Aceh rain again

in news •  8 years ago 


A few weeks ago, Aceh was hit by a long drought that many plants withered and died. Likewise with rice crops owned by farmers aceh harvest failure.


Some parts of Aceh aceh many who perform rituals istisqa prayer (prayer for rain) and alhamdulillah the rain is now back down.

  • Fersi Indonesia

Beberepa minggu yang lalu, Aceh dilanda kemarau panjang sehingga banyak tumbuhan layu dan mati. Begitu juga dengan tanaman padi milik petani aceh mengalami gagal panen. Sebahagian masyarakat aceh banyak yg melakukan ritual shalat istisqa (shalat minta hujan) dan alhamdulillah hujan kini kembali turun.

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