The Truth About The Culture War, Antifa And The Alt Right

in news •  7 years ago  (edited)

Never before has America been so politically divided!

"Alt right" nationalists are clashing with "alt left" socialists because both sides of the political spectrum have spiraled way down their very own ideological echo chambers!

In this video

Dan Dicks of Press For Truth breaks down the left right divide, how it's gotten to this point and more importantly what we can do about it!

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All this Antifa and similar things are coming from people living in dellusion that violence will change something. It never did and it never would. How about this guys instead of rioting go to poor neighborhood to plant some trees and grow food for poor people?...would that be more productive or rioting?

Thanks Dan. Is the Quebec trip to visit the camps happening?

It's important to remember that the Far-Left and Far-Right comprise a very small minority of the US population. They just happen to be the most vocal and demand a lot of cable-news coverage.

The vast majority of America rejects both white supremacy and Antifa violence.

Yes, but there is an issue in the way Antifa is shown by mainstream media to be virtuous ("peace through violence" according to CNN) while the other people they fight are pure evil. This can't be good when the definition of "white supremacist" seems to include anybody against SJW ideology.

I agree with both of your comments. The media has such a profound impact on peoples perceptions (well the ones that watch it and believe it blindly at least). That's why its so important for us to encourage people to turn off their tv, and start to read, and really think about things using logic.

the media is the biggest problem in America right now

I agree, mass mind manipulation.

Id argue that it's those that believe media propaganda that is the problem. Those that see and understand it for what it is can easily tune it out. It doesn't make it any less frustrating to see it though 🙁

yeah i agree with you man, following you now

They don't demand it, more like the media likes to put them in your face is the most likely thing.

Thanks for the news update

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I also think that mass media is quite apocalyptic. Not sure if they do it to keep our minds busy or just because sensationalism is their business model.

(...) in a free market employers and workers voluntarily work together for their mutual profit. It is only when government intervenes in the economy that crony capitalists have the opportunity to exploit workers, consumers and taxpayers.

A free market elevates money over individual identity. Those who have the most money are the most capable of making more money, so power slowly centralizes towards the richest families, who can create cartels to force workers agree their conditions. Economy scale also enforces centralization.

Can you really negotiate the price of medicines for example? Will anyone choose to die because the price of the pills he needs is too expensive?

Market regulations are necessary for guarantee individual rights. Of course it is difficult to determine what is the optimum range of regulation.

Great job breaking down how the Hegelian Dialectic is repetitively used to keep people invested in the cycle of statism. Understanding the tactic of Problem-Reaction-Solution aka Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis, plus a simple understanding of Divide and Conquer strategies is fundamental to understanding how governments control the psychology of their citizenries.

People really need to stop underestimating the enemy. The people at the very top have done their homework, and they are using their knowledge against us every day. It's about time we arm ourselves with the necessary knowledge before it's too late to fight back.

I don't know what it is that you are saying but I find myself agreeing with you

I didn't find myself yet but I think I'm getting close...

Very sad, responsibility to political leaders.

Responsibility is to citizens, to let a government dictate what is acceptable or not. We the people should wake up, and take back the control of our life.

REally like your channel and videos man I subbed a few weeks back on youtube as well. I watched that booberry scene lol it was pretty silly.

Corporate television hard at work brain washing the simple minded .
The state does as it likes as long as the people are divided .

Just remember Far-Left and Far-Right are both Authoritarian

just discovered your youtube channel, outstanding

The left /marxist/communists, are in their final endgame of one world government. It always had to come to this, at some point. We are at the point.
There is no going back, for this mentally ill ideology.
Go back to where?
The left have the big money to fund all the crazy cultural marxism, to twist peoples brains to reality. The extreme right are just useful idiots, controlled opposition, to give the left validity.

