Cigar-shaped UFOs: Andromeda-Gerät (Andromeda Device)?

in news •  2 years ago 

"He said that he had seen real photographs of UFOs in computer files at the Johnson Space Center Building. He even took a screenshot of one of the cigar-shaped UFOs in-between space and the earth’s atmosphere. Unfortunately, it was removed from his computer after being seized; 3. Interestingly, before releasing any photos, he said that the government used Photoshop to edit out the UFOs from them."

"The Raumschiff was to be called the Andromeda-Gerät (Andromeda Device). Work on two of these massive 139 meter long and 30 meter diameter “flying cigars” probably began with great effort in early 1943 in above ground heavily camouflaged shelters similar to that of the old Zeppelin hangars. These craft were designed to hold both a Haunebu II or IV disc in one large bay with two other smaller Vril 1 or 2 discs in a secondary bay - both accessed from the side of each craft. Each craft was to be crewed by 130 and were to be armored with a quadruple layered Victalen hull. The E-V unit nicknamed them as male and female “Freyr” and “Freya” after the old Norse God and Goddess.

The propulsion systems located at both the fore and aft sections of the Andromeda craft would be beyond the last Haunebu-type Thule Tachyonator 7c drive. These craft were to have four massive power units, two Tachyonator 11 at the front and two at the rear with four additional large SM-Levitator units located in pairs on the top and bottom of each craft which sat on a series of large underbody skids to support the massive weight. It is generally assumed that those engines were of the same EMG (Electro-Magnetic-Gravitic) type but other Allied Intelligence officers believe that they might have been photonic based on witness accounts of one large craft flying with a massive bright light source emitted from the rear. Thule might have simply used the Tachyonator term to describe an evolution of energy drives that might have varied in the latter models. Although designed as an armed vessel with provision for five turrets armed with powerful KSK [Kraftstrahlkanone, or Power Ray Cannon] it is doubtful that any armament actually made it onto either of the two prototypes under construction."

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