A far-from-formal look at the Presidential and Vice Presidential debates- Forgive the language.

in news •  8 years ago  (edited)

A second look at these two clowns running for President. DO NOT READ IF YOU HAVE A WEAK STOMACH.

 I'm not typically one to invest my time in watching Presidential debates, or any other type of political theatre for that matter. However, given the exceptionally poor choices available to the American people this year, I thought that it would be worth a viewing, if only for the comedy value. I was not disappointed. The fact is, the US Presidential election is not only important for US citizens. As long as the US dollar remains the world reserve currency and is tied to the oil trade, the US will have great influence over the rest of the world through the use of sanctions and policy making. So, despite me living in Scotland, my life and those of my countrymen, will also be affected by whomever is voted into the oval office this November 8th. Before I dive into my opinion on the debate itself, I would like to say that there will no doubt be things I say that some will disagree with. If you disagree with anything I say, then remember that this is only my opinion. I'm not claiming to be writing an objective piece here. If you have something you would like to say in response to some of my assertions, then please make use of the comments section on this article. Perhaps we can get a debate of our own on the go.   


In regards to the debate, I would like to start off by saying that although I did get a good few laughs out of watching it, the primary emotion I felt was shame. The shame stemmed from the realisation that we have allowed our world to get to a point, where these two clowns are the top two candidates to inherit arguably  most powerful seat in the world. This debate was a circus show, riddled with ad hominem attacks, excessive bloviation and promises that were as comical as they were chimerical. Comedian Jim Jefferies once hilariously stated that Trump's campaign equates to a child running for class president. “He’s just walking around going, ‘And we’re gonna have two lunches!” he said, “and a soda machine in every classroom.” He turned out to be rather close to the mark. Trump did make a hell of a lot of promises, yet was unable to provide any clarity on how he was going to fulfill these grand claims. Hilary on the other hand, made some remarkable claims and backed them up with methods on how she would put them into action. Unsustainable methods, though it seemed to be enough to please the audience. The only thing is, I could see Hillary's nose growing throughout the entire debate.  Hillary Clinton opened by stating that she wants to build an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top. She also stated that she intended to close legal loopholes that allow corporations to evade taxes and ensure that they start paying their fair share. This is when I first noticed her nose starting to grow. This is a woman that has been in bed with big business so long that she is seven months pregnant with its corporate love child. A child conceived through such avarice, that the greedy little fucker has likely already devoured her entire placenta and is starting to consume her internal organs. Perhaps this is the true reason that she fainted at her 9/11 speech earlier this month. 

The Presidential candidate was paid over $21 million in speaking fees by trad-groups and blue-chip companies between April 2013 and March 2015. Of the nearly $22 million Clinton made in fees, most was from groups that had recently lobbied the government. In spite of Bernie Sander's efforts to get Hilary to release transcriptions of the secret talks, we still know nothing about the content of these speeches, delivered to many corporate interests in the US. I think it fair to assume that these banks and companies did not pay Secretary Clinton nearly $22 million without expecting more than a few speeches in return from her. There is also the case of Google manipulating search results to favour Hillary Clinton and to hide articles or sites which have negative things to say about her, even if they are true. This has been a massive help to Hillary's campaign and explains why she was able to prevail over Bernie Sanders. That and a lot of voter manipulation and fraud but, let's not get into that right now. With Google offering her so much assistance in her battle for President, can people really expect her not to return the favour should she make it to the white house? I think that it would be awfully naive to believe that she wouldn't. She is most certainly still in bed with big business. 

Trumps opening segment was a lot more entertaining. Only because I couldn't help but, associate his rhetoric with a Southpark episode from many years before. To those that may not have seen it, there was an episode of Southpark where people started immigrating to the town from the future in an effort to find work, as there was none to be found in their time period. The episode actually ended with all of the men in Southpark having a huge homo-erotic orgy because they believed that if they were all gay, then there would be no future. It was a ridiculously absurd episode, which is probably why I loved it. The reason why they needed to get rid of the immigrants from the future was because they were taking the jobs from all the residents of Southpark, as they were willing to work for cheaper. At many points in the episode, characters complained "They took our jobs!" and as Trump repeated the same thing I could only see the Southpark characters in my head. He ranted on about how thousands of businesses are leaving the US and taking their jobs with them. 


He continuously barked that he would bring millions of jobs to the US but, when questioned on how he plans to do that, he could come up with no other explanation than "I will lower taxes." I believe it is a little more complicated than that, Donald. When quizzed on how he intended to bring back the jobs from overseas he had nothing to say on the matter. He answered a completely different question pertaining to how to keep the jobs that are still in the US from also being taken overseas. This was only one of several times that he answered a completely different question than he was asked. I actually felt bad for the guy a little. To me, it seems like he may actually want to help America, unlike Hillary, who only wants to help herself and her corporate-banking baby-daddy. I just cannot say with any level of confidence that he has the mental capacity to do so. There were countless occasions throughout the debate where he couldn't even spit the right words out, often seeming somewhat mentally impaired. I won't be too harsh though, he did say a couple of things that I thoroughly enjoyed. When being interrogated as to why he would not disclose his tax returns, as every presidential candidate has for the past 39 years has done, he punched back at Hilary with;  

"I will release all of my tax returns when Hillary releases all of her 33,000 deleted emails.

