Royal Rife, Nikola Tesla, Antoine Priore & Plasma Tubes

in news •  last year 

"The Rife Beam Tube
At this point, Rife was to make his single greatest discovery (not counting the microscope). He constructed a simple plasma discharge tube that generated a narrow spectrum of light somewhere in the high visible-low UV area. When he exposed the samples of the cancer-causing virus to the light, nothing happened. This was the control experiment. The light alone would not affect the samples. Rife could verify this by looking through the microscope after each exposure.

***Rife then modulated the light from his tube with a simple square wave oscillator. The oscillator was set to the mortal oscillatory rate of the particular virus he was trying to effect. When he exposed the sample to the modulated light, I imagine even he was dumbfounded! The crystalline structured virus were completely obliterated. They were literally shattered to pieces by the force of resonance. In addition, Rife found that once destroyed, the virus lost their ability to cause cancers and were inert. To destroy different carcinomas, Rife simply changed the modulation frequency of the plasma tube.***

He quickly discovered that he could shrink tumors with this approach also!!! Imagine his excitement upon uncovering one of the most significant discoveries of the century. ***Rife continued to experiment with his smaller tubes and made improvement after improvement until arriving at the final design that was to become his “treatment” device.***"

"Rife Beam Tube
In the book “The Cancer Cure that Worked!” a detailed description of the original Beam Tube can be found. It was really a straight forward device, simple to construct, and operate. The essentials were as follows:

    ***The Beam Tube was constructed from a modified Coolidge X-RAY tube. The tube was filled with a mixture of noble gasses designed to create a narrow spectrum of light in the near UV range.***

    ***The Beam Tube was driven by a Radio Frequency transmission source of approximately 100-500 Watts***. This transmitter was tuned to operate in the 28-35 Mhz band. The transmitter had provisions to be modulated in a class C configuration (on or off) by a square wave oscillator.

    A square wave oscillator generated the Mortal Oscillatory Rates that keyed the transmitter on and off. ***The transmitter in turn ignited the plasma inside of the Coolidge tube which radiated the subject.***

***Please note that the beam tube actually formed an RF plasma. The plasma acted like a very special type of radio antenna. In fact, no good studies exist that explore the radiation characteristics of an RF plasma device.***

Proposed Rife Plasma Beam Tube consisting of a plasma antenna using a small thin glass tube cut to 1/4 the wavelength of a RF transmitters resonant frequency, and wound into a coil that is positioned vertically and mounted to a suitable insulator, would make efficient use of the rf supplied.
The subject then was bathed in these emanations for short periods of time every other day or every two days... and most importantly, the device worked! It cured people who were in advanced stages of the disease!"

"Reconstructing the Original Tube
Our research team has been studying the means by which a Rife Beam tube might be reconstructed and perhaps made to be more efficient. One of the principle concerns of anyone using Radio Frequency (rf) energy is burning effects. Much like the workings of a microwave oven, rf energy can cause local heating in a subject. The diathermy machine is based on this premise.

***If a beam tube could be fabricated in such a way that a more efficient use of the RF power was obtainable, it would certainly make for a safer device***. One way to realize this type instrument, is to create a plasma antenna using a small thin glass tube cut to 1/4 the wavelength of a RF transmitters resonant frequency, and wound into a coil that is positioned vertically and mounted to a suitable insulator. The tube would be closed at both ends and house two electrodes between which, a plasma would be created and sustained.

The plasma would be created by a separate high voltage source such as a neon sign transformer. At one end of this antenna device, the output of the transmitter would be coupled through a suitable impedance matching network, so that the transmitter could be tuned properly and the power would be transmitted to the load. The transmitter would be keyed on and off by a modulator that was controlled by an IBM PC.

Proposed Rife Plasma Beam Tube would make use PC technology to select and control the Mortal Oscillatory Rates.
The IBM PC would be responsible for generation the various Mortal Oscillatory Rates necessary to make the machine operate properly. The computer would be programmed to function as the Rife square wave generator and would require custom programming. In all, the unit could be fashioned into a nice clinical package and could be engineered to be robust, and flexible enough to allow for software modifications that might greatly enhance performance.

***Once this beam tube is developed, we feel that the door will be open to a world of exploration and endless discovery***"

"He used a Tesla tube to create the benefits of his "frequency machine"."

"Royal Rife discovered that specific RF frequencies, when broadcast through a plasma tube towards the body, would only affect the microbes that resonated that exact frequency. And that when that frequency hit that microbe, that it would destroy that specific microbe and have absolutely no effect on anything else."

"Plasma is currently recognized as the best method of frequency treatments. The plasma tube emits near-field signals which are devastating to pathogens. This is a form of scalar energy."

"Antoine Priore who produced longitudinal scalar waves using a gigantic glass tube filled with plasma."

"Helium enclosed in a glass bulb with angled electrodes (known as a Phanotron tube) is stimulated into a plasma state (the fourth state of matter) using an audio rate square wave which is used to amplitude modulate a radio freqency (RF) carrier of approximately 27Mhz. The work is an attempt to independently duplicate and varify some of the work from the 1930's by Royal Raymond Rife (see:, brilliant inventor of the "universal microscope", who developed similar plasma devices which were used to setup standing waves inside various pathogenic microorganisms."

"Into a tube containing a plasma of mercury and neon gas, a pulsed 9.4 gigahertz wave modulated upon a carrier frequency of 17 megahertz was introduced. These waves were produced by radio emitters and magnetrons in the presence of a 1,000 gauss magnetic field. Experimental animals were exposed to this magnetic field during irradiation, and the mixture of waves (some 17 or so) coming from the plasma tube and modulating and riding the magnetic field passed through the animals' bodies."

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