"Adam is the beginning of a race of people, male and female, a new people now with a new wisdom that is going to bring in a new way of civilization.
You have the Adamic race and you have the pre-Adamites. That means there were people on the earth before Adam. The pre-Adamites is the us out of which Adam came, and they are called aboriginal. There were pre-Adamites on the earth before Adam. If Adam was only one person, Eve was one person, Cain was one person, Abel was one person, and, Cain slew Abel, then, Cain goes into the land of Nod and he finds himself a woman in the land of Nod, then, where did she come from? What family was she a part of?"
"The Mayans monitored a large delegation from the ICC traveling from the Moon to an area of Antarctica where excavations decades prior had revealed an ancient city with the remains of three large motherships. These ships belonged to a group that we dubbed the Pre-Adamites, a group of Extraterrestrials that the human elite of earth referred to as the Progenitor Race or The Old Gods. They were given this name because this group had built out a large civilization on Earth that lasted over 50,000 years, prior to modern scientific theories of when modern humans appeared on Earth (more on that in later reports)."
"Recently Louis Farrakhan, leader of the nation of Islam delivered a speech that sounded like it was from a Hollywood blockbuster film about aliens and the end of the world. The speech included references to a mother ship or space plane about a half a mile long carrying 1500 smaller flying machines coming to earth. He also stated that in a vision Elijah Mohammed saw that in the future the arrival of the UFO would take place upon the discovery of a second star or companion to our sun. He mentions a blue star or darker star appearing next to a red fiery star."
"“Daniel frequently describes a large star that will approach the Earth and though it will not hit the planet, it will cause great damage,” Rabbi Samuel said. “Scientists have never seen anything like this so they don’t know what to expect."
"2,000 years ago, the Zohar, the foundational work of Jewish mysticism, predicted the appearance of a star with seven ‘stars’ orbiting it.
After forty days, when the pillar rises from earth to heaven in the eyes of the whole world and the Messiah has appeared, a star will rise up on the east, blazing in all colors, and **seven other stars will surround that star. And they will wage war on it**.
“Jewish sources say that this astrological phenomenon is a necessary part of the geula (redemption),” Ovadia said. He explained that if the star does not appear, then any claim that the Messiah has arrived will be rejected by Judaism"
"The Anunnaki may be returning to Earth, according to a recent interview with a Pentagon source. Stan Deyo said that NASA and the Pentagon believe that Annunaki will return with the arrival of the planet Nibiru.
Whether it’s a planet or a dwarf star, it will be known, but something is not right. It is likely that the Annunakis are already here, this will be a “contact” in stages."