"In 1994 there were a series of rockslides which opened up a time capsule consisting of 23 chambers, which contained paintings, music, poetry and what was deemed as ‘dormant alien technology’. The contents were kept hidden from the public (5,6)."
"WingMakers have placed 6 additional time capsules strategically located on the planet, which will be discovered in a certain sequence, probably by ordinary citizens entirely unaware of what they are stumbling upon. We assume these "discoveries" are actually orchestrated by the WingMakers."
"Through their time-travel technology they have planted time capsules from their future time, which they hope will provide a sense of connection to our future selves and an understanding of human destiny."
"They are after the 7 Tributary sites, where New Mexico is only the first. They want to use something they call the “7 Trumpets” technologies to open up wormholes. The technology that the Corteum have inspired Fifteen and his Labyrinth Group to develop is to secretly (unbeknownst to the human group) re-activating the “Seven Jehovian Seals” to allow an alien invasion."
"The time capsules are from people 750 years in our future, who came back to around 850 BC and planted the info in New Mexico. There are 7 total time capsules"