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in news •  6 years ago  (edited)

I'm getting more and more tired of Sean's inability to properly vet his interviewees and call out the truly big fish in the stories he covers..

(And by the way, I am not saying this to be "an enemy of truth" as Sean likes to call it, but rather to be a friend of real truth instead of a friend of misdirection, distraction, and emotionally driven deception. We all ALREADY know that child and human trafficking occurs. What we need to do now is not just continue to gasp at the horrors and feed the pockets of those telling us it occurs, but instead identify the big fish that are doing this. This above video has NOTHING to do with real research and identifying the big fish involved in it.)

Let's take as an example the Craig "Sawman" Sawyer and Tucson trafficking camp videos from Sean. He loves to push stories like this because they are emotionally laden for a lot of viewers which gets him views and donations, but very low on hard facts, very inconsequential to addressing the real pedo and human trafficking dealers (including intelligence agencies and other corrupt government and military agencies), and involving very sketchy interviewees that Sean never seems to do any background checks on. (And mind you this isn't the first time for this behavior. I could call out a number of previous examples.)

So let's have a closer look at Craig Sawyer. As mentioned above, Sawyer used to work closely with the Clintons, John McCain, and Donald Rumsfeld providing them protection services. In addition he's about as MSM/Hollywood as you can get. Sawyer was also on TV after the Las Vegas Shooting promoting that it was Democratic anti-gun lobbyists in the US rather than a highly skilled intelligence operation. By the way, Sawyer's net worth is around $18 million.. but I'm sure he just happens to be a very successful retired Navy Seal. In my humble opinion, he's appears to be part of just another agency op to misdirect, distract, divide, and conquer while real criminals and evidence are ignored.

Even if these guys did call out an old, out of use trafficking camp, it's just an emotionally-laden misdirection. This story is in my view far more about a regular Pizzagate distraction for the "eternal-Trump-chumps" waiting for the Donald to "round them all up" rather than about getting any genuine child trafficking investigations moving. In addition, it's appears to be about self-promotion and donations for Sawyer's so-called charity as is implied in the video below:

And it's very likely just part of the "Hyper-Normalization of Non Linear Informational Warfare" theater that is regularly being used to screw with us:

Meanwhile, Trump pulled in Stephen Feinberg as the head of his Whitehouse intelligence advisory board, the owner of the infamous DynCorp corporation that was caught trafficking children for sex.. So why isn't Sean ever mentioning such facts? At some point, one has to ask..

We are totally being played with distractions to keep us from looking at the "big fish" in the swamp that Trump is swimming with as well. They are constantly throwing us "old fish scales" like the Tucson camp and the promise of catching big fish like the Clintons, yet all the while they are running business as usual while the swamp is being prepared for its further expansion.

I'm now convinced that the VAST majority of alternative media that are in it for their livelihood and/or have a widely published internet/social media presence are compromised in one way or another and part of the distraction. They are either unknowing dupes or they are COINTELPRO types. We therefore need to be INCREDIBLY CAREFUL and vet everyone well that we take any information from. In addition, we need to start promoting genuine truth tellers that are doing great research and that aren't afraid to call out the big fish and ESPECIALLY THOSE with connections to Trump and his swamp Whitehouse and cabinet.

Are you listening Sean? You always say no one controls you.. start proving it..

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I've got alot I've got to do today, so let me be brief.

CONCERNING >>> Trump, "Q", Thousands of Sealed Indictments regarding the pedos ...
The FACT IS....
If Trump was so great and/or better than Hillary, as Sean says....
WHY, is it that ½ of the US Congressional Candidates for the Democratic Party are cia/ex-cia?
WHY hasn't all of these indictments/arrests/charges been done BEFORE the month of June before nominations/primary elections/party conventions are completed, BEFORE the November Mid-term elections?

The FACT is, the democratic constitutional process is NOW completely compromised!!!
IF large scale indictments/arrests/charges are carried out now, Trump & Co. will be accused of meddling in the elections, and, risks definite impeachment and/or a public outcry to resign.
And if not, it's the same sad story as always.
Same shit regardless who says what.

Keep-your eye-on-the ball.
The puppet masters have you all looking in the wrong direction.
As they continue to consolidate their total control over the masses.

Now to my garden work...

Here's a source for my comment above visavi cia:
" An extraordinary number of former intelligence and military operatives from the CIA, Pentagon, National Security Council and State Department are seeking nomination as Democratic candidates for Congress in the 2018 midterm elections. The potential influx of military-intelligence personnel into the legislature has no precedent in US political history.
If the Democrats capture a majority in the House of Representatives on November 6, as widely predicted, candidates drawn from the military-intelligence apparatus will comprise as many as half of the new Democratic members of Congress. They will hold the balance of power in the lower chamber of Congress"