Dave Rubin and Friends Terrified To Argue Their Libertarian Economics

in news •  7 years ago 

Dave Rubin is an old foil of the Majority Report, and one of our favorite libertarians. In this clip, we talk about how little Rubin understands Libertarian economics and why he does not want to debate us on the show. Maybe you know about libertarian economics? Maybe you can tell us why raising taxes on the rich and expanding social security is bad!

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Very curious to hear why you think Sam Harris is a charlatan ?

Nevermind, you answered it in the video.

I heard Dave Rubin on @davidpakman. At first he said he was for "single payer," but then basically described Obamacare when asked about the details. When Pakman pointed that out, in a not-so-carefully-hidden concession to his base, Rubin claim not to like how Obamacare was implemented. Okay, so what does Dave Rubin actually believe about health care policy? The world may never know.

Replace state sales taxes with a 4% national revenue tax collected by the feds from receivers of all sales and gifts - distributed to the states. There would be no mark-up at purchase (invisible to the buyer). It would raise more money for states and solve the internet sales loophole issue...just sayin'.

I really love it...

No, no, he and his friends are simple "classical liberals."

Holy crap! This is me realizing @samseder is on Steemit. Nice!