Avocados are toxic to almost every other animal except humans.

in news •  4 years ago 

Avocado contains a toxin called persin, but only certain species of animals are poisoned by persin. While dogs and cats are rarely affected by persin, avocado poisoning can be deadly to birds and large animals (such as cows, goats, sheep). The bigger risk to dogs and cats is a foreign body obstruction in the esophagus, stomach, or intestinal tract if part or all of a large avocado seed is swallowed. Pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas) is also possible due to the high fat content in avocados.

Pet birds, including canaries, parakeets, cockatiels, and large parrots, should never be fed avocado as they are extremely susceptible to persin. Signs of poisoning in birds include inability to perch, difficulty breathing, fluid accumulation around the bird’s heart and lungs, liver and kidney failure, and sudden death.


Ruminants and horses can also develop toxicity if they ingest enough avocados or avocado plant leaves. Ingestion can result in mastitis (inflammation of the mammary glands), swelling of the mouth, head, neck, or chest, and damage to the heart with potential for death.

i wonder how many times a normal adult gets food poisoning. most animals would die from the weird stuff we eat and do with food.

edit: i look at all the comments under my stupid comment and either im sad you are all wasting electricity and time or im really happy you are sharing your thoughts and interests and passions, connecting as human beings. i guess it all depends in how you treat each other, be kind, my comment offspring, grow, multiply.

The chilli cheese fries from a certain place gave me the worst food poisoning I’d ever experienced. I woke up the next day feeling like my stomach had a massive lead weight in it squeezing its way through my intensities. Every hour I’d wake up to that pain until I could finally take a dump and let it out for that instance. Rinse and repeat for two days.

And it's just... not good. Fast food is more expensive than regular food partially because you can't reproduce it. The average person can't make fries as good as mcdonalds or chicken as good as KFC. But subway is just non-fresh ingredients between two slices of bread. That's fucking it. You can go to the supermarket and make the same thing 4x cheaper and probably nicer since it'll be fresh.

Worked at subway. That thing all the food sits in is cooled. Very cooled. The bottom layer of stuff would frequently freeze in fact. Temp taking to ensure food safety was a thing, and they took food rotation seriously. Nothing would sit for days.

Now whether it taste good... have at it. It’s not a very good sub, I agree—but it’s not a greater food poisoning risk than any other restaurant.

Well, they're not fine... they're just not dead yet. Humans can eat parasites and be fine for months or years, and then we start dying. Or we have symptoms that impact our lives and we start looking for what's wrong with us.

Animals just aren't expected to live that long, or be too bothered by slight upsets, which is why we look at them and think they're fine. Their quality of life is shit.

They really wouldn't. Dogs are living the most pampered lives dogs have ever lived as a whole. Truth is, most people do take care of animals at near or better levels than they do themselves, at least in western countries. High quality food. Exercise. Climate control. So many dogs are living the most stress free, high quality existence... there really isn't anything else to account for when it comes to increasing life span. Sure, true working dogs in harsh environments might not live as long as their posh middle class dog cousin near the city, but that pet dog is doing about as well as is possible.

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