I think they have made their push a generation too early, and it will fail.
Which is excellent new, because failure now, is pretty absolute, and this sick paradigm will be pushed out of mainstream thinking for generations to come, if looked , through history, as a sick experiment, neve, ever to be repeated.
'The middle', the common sense people, are saying 'no'. and that's all it takes- numbers.
And 'we' ,have the numbers...

I think you're right on the money here Dan, the real narrative is to watch the magicians hand, not what he doing. They seem to always have one thing or another to keep the masses occupied while real agenda takes place behind the seen. This is no different from any of the rest.

And the answer remains the same. We must remove these tyrants from their positions of power, and mitigate the authority of Statists.

Rule by force is the disease, who and how are symptoms.

'The press' has historically done everything they could to suppress freedom, it isn't any wonder that folks don't trust you.

The blacbloc is absolutely correct that cameras can only be used against them, stay away with cameras, if you want to report without taking a stance, put on your mask, watch what happens, and report the truth as you saw it.

Until you do, they are correct, you are just reinforcing the opposition's position by speaking from place of ignorance.

That puts you on the side of slavery, and not freedom.

Just read an article from A woman on business in Charlotteville eating in a restaurant the day of the event describes seeing bus loads of BLM and KKK coming out of the buses together storming the restaurant. She with others, including children try to escape thru the back door and are corralled by police who wont let them run to safety. So I say this is all orchestrated by George Soros, the Clintons! Etc....the swamp who want control and marshal law. Very scary and sad to see Americans pitted against each by this mega creep and his followers. Rioters paid by Soros..see articles on craiglist offering $25/hr to protest.

The direction our country is headed in is scary at best. I live in Knoxville, TN. It's not a big town... It's a self-proclaimed scruffy college town (really a city). This weekend we are having THREE protests downtown. Alt-right, alt-left.... and a bunch of libertarians to protesting both groups. My plan is to stay the f*** away from all of it. Just to make things worse, there is a Lego convention downtown the same day. The police are advising to make sure there are no children near downtown this weekend... Just when I think I may live in one of the safest cities in the world...

The Weaponization Of Culture - Everything Can And Will Be Used Against You

At the fourth Culture Summit of the US Army Training and Doctrine Command in April 2010, Major General David Hogg, head of the Adviser Forces in Afghanistan, proposed that the US military think of “culture as a weapon system.” The military, Hogg asserted, needs to learn the culture of the lands where it is deployed and use that knowledge to fight its enemies along with more conventional armaments. This conceptual and perhaps literal “weaponization of culture” continues a trend that began with the US invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. Endorsed at the highest level by General David Petraeus, which at the time was head of Central Command, the Pentagon unit in charge of the greater Middle East, the idea of culture as a weapon grows out of the “‘gentler’ approach” to America’s post-September 11 wars adopted after the departure of Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.

Anyways, this specific topic of "Weaponizing Culture" from this summit was referring mostly to overseas conflicts such as Iraq & Afghanistan, but it doesn't take much imagination to see that it has been taken much further then that, and is being used on us back here at home. Western culture, over the years has become just as weaponized (if not more so) then the regions of the world that are seen as active conflict zones. Everything that can be used against us, is being used against us, and everything with a positive side to it that actually helps the people, is being co-opted and controlled to limit those positive aspects, and interchange them with as many negatives as possible. This spans across all aspects of our daily life, from government, to money, to food, to weather, to religion, to language, to education, to health, to tv and media, and even ideas... hell even emergency preparation (drills) now go live half the damn time... again something designed to help and serve us, is instead being used to hurt us... there is literally no aspect left untouched. If it doesn't exist and is needed, then they create it. If it does exist, then they try to control it. If it can't be controlled, they attempt to co-opt it. If it can't be co-opted, it is contained or limited. If it can't be contained or limited then it is destroyed... and if it is something that can't easily be destroyed (such as an idea), then it is simply demonized and targeted.

Look around you, your entire culture has been shaped into a weapon... and it is pointed at you from all angles. Silent weapons, for quiet wars.