NOTICE!!! GAMES SUSPENDED UNTIL @SadKitten Stops Flagging Us

in news •  7 years ago 

Open Letter to @SadKitten / @transisto / @personz

Hi guys,

I can see what you are trying to do, and while I can see the good intentions and need for such a bot, I don't agree that the correct abusers will be targeted. However, that is a debate for another day.

The reason for this letter is to implore you to look into the mechanics and happenigns behind @PlayDice and consider removing it from your flaglist.

Why Would you do that?

The self-votes that @PlayDice makes (and all the other votes that the game posts receive) are paid out to other steemians.

  • @PlayDice itself isn't even eligible to win SOME of those payouts back.
  • In addition @BraaiBoy spends a few pennies out of his pocket on extra bots to upvote each game which also goes to Steemians that played the game.

Long story short:
I can't change the code quickly enough to stop these self-votes, so I have halted the game posts entirely until we can chat and come to a resolution. If I don't do that, the negative ROI will be even bigger than the pennies that it is now, and the game will die a natural death.

Please hit me up on discord #BraaiBoy4913 so that we can chat, or let's have an open chat here in the comments below.

Looking forward to resolving this.


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Glad this got sorted!

Hi @braaiboy, actually the threshold for flagging was set too low this time, you have been removed in any case. You are still a pretty high ROI self voter compared with all accounts on the platform, but not high enough to meet our flagging targets.

Hi @personz, Thanks for getting back to me, and thanks for removing @playdice from the list... even if it is not for the reasons that it should actually be excluded from the downvotes.

Please reach out to me on discord #BraaiBoy4913 so that we can agree on something more final and permanent.

I didn't remove @playdice from the list on your request, it was removed before I even read your posts, there were just a few hours where the list wasn't cut short enough which was my mistake. @playdice was still within the top 100 most optimal self voters.

I'm happy to talk here, what else do you want to discuss?

Hi @personz,

Nobody said you removed it at my request... In fact I think I said the opposite.

What I'm trying to do is start a dialogue where you will consider actually removing @playdice on purpose because the self-votes that you and your bot deem "bad" are in this instance not, and worthy of an exception. Is this something that you are willing to look into?

There is no point trying to reason with these guys, they think self voting 100s of dollars a day is acceptable and self voting 2 cents a day is a flaggable offence, according to some very poorly thought out utopian idea based on a percentage algo.

They are harming steemit because minnows have a tendancy to vote with a higher percentage because they have less money.

They are indirectly attacking new steemians / minnows.

As long as Steem is a stake based blockchain then relative behavior is the best metric. If minnows want high absolute self voted rewards (still a very cynical attitude) then they should buy more STEEM and power it up. It's called "skin in the game".

Most minnows come here to "EARN" some STEEM. They don't have any money to power up! This is what attracts most people, like it says on the homepage ~ "Your voice is worth something ~ Get paid for good content".

Relative behaviour is not the best metric if you do not consider how it will affect new Steemians to a higher percentage (New Steemians are the future of Steemit, without them it will fail).

Why not put a "age of account less than 1 year = not included in @sadkitten algo "

By doing this you will give minnows a chance to make some money first & learn your laws/rules.

"Get paid for good content" is not the same as "Pay yourself for good content". The tag line implies that it is by garnering the interest of others that you get paid, just like how it works literally everywhere.

You're also forgetting that minnow accounts are used in farming scams, and new accounts are being created every hour to scam. So it doesn't make any sense to only look at accounts that are at least a year old.

Again, all anyone has to do is not self vote their account all the time, very frequently. Simple. Do you realize how few accounts we actually flag? Compared with the entire ecosystem it's a fraction of a fraction. It's clear that this is just personal for you rather than looking out for any minnows.

We don't make exceptions. It's the only way to achieve fairness.

Hi @personz,

We're gonna have to agree to disagree. I fail to see how taking rewards away random Steemians is in any way "fair".

I enjoyed this game a lot. I hope you can solve this problem !
/ @Minimining

Hi @minimining, games will be resuming today... thanks for the support.