The second beast comes out of the earth, Imperial Germans?

in news •  3 months ago 

"This second beast comes out of the earth, which many agree means that it is coming out of Israel. This beast will also have power and if you notice they will cause people to worship the first beast or Antichrist. Because this leader will be some type of religious leader he is often referred to as the False Prophet."

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"The Imperial Germans are the Germans that live in the Inner Earthen colony of New Swabia. The capital city of New Swabia is New Berlin.

The Imperial Germans are responsible for most UFO sightings on Earth. Not all UFO sightings are of Imperial German origin. According to Dr. Steven Greers’ Disclosure Project and now Sirius Disclosure there are several stellar civilizations visiting Earth.

It is the webmaster’s belief that the Imperial Germans are the so called Army of God that will intervene during the Zionist orchestrated World War 3. This army would be led by a messianic figure, the so called Jesus Christ figure or Third Sargon from the Sajahan Prophecies."

"Of what is to come in the next few years, the continuation of World War II, which never ended but rather was paused. This Video deals with the Imperial Germans - Die Dritte Macht - and their return in a few years."

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