the benefits of avocado for health - Manfaat buah alpukat bagi kesehatan [ENGLISH/INDONESIA]

in news •  7 years ago 


Avocado is not only delicious, avocado also has a variety of health benefits. Like eye health, bones and can help diet program.

  1. Reducing Arthritis Pain

Avocados can reduce the pain of osteoarthritis especially in the area of the knee. Avocado also contains a chemical compound sponin, the compound can help relieve osteoarthritis pain.

2 . Reduce the risk of cataracts

Avocados have very high phytochemical properties, such as zeaxanthin and Lutein. The content is very good for eye health. And can reduce the risk of eye damage due to violet rays, age and cataracts.

3 . Prevents cancer risk

The content in avocado can also reduce the risk of cancer, such as colon and cervical cancer.

4 . Help the diet program

The content of avocados is high in fiber, low in carbohydrates, and free of sodium. So as to reduce appetite and lose weight slowly.

Hopefully useful 😊


Alpukat tidak hanya lezat, alpukat juga memiliki ragam manfaat bagi kesehatan. Seperti kesehatan mata, tulang dan bisa membantu program diet.

1 . Mengurangi nyeri Arthritis

Alpukat dapat mengurangi nyeri osteoarthritis terutama pada area lutut. Alpukat juga mengandung senyawa kimia sponin, senyawa tersebut dapat membantu meredakan nyeri osteoarthritis.

2 . Mengurangi resiko katarak

Alpukat memiliki kandungan fitokimia yang sangat tinggi, seperti zeaxanthin dan Lutein. Kandungan tersebut sangat bagus untuk kesehatan mata. Dan dapat mengurangi resiko kerusakan mata akibat sinar violet, usia dan katarak.

3 . Mencegah risiko kanker

Kandungan dalam buah alpukat juga bisa mengurangi risiko kanker, seperti kanker usus dan serviks.

4 . Membantu program diet

Kandungan alpukat yang tinggi serat, rendah karbohidrat, dan bebas sodium. Sehingga mengurangi nafsu makan dan menurunkan berat badan secara perlahan.

Semoga bermanfaat 😊

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