Were Dr Christine Blasey Ford's lawyers playing politics instead of serving their client?

in news •  6 years ago 

Dr Christine Blasey Ford said she was unaware that the Senate Judiciary Committee had offered to go to California and interview her privately.

I found that unbelievable as the offer had been all over the media.

But then I thought maybe she was avoiding watching the media coverage of the issue.

So then I thought - what about her lawyers?

It seems her lawyers did not communicate to her clearly that she had the opportunity of being interviewed in California in a private session. Otherwise she would have answered that she new it was an option.

Which makes me ask - were Dr Christine Blasey Ford's lawyers more interested in playing politics then their client? If your client wanted the issue kept private and was scared of flying - how could you not make her aware that she had the option of being interviewed in California in private instead of flying to Washington for a public hearing?

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Read this article - it answers my question

"Professor Christine Blasey Ford may well have been betrayed and victimized by her own attorneys, who are Democratic activists with a record of fierce opposition to President Trump."