HM, King Anthony Santiago Martin: Montauk Quantum Benevolent Intelligence 4-spacetime quantum object of physical matter; a living breathing projection of light, a new governor for America?

in news •  2 years ago 

"Quantum computing is a rapidly-emerging technology that harnesses the laws of quantum mechanics to solve problems too complex for classical computers."

"The QFS is expected to operate on Quantum Benevolent Intelligence with interaction on any financial transaction anywhere in the financial world. As a guarantee that every transaction; is legal and transparent for every account holder."

"Duncan Cameron — in a stroke of uncanny coincidence — happened to have substantial psychic abilities, including the ability to manifest objects with his mind using the device."

"Your brain is not just a bioelectric and biochemical computer, but also a quantum computer. The cells of your body, and the neurons and networks of neurons of your brain, are entangled with each other. This is why your brain can perform functions that are entire dimensions beyond the capacity of any conceivable biochemical system. If and when quantum computers are developed, we may for the first time see man-made systems that come close to matching your brain's information-processing powers."

"And then there is the "formula" that leads our single degree of freedom overunity sink biomind, using a hologramic process, to produce a "thing" (or 4-spacetime object) out of no-thing (or its quantum potential templaic conformation). This formula is an algorithm or, as we described in the previous module, "a certain sort of formal process that can be counted on-logically-to yield a certain sort of result whenever it is 'run' or instantiated," Daniel C. Dennett"

"This is known as quantum mechanics and is the natural law of quantum physics in the universe known as the Light Encoded Reality Matrix or LERM. The way that we do this is by projecting an holographic image of an object into a quantum electromagnetic field and surrounding the holographic object with the quantum field and blending it with the holographic object creating a quantum object of physical matter."

"The wild and baseless theory from Twitter suggests the July 5th experiment will/aims to create a real-life Stranger Things-like situation.

For the unversed, the Netflix series revolves around a scientific experiment gone wrong that accidentally opens a portal to the Upside Down, aka another dimension. The Upside Down is filled with dark and dangerous creatures that start seeping into our world through the cracks."

"HM, King Anthony Santiago Martin, a so called Virtual Man that rattles the earth and soon be send his mission to save mankind into troublesome and declared fake by greedy and selfish deed people. He is mandated by the Holy Father to be his Trustee over his Holy Wealth that to be given to the People of the Philippine Islands (70%) and 30% for the world."

"In terms of the cosmic arena and the mechanics of reality-based-fields-of-light, a hologram is in fact a living breathing projection of light-encoded quantum filaments gathered and distributed to create the image of that which you see with your two human eyes."

"The Truth is that the incredible Treasures and Divine Wealth or God’s Wealth which make up the Combined International Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility were placed here to be used by first the former M1, Ferdinand Marcos, and now the second International Treasury Controller, to implement into the global financial system by backing each currency of each of the Peoples of all the Nations of our World."

"It is said that the hidden gold is buried in the Philippines not far from Spratly Islands. Is this why the South China Sea is such a hot topic but the gold never mentioned in the news?"

"New financial system will be introduced. It will be backed up with Yamashita gold. That gold will be stored in locations that are not to be disclosed yet. Yamashita gold will not be traded in open markets."

"Quantum Financial System would be a break through in the world of banking which lead to a new era of banking QFS will not be influenced by Government policies, rather it will be entirely backed by tangible assets like Gold, Platinum, Oil and will not be based upon mere piece of papers which have no evidentiary value.

QFS can be called the modern era Barter System in which you have to give valuable in order to receive valuable."

"The Alliance will use a specific quantitative formula to establish the amount of currency available, “in a country,” which is to be gold-backed in the QFS. The results of the formula will establish a fair value of each country’s assets as compared to one and another. There is far more gold than needed to accomplish the gold-backing of all world currencies. Once established through the GCR, the price of gold will become irrelevant for the value of a specific currency against each other. All monies are equally calibrated.

If the price of gold goes up, the value of all currencies will go up as well, resulting in no net change to the par value of all currencies. The formula includes, in ground assets, the economy of the country, its awake population – which is one of the country’s assets, and a number of other parameters to determine the value of the country’s currency. This formula is to be applied to each country so that all currencies will be on par value with all other countries.

The application of the formula and the common value of all gold, means that one country’s currency has to have the same value as another country’s currency. This is called the Global Currency Reset – the reset of all currencies on par with all other world currencies and each one has a gold certificate to validate authenticity. It’s a requirement of each country to use the reset formula and apply the worldwide standard, to assure the QFS to function as planned. That is the reason why a country must be GESARA compliant to participate in the QFS."

"The Alliance had formed by a consortium of UFO scientists and researchers who had defected from some US Government lab or institution. These are intelligent, gifted scientists who have banded together to form a cohesive, tight lipped community of freedom fighting citizens."

"If successful, Jade Helm will enable elite policy makers to eventually replace human generals and admirals with AI quantum computers programmed to master the ‘human domain’ which is defined as the “’physical, cultural and social environments’ that exist within a conflict.”

Here is how DJ. describes Jade Helm:

“JADE” is an AI quantum computing technology that produces holographic battlefield simulations that has the ability to use vast amounts of data being collected on the human domain to generate human terrain systems in geographic population centric locations to identify and eliminate targets, insurgents, rebels or whatever labels that can be flagged as targets on a Global Information Grid in Network Centric Warfare environments. In short, JADE HELM is not battles directed by Generals and Military Commanders, but by a computer. It is a cognitive software based Network Centric Warfare System at the HELM."

"The quantum financial system is built around two quantum computers that collaborate to form a quantum network.

The quantum financial system outperforms the traditional financial system in terms of speed and efficiency.

It’s also less expensive because there are no intermediaries or transaction fees to contend about. If you’re familiar with cryptocurrency, you’ve probably heard it before."

"Starlink Satellites are Particle Weapons that track every Nuclear silo on earch and destroy every launched nuclear rocket in two seconds and vaporizes them.
It’s been long reported by Patriots, Anons and Freedom Voices that Musk’s Starlink is a Military Operation and connected behind the scenes to Space Force, the Guardians US Intelligence Agency Number #18."

"This new form of
government is known as a Democracy, being an established
Socialist/Communist order under a new governor for America."

"The National Quantum Initiative Act provides for the continued leadership of the United States in QIS and its technology applications. It calls for a coordinated Federal program to accelerate quantum research and development for the economic and national security of the United States. The United States strategy for QIS R&D and related activities is described in the National Strategic Overview for QIS and supplementary documents."

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