Confusion In The Military: U.S Military "compromised" by competing claims of who won the election and who it should take orders from?

in news •  3 years ago 

"As the anniversary of the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol approaches, three retired U.S. generals have warned that another insurrection could occur after the 2024 presidential election and that the military could support it."

"A retired general has warned that another insurrection attempt could succeed in 2024 if "confusion" is successfully sown among U.S military members about who the commander in chief is.

Paul Eaton, a former two-star U.S. Army major general, told NPR about his concerns that the U.S. military might be "compromised" by competing claims of who won the election and who it should take orders from."

"43:22 minute mark – President Trump resigned as the President of the U.S. Inc. Corporation. He had to resign in order to become the President for the United States for America, the restored republic, to be able to indict all the traitors, all the CEOs of the U.S. Corporation (45 minute mark). Over a million to be arrested, as each sealed indictment can contain 99 people. It doesn’t mean each sealed indictment will have this amount of people but some might.

According to Gene Decode on Operation Disclosure, on January 11th, 2021, Trump became the 19th President of Republic. (#18 was Ulysses S. Grant)."

Biden cited Republicans: Trump is still President

"The United States is going back to being a Republic and Donald J Trump will be the first President of the new republic with the Constitution fully intact."

"The president needs to carry a plastic card called the “biscuit” all the time. It contains alphanumeric codes that are used to identify the president who has the sole authority to order a nuclear launch."

"Election attorney Lin Wood claimed this week that former President Donald Trump maintains a secret backchannel to the U.S. military that allows him to order nuclear strikes."

"He won the election," Wood said of Trump. "Donald J. Trump is still the guy the military will call for the code if they need a first strike. Joe Biden is not the president of the United States."

"Multiple sources have told Real Raw News that representatives for Joseph R. Biden telephoned Mar-a-Lago to “beg” for the nation’s nuclear command codes after similar requests to military “White Hat” commanders went unanswered."

"On Wednesday, January 20, 2021, at 12 noon: Checkmate. The United States of America service corporation (“USA Inc.”), owned by the British Crown, will cease to exist. President Donald J. Trump, No. 45, will be the “last” president of USA Inc.

Whether Joe Biden is inaugurated and sworn in, or not, will be of no consequence—since

the U.S. Military will neither recognize the election theft nor the service corporation in which he would be sworn into. Biden will not be president."

Trump Signed Insurrection Act! Imposed Martial Law! He’s Still President! China Joe’s FAKE Regime!

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