This was a great response and a very good point. Any who are familiar with the Clinton email scandal are probably as bewildered as me by the fact that she has not been indicted. At one point, it really seemed that she was going to pay for at least one of her plethora of crimes but, then it was released that she was not going to be prosecuted and I was swiftly jolted back to the reality we live in; the one where corrupt bankers and politicians get away with murder, every single fucking time. Hilary's reply was ripe with hypocrisy. Speaking about Trump's tax returns, she said; 

"This is something the American people deserve to see. There is something he is hiding. We can keep guessing but, were he ever get to the whitehouse, what would those conflicts be?

Really, Hillary? That exact same thing can be said about you and your 33,000 deleted emails. I'm disappointed in Trump for not saying that but, then again, he is rather slow. He will probably realise this a few days from now when he is in the shower screaming " They took our jobs!" 

 Another thing that Trump said that I was forced to agree with, was when he spoke out against the despicable Trans-Pacific Partnership and accused Hilary of pretending to be against it for political reasons, when she had previously referred to the shady deal that would further empower banks and businesses as "the gold standard of trade deals." He even went as far as to say,

 "You say you're against it now but, you know that if you win the first thing you will do is approve it.

I have to say, I think he is right on the mark there. Though, I'm not entirely convinced that he himself won't end up being strong-armed into it if he ends up in office. 

Further on in the advertisement; oh, sorry I mean debate, Hillary took every opportunity to promote her website, as well as opportunistically stating,

 "I wrote a book; Stronger together. Pick it up at a bookstore or airport near you." 

Thank you, Hillary. I will be sure to pick up your book on how to make America great again. Especially after your claim during the debate that your husband did an excellent job when in office. I won't even begin to get into how much Bill Clinton did to fuck up the US when in power but, here is an article that you may want to read if you're curious. It is shocking that he even found the time to do so much damage to the country when he was balls deep in every young female intern at the white house.  

Things got interesting when the quizmaster, who was made to look a right fool throughout this debate, put forth the following question to the candidates;

 "How do you intend to heal the racial divide in this country?" 

Trump attempted to answer this by imitating a broken record, repeating the words "Law and Order" over and over and over again. "We need law and order!

Yes, Donald. We heard you. But, what does that mean? He offered no insight into what his definition of law and order is, or how he planned to bring it into fruition. He just threw around some questionable sounding figures relating to gun-violence and suggested that there should be a continuation of stop-and-frisk policy. Which essentially means, if you see a black person or a Latino, stop them, and frisk them. I can certainly see that helping to re-establish trust between police and their local ethnic communities.... 

Hillary's response was well articulated. In fact, it almost seemed rehearsed. One would have to be suspicious of whether she knew the questions she would be asked beforehand. It would not be much of a stretch to believe, considering the fraudulent methods used to get her to this point of the race. Her nose extended another couple of inches during this response. 

"Too many African American and Latino men ended up in jail for non-violent offences" she said at one point.  

Yes, Hillary. You hit the nail on the head there. However, do you not think you should elaborate on why that happened? Don't you think it relevant to bring light to the fact that it was your husband's 1994 crime bill that resulted in more prisons being built and filled with blacks and Latinos, many of whom were given life sentences for non-violent crimes?  

She also claimed "I believe in community policing." I mention this just because it brought to mind the image of the people of the US hitting the streets with pitchforks in-hand, hunting her down and lynching her for her multitude of crimes. If only... 

The debate closed with questions on what to do about the threat of cyber attacks on US soil. An inquiry met by Hillary, with the unfounded demonization of Russia, most likely in a pre-emptive effort to propagate the justification for sending more troops overseas. I'd rather not touch on the inevitability of a third world war if tensions continue to rise in the Middle East, at least not in this article. That warrants an entire article of its own. 

Trump was able to make himself look like an idiot one more time before the debate was over. After boldly claiming that he has the best temperament for the role of president, even deciding to call it his best attribute, Hillary had a story to tell about his so-called exceptional temperament.  She told of how Trump had previously stated that if Iranian soldiers on a ship were taunting and mocking American soldiers on a ship as the two passed by one another, he would have fired upon the Iranian ship with a missile in retaliation. When Hillary rightfully (for once) claimed that this could have provoked a war and so Donald Trump is clearly not of good temperament, and not one you would want with his finger on the nuclear trigger, Trump interjected with; 

"That wouldn't start a war.

Not  "I was joking about that" or "I didn't say that" but, "That wouldn't start a war.

This idiot would really do that. God help us if either of these people end up President of the US. We have a choice between eternal slavery for us and our children, under the newly empowered corporate and banking systems, enforced globally through the trade deals that Hillary will help put into action; or, a nuclear apocalypse started by Trump when a Russian school kid posts a facebook post about how shit Trump's hair looks.   It really does look awful...

