn to render first aid and go through self-defense drills and get range time.
Learn more about this last chance training and reserve your spot here.

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