You know what's scarier than a Patriot Prayer Trump supporter being shot twice in the street in Portland
And assassinated by someone who announced he is 100% Antifa
Who allegedly took a loaded gun to protests previously.
The scarier thing is that this is just the beginning. This kind of violence is going to keep happening.
In the video above, I go over what we know about the Portland shooting suspect and the huge propaganda effort to confuse you about what's happening.
But I also go over the bigger picture. Which is that the pendulum is being pushed even further.
As part of an effort the establishment is perpetrating on us.
Which is being aided by the Media and especially CNN lying to classify riots as protests and dividing people so that they fight even more.
And now we have cheers and celebration after the Portland shooting
Plus other events in the last few days like stabbing sprees cause people need to attack whites and other crazy people also shooting at Trump supporters.
Yep, the MSM are the ones sewing the division, fuelling the fire and excusing violence and encouraging it.
Which can all be summed up in THIS SHIRT that you've gotta get and wear to help others understand what's going on and stop this madness.

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