In conclusion, I had a laugh. Though, a part of me was wishing that I would be wrong about this election. I had hoped that just maybe, the questions being put forward to the candidates would be ones of greater significance.  

What will you do about the Federal Reserve and the grip it has over the government and the people of America? 

What efforts will you make to redistribute the wealth of the nation to save the fast-disappearing middle-class? 

What are you going to do about the incomprehensible number of children that go missing on a daily basis in the US? 

And when the fuck are we going to bring our troops home and stop creating new terrorists everyday by using drones to drop bombs on civilians?    

That would have made more a much more interesting debate. Elections around the world have become nothing more than entertainment. Promises are made and every single time things just get worse. I ask you, how much longer are we going to take it? How much longer are you going to take it?  

I want to know what questions you would like to see being asked to the candidates. Let us know in the comments below. Thank you very much for taking the time to read my rant.  

I wrote this piece last week but, in light of the recent Vice Presidential debate and with the secondary Presidential debate scheduled for tomorrow, I wanted to add a few points.

I want to start with my opinion of the recent Vice Presidential debate. If I was to depict this 90 minute horror show in a single illustration, it would be as follows;

Tim Kaine, Hillary Clinton's Vice Presidential candidate, is standing on the stage. In his right hand is a water gun, with a 12ft medical grade silicon hose attached to the input chamber.. On the other end of this hose, is Donald Trump's sphincter. In his left hand, is a shield with the Russian flag painted on the front of it.
Across the stage from him, Donald Trump's Vice Presidential candidate, Mike Pence, stands holding a large umbrella over his head. His legs are shaking as he tries not to collapse under the weight of Donald Trump's shit, accumulating on the top of this large umbrella. Next to him, lies a barely-touched bucket of unbelievable size, with a label on it reading "Hillary's shit."

My apologies for the crudeness of the image I just painted in your mind but, in my defense, that is an accurate portrayal of events. Tim Kaine used the majority of his speaking time, as well as a fair amount of Pence's, talking about all of the silly things that Trump has said or done in the past. This was somewhat hilarious because he also repeatedly accused Trump's campaign of attacking Hillary with insults. Kaine obviously doesn't understand the definition of hypocrisy, as almost every time he put forth this accusation, it was either preceded or proceeded by an insult aimed at Trump, Pence or both.
In Pence's defense, he weathered the storm of shit better than I would have anticipated. I don't know how I would have been able to defend some of Trump's actions, not that I would ever want to. Surprisingly, Pence neglected to use his bucket of shit. Hillary has a hell of a lot more skeletons in here closet than Trump does but, it would appear that Pence decided to take the high road, only once insulting Hillary to my recollection.
This insult was met by the undeserved praising of Hillary and some false claims of the good that she apparently did while in office. It then escalated, for no relevant reason, to a further demonization of Russia. I believe this was just a distraction for the audience, to make them forget what had previously been stated about Hillary.
Though, what was said about Russia in the Presidential debate was mild compared to what was said this time. Kaine even went as far as to compare Vladimir Putin to dictators such as Adolf Hitler. This was very worrying for me to watch. It has been a while since I have seen such huge accusations and derogatory words being thrown around about another country's leader. We all know what happened the last few times these types of comments and accusations were thrown around, like with Qaddafi and with Hussein. With tensions in the Middle-East growing every day, this type of talk seems like a plea for public support for yet another war. Let's hope this is not the case and that we can still somehow come to a peaceful resolution.
Overall, I think that anyone that watched this debate would come out thinking that Pence was victorious. He took the high road, despite having the ammunition to shut Kaine up if he had only chosen to use it.

I will be watching tomorrow's debate also, again simply for the comedic incentives. I would however, love to see trump stooping to Hillary's level and asking her some questions of relevance. She has perpetrated a myriad of crimes against the American people, and even other people around the world with her foreign policies. Trump should try and muster the brain power to put her on the spot and demand explanations for some of her actions.

If you managed to get this far then thank you for taking the time to read my rant. I will be posting more of the same sort of articles, as well as funny, informative and objective pieces. So hit the follow button if that is you're thing.

Have a good weekend, Steemians-

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These two Vermin Professional Politicians should both be TWEP' d

Terminated With Extreme Prejudice is what the United States military tend to do in the name of American Industrial capitalists profits...

This word was coined by the America military while working for their industrial masters in South East Asia some 50 years ago : )

The current opinion polls have placed one Presidential Candidate at 41 % of the popular vote and their Conglomerate partner at 43% of the votes.

The difference is 2 percent and that is actually the real likelihood your life will be improved by either of these scum gaining freeloading rights into the White House . . .

The conglomerate is the corporation of how the two political parties panhandle for your gold with their crazy antics, these two parties simply use whatever they can to gain access to rewarding their contributors trillions of dollars in governmental contracts.

But for some strange reason millions of Americans think either one or the other of these professional politicians will actually do something useful for the nation, the definition of craziness is doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome ! ! !