"The average American throws away 4.6 pounds of trash every day."
"The current population of World in 2022 is 7,953,952,567"
4.6 lbs (Average waste per person per day) × 7,953,952,567 (The current population of the world in 2022) = 36,588,181,808.2 (Total daily world waste per day in pounds)
36,588,181,808.2 (Total world waste per day in pounds) ÷ 2,000 (Pounds in ton) = 18,294,090.90 (Total world daily waste in tons)
18,294,090.90 (Total world waste per day in tons) ÷ 2,000 (Amount waste in tons a $250,000,000 PWC can process daily) = 9,147.04 (Total amount of 2,000 tons per day PWC needed to process worlds daily waste)
9,147.04 (Total PWC needed to process worlds daily waste) × $250,000,000 (Cost of a 2,000 ton per day PWC) = $2,286,761,363,012.5 (Total cost of PWC in U.S. dollars)
"A single converter can burn through the waste of 1 million people daily – that’s 2,000 tons of waste per day that would otherwise have been sunk into a landfill.
At a price of $250 million, the converter certainly isn’t cheap, but Longo predicts that at the current cost of landfill a machine would pay itself off in 10 years, proving that clean doesn’t necessarily mean costly."