Pres. Donald Trump TWEETs on SYRIA attack back in 2013

in news •  7 years ago 


What is the reason behind his Strike in 2018 ?
What did you think about his decision?

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@muizzy14. Awesome job putting this together... I was shocked to hear the news myself because we know had just announced to be pulling troops out of Syria a week and a half ago before he just bombed them now. I wrote a post on this issue as I couldn't understand myself, but with some research, it looks like Trump announced to leave because he knew the deepstate and ISIS would do another false flag chemical attack, which allows them to identify these players as they need to be active to orchestrate the attack... Trump, Russia and Syria worked together to target non-Syrian facilities! We'll see if this is actually true but check out my post and let me know what you think!

OK I will, thanks for sharing your opinion on this