What the Media Won't Tell You About Afghanistan

in news •  7 years ago  (edited)

On August 21, 2017, President Donald Trump announced the continuation and expansion of US military intervention in Afghanistan, reminding everyone that 2017 marks the 16th year that the United States has been in the South Central Asian country, making the war in Afghanistan the longest war that America has ever waged, a war that the media claims has "no end in sight", leaving many to wonder if this war is really just about terrorism--which is why today we're going to uncover what the media won't tell us about Afghanistan.

What the Media Won't Tell You About Afghanistan:

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

This video is so amazing. I just wish it wasn't going to fall on so many deaf ears but hey nice try! Who knows, maybe this will be the one to wake people up. I sure hope so.

aaron upvoted 1 small.png

That graphic though! Haha.

Thank you, by the way.

This is a great video! I've just recently found out that approximately 90% of the world's heroin is produced from the poppy fields in Afghanistan and now it makes sense that the US military will never withdraw their troops from there. I assume that a lot of the legal opiate drugs also comes from there. So the big pharma companies benefit just as much from this war as the CIA and other illegal drug traffickers does. Really eye opening! I look forward to your next video

From my understanding, Eurasia gets the majority of its heroin from Afghanistan, while the US gets its heroin from both Mexico and Afghanistan. Very interesting indeed. Thank you!

Oh okay that makes sense. I also recently started reading about the psychedelic drugs like ayahuasca and iboga (ibogaine) which helps tremendously with addictions like with heroin and that really amazed me. But then again why did I expect that the FDA would legalize a drug that would (help) cure people's heroin addictions haha

Very interesting video. It shows how war and political decisions are still framed by financial objectives. It has always been this way. The only difference is that Governments need to lie in order to keep their population's support. Any US President who is pro war will be favored by the military-industrial complex, and thus be reelected.

Some information are really shocking ... I did not know that.

Operation Cyclon amazing how always Learn something I wish to Switch CNN to Grace
Im really bad at Numbers and stuff but what Mr. Trump did was not kill more in MidEast AND Dead Americans soldiers, this sucking America dry - 17 Years and this will kill United States. US economy. I thought Mr. Trump was a Buisness man?
This video, and Black Childs Productions tells Americans not celebrating it

EDIT: dont Blame Afghanistan for 911!