Restored Republic: The Tero destroyed vast networks of the underground Tunnel systems?

in news •  3 years ago 

"In Early 2012 White Hat Military Operations began to infiltrate the CIA CERN facility and targeted and destroyed vast networks of the underground Tunnels systems that connected the European continent through the world using Super fast Maglev trains."

"There were two types of Titans still living on Earth, although they were hidden deep underground: the angelic Teros ("white hats" who sometimes intervened positively in human affairs) and the demonic Deros ("black hats," whose entire existence revolved around kidnapping, torturing and eating human beings)."

"These bases are basically large cities underground connected by high-speed magneto-leviton trains that have speeds up to Mach 2. Several books have been written about this activity.

The average depth of these bases is over a mile, and they again are basically whole cities underground."

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