"The Office of International Treasury Control was granted Sovereign Entity Status under the United Nations Charter Control No: 10-60847."
"OITC as suggested before, IS GESARA"
"The plans for NESARA originally and then GESARA, to use the acronyms, were outlines of financial restructuring that is more in keeping with the intent of the founders of the OITC funds."
"The former United States of America, as the last country to cede power to the United Nations Security Council, has created innumerable challenges and delays for the plans of the United Nations and will soon feel the brunt of the rapid and decisive changes required to achieve our planned goals and the goals of a one world government. …"
"All executive authority of the former United States government is hereby revoked as our elected leaders of the United Nations will assume these responsibilities"
"the legislative branch will remain in office until these individuals are gradually relieved of their duties by representatives of the United Nations who have not yet been elected or appointed to carry out these duties."
"Remove USA, Inc. administration officials and all members of the US Congress from their positions due to their continuous unconstitutional actions.
- Forces the USA, Inc.’s President, the Vice-President, Cabinet members, and all members of Congress to leave office.
- Suspends all elections everywhere in the world, at all sovereign levels of government."
"Establishes peace throughout the world as monitored by the UN Security Council."
"GESARA was voted to be implemented by all 209 sovereign nations of the world"
"There is a big buzz on the Internet that President Trump is implementing this plan. There is also speculation that this is part of a huge global economic reset, GESARA to be decided at the international World Court of The Hague. If this is true, certainly this decision has been decided years ago and we are just now feeling the effects."
"2nd Declaration of Independence, By the 50 United States of America Signed by President Donald Trump on July 4, 2020. To the New Republic of the United States "
"NESARA Law is the Law of the Land, with sovereign citizenship, restoration of the Constitution; all statutory laws are cancelled"