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in news •  8 years ago 

Seriously, Sean...enough with the myth that Trump is some sort of knight in shining armor...he's as corrupt and as Zionist-owned as they come. This whole charade of him being the underdog who's constantly attacked by the fakestream media in order to vilify him and the inconceivable notion that he is, somehow, fighting the "good fight" is beyond laughable. Have your minds become so fluoridated that you have overlooked the FACT that he has reneged in every single one of his campaign promises and he is on the road to start WW3 in service of his Zionist masters? The only promise he has kept was more ass-kissing for Israel (surprise, surprise!) and still I find so-called "truthers" with their heads so far up Trump's ass that they even have the gall to say that he is a good guy playing 4D chess and he has the best interest of "we the people"...enough, Sean...seriously,'re ruining any credibility you have by staying on the Trump bandwagon...go back to reality and start calling things as they were duped into electing another liar-in-chief and the Rothschilds have gotten the better of you again.

At least we, in the Middle East, who are suffering at the hands of your shadow governments represented by your criminals-in-chief, have the logic and common sense to know when we see a despot in sheep's clothes (we have a lot of those here, thanks to US foreign policies, if you didn't know) and now that we're putting up the good fight standing against Western hegemony in the form of a global alliance of shared interests (Russia, China, Iran, Iraq and Hezbollah) we feel freer than ever...the irony is you guys have succumbed into another 4-year self-induced coma.

Good luck.

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Not enough Americans realize that the US and other western countries like the UK and Israel have been funding the paid mercenaries named ISIS. I think Trump is up against the deep state who wants to continue these wars for the preservation of the petrodollar and the military industrial complex. John McCain is part of the deep state war mongering faction thus his fierce opposition to him on almost everything. My heart hurts for all of the innocent people that have died in the middle east and the lives and beautiful cities that were destroyed in Libya and Syria. Clinton was at the heart of the regime change and genocide in Libya. Russia has been the stabilizing force over in Syria that is why the deep state is hell bent on making them the enemy. I am adopting a wait and see position on Trump, things are not always as they appear. However, my eyes are wide open on this.

We may not know each other but nothing breaks my heart more than seeing an innocent soul get hurt on this earth especially when the perpetrators are portraying themselves as beacons of truth, freedom and whichever mythical virtue the Western hegemonic states bestow upon themselves. I don't know you in person but I wish you and all American citizens (assuming you are one, that is) nothing but peace and coexisting but here's where things get sticky...the people of the entire world cannot sit by for another minute, let-alone 4 more years, of Americans waking up to the fact that they elected another puppet...I mean you no disrespect but the difference between us is that when I make a mistake it affects my country only (I'm Lebanese, by the way) but when Americans make a mistake it spells horrific death, debt, destruction and mayhem across the planet so you can imagine why we don't have the luxury of "waiting and seeing", my friend.

We've had enough of American meddling in our affairs and reaping nothing but death at every corner; I also respectfully advise you to take things more seriously since from where we stand, Trump just backed the head of Wahhabi terrorism, Saudi Arabia, provoked the Syrians and the Russians from behind them and he also "blessed" the attack in Tehran that is the main proponent of anti-ISIS operations in the ME.

The above are but a few examples of how Trump is just another puppet and how we see things here since we're the ones who have to deal with this hypocrisy first-hand.

Peace...seriously, peace.

We are all being played by the powers that be, and that includes so-called "Judeo-Christianity"; which is an oxymoron since there is nothing in common between Talmudism and the true faith, in Christ (Yahshua Messiah). This nation (meaning race, kindred, family) started out as a European experiment, based on God's Law. We excelled when we followed that premise. Now, that we have turned our backs on Him, He has allowed the 'dogs' to rule over us, His Children (House of Jacob-Israel). The Zionists are the imposters (Rev. 2:9). When the sons of Adam (Caucasians who believe in the Father), come to their senses and throw off this idea that man came make new law, and get back to following our Creators laws; we can overcome all of this madness. The first and foremost thing to do is de-throne, and de-fund ALL Talmudist and exile them to some remote island where they can no longer hurt any of mankind. Once they are out of the way, the rest of us can work on the issues at hand and resolve them quickly, to the benefit of all. Remember, the 'love' of money, is the root of ALL evil.

As a person coming from a family of mixed faiths (Christians and Muslims) and a country where this is very normal, I can assure you that I have nothing but the utmost respect for Christianity and I hold in very high reverence what you just mentioned above as we both share a similar view with regards to the "Synagogue of Satan". The world has suffered enough at the hands of these Zionist criminals and their perversions trying to defile all Abrahamic faiths and twist people's minds to adhere to their sick version of a pedophilia-stricken world where people idolize devil-worshiping "celebrities" and the Zionists rule supreme. This is one of the most important reasons why I take pride in the fact that Lebanon has defeated the Satanic, Zionist state of Israel and humiliated it not once but twice already (2000 and 2006) with the impending final third blow not very far behind.

Together, we can defeat these monsters; they are nothing but pathetic old farts wearing makeup and cloaks while playing around in their make-believe fantasies about worshiping Satan and manipulating the money supply which is indeed the root of all evil.

Peace and Love.