HEADLINES: Tuesday, October 10th, 2017 - Northern California Wildfires, PureVPN Privacy Fail, Russian Patent To Make Rare Minerals From Nuclear Waste, and More

in news •  7 years ago 

Alternative Media

Daily Show Creator Slams Obama And Clinton For Silence On Weinstein
Matt Damon called 'spineless profiteer who stays silent' by Harvey Weinstein victim Rose McGowan
Trump Proposes IQ Test With Tillerson To Find Out Who Is The Real Moron
Curfew Enforced As Looters Ransack Homes In Sonoma County; Death Toll In NorCal Fires Climbs To 11
James O’Keefe Busts James Comey’s Purported ‘Godson,’ Video Editor at New York Times
CBS Bemoans Loosening Energy Regs, Glorifies China’s Green Energy
Russia Signals Move to Require US Broadcasters to Register as ‘Foreign Agents’
CNS News
New FBI Crime Stats Show ‘White Privilege’ Might Not Be America’s Biggest Problem
REAL NEWS (1st HOUR) Tue - 10/10/17 • Alex Jones Infowars • News & Analysis
David Knight speaks with Whistleblowing Logger in California about Wildfires
Infowars / YouTube / Real News with David Knight

Alternative Media Section II

Is Facebook Spinning Out of Control?
Political Wire
Trump Threatens NFL Tax Breaks In Early-Morning Tweetstorm
Unimaginable Cruelty
Trump Picks On Jemele Hill After She Suggested Cowboys Advertiser Boycott
Texas Tech Student Fatally Shot Campus Police Officer After Drugs Found in His Room
Rep. Dent: ‘More Of My Colleagues Should Speak Up’ Against Trump
10 Dead and 2,000 Homes Destroyed in Northern California Fires
Bannon: ‘We’re Declaring War On The Republican Establishment’

Mainstream Media

As deadly fires ravage California wine country, officials are ‘preparing for further fatalities’
The Washington Post
Donald Trump's IQ obsession, in 22 quotes
The Trump White House’s dangerously authoritarian response to criticism
The Washington Post
Trump May Visit DMZ Between North and South Korea: Yonhap
U.S. News
Congress needs to exercise war power to handle North Korea
The Hill
Texas Tech shooter was too young to have gun under campus carry law, police say
Fox News
Iranian nuclear chief warns US: Don’t undermine nuclear deal
The Washington Post
After monthslong search, man charged with shoving stranger onto CTA subway tracks
Chicago Tribune
Las Vegas gunman shot security guard minutes before massacre, police say
The Washington Post

Steem #News

Anon Bulgaria Returns, Hacks Azerbaijani Embassy - Selling Data for 1 BTC
WHAAAT?? ?? IS BTCGOLD A SCAM? Top 5 Sale Cryptocurrencies TODAY! ???
Future of Interstellar Travel; A Look on Solar Wind Crafts
Authorities In Florida Threaten Health Blogger With Jail Time And Fines
PURE SCIENCE GOLD! Russian Team's Patent For MAKING Rare Chemical Elements (inc. Gold & Platinum) Scientifically in Industrial Quantities Using Bacteria & Nuclear Waste! An End To the Gold/Platinum Markets?
It's An Amazing World After All...
PureVPN, which previously claimed it didn't record logs, actually provides logs as evidence to the FBI on request
Warning!!! How Social Media Is Spreading Fake News

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It stands to the everlasting credit of science that by acting on the human mind it has overcome man's insecurity before himself and before nature.

- Albert Einstein

Been seeing the California fire, about 200 injured and 15 dead. Hope it calms down seeing as they people have lost more than life, some of them lost their property and items. Thoughts and prayer be with them

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