Partiko iOS Now Available in Apple Store Steem Creators Conference Sept 5-7, 2018

in news •  6 years ago  (edited)

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Hi Everyone, This episode of 1 on 1 we have the Founder of Partiko Sida w/ @steemcafe. I can not say enough about this young man & his talented team. Partiko is a mobile app for Steem. It is now available for iOS in the Apple Store. Also available for Android in Google Play. Partiko is a beautiful, fast, stream lined app for Steem.

Download the App Here.

Steem is a cryptocurrency used to power the platform Steemit - an incentivized blockchain social media platform. Users create and curate content on Steemit just like other social news platforms (e.g. Reddit, Hacker News) and get rewarded in Steem for their work.....

Download the App here.

What is so amazing about Partiko; is that they listen to the Steem community. The took the feed back they got from beta testers and Partiko and implemented changes and improvements. The Steem community has shaped Partiko. The community told them what the liked, disliked, and wanted and the Partiko Team delivered. They will continue to improve Partiko to meet the needs & wants of the Steem Community.

Partiko will also be presenting at the Steem Creators Conference North & SMT Summit in Toronto 5-7, 2018 in Toronto. They will be speaking on the progress, updates, and the Future of Partiko & Steem. They will also be hosting a in-depth workshop where you can hang out with the designers, developers, & programmers of Partitko. This is just one reason you should come to the Steem Creators Conference in Toronto. There will amazing speakers, presenters, and workshops as well. Tickets are going fast.

This conversation was a blast. Had so much fun speaking to Sida You can instantly tell how much him and his team love Steem & the Steem Community. Thank you & Enjoy.

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Download the App Here.

Thank you everyone for your support. You all helped make this possible. Have a wonderful & productive week.

Thank you.

@ogc #mypic @joepate47 @larrymorrison @scottshots shout out!

Steem Creators Conference: SMT Summit Sept 5-8, 2018 Toronto, Canada. It will be amazing. Tickets only $149.00
Do you have a new app, product, or service for Steem? Would you like to speak at the conference. Hit us up. [email protected]


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Partiko is hands down my favorite mobile app to access and interact with the Steem blockchain. It is an honor to call Sida my friend and I can’t wait to meet up with him again in Toronto.

Posted using Partiko iOS

This Guy!!!! Howdy my Man @kenmelendez Thank you very much for coming by and sharing your thoughts on @partiko. The app was build for users like yourself. Awesome you enjoy using it. Get in and Get out a quick post or to see what our friends are doing on Steem. and the team did a marvelous job. Be seeing you soon My Man. Toronto here we come.

sir can you tell me best platform for download free images?

It’s Partiko’s privilege to have you as a friend. And we are always always thankful for your delegation.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Absolutely! I stand behind projects I believe in, and this is definitely one of them 👍🏻

Posted using Partiko iOS

Seems Great app ,congratulation I think I should try it.please put some light on it's best features.

Yes @rizipk, give it a try. They just recently added the sliding vote feature which is useful when rationing your voting power.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yes you are right!

sir can you tell me best platform for download free images?


Nice post ! You got 22.20% upvote from @flymehigh. Earn free sbd/steem daily by delegating(renting) your SP. We share high return, click here to delegate your sp to flymehigh if you don't know, how to earn passive income by delegating your SP click here for more info Join our discord You can promote your posts. Thanks.

YEEESSSS!!! I’m so excited to hear that Partiko is now available in the App Store. Heading to download it now!

I’ve been testing the app on my iPhone for 4 months now and have been so impressed by’s responsiveness and the regular improvements and upgrades to the app. This app is SO needed in the space. I’m so glad I finally have a slick app to show my friends when I’m telling them about Steemit.

I can’t watch the video until later tonight - but im really looking forward to it! I’m sure you guys had a blast on camera!

Lea, I totally share your excitement. This is a moment we’ve been waiting for for so long. - Sida

Posted using Partiko iOS

Dear Sweet @coruscate. Thank you for sharing with us. We did talk a lot and laugh on camera. When you go to the app in Apple Store for the app. Your image is right there. Awesome. Toronto will be bananas. To hang out and share with all of us. To see familiar faces and a bunch of new ones. Can't say enough how honored we are to have you both coming back. Hey maybe someday you will be a keynote speaker like @coruscate.....Someday. Hugging you both right now.

sir can you tell me best platform for download free images?

mam can you tell me best platform for download free images?

Looking forward to that exclusive announcement for those who attend the conference. This is such an exciting time to be on Steem! 😀🙌🏻 Long live Partiko and the Steem Creators 💪🏻

Posted using Partiko iOS

Great 1 on 1 guys! Congratulations on the ios version and the success!

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you so much! Glad you are posting using Partiko!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yeah Scott, isn’t it great! I use it everyday 🙌🏻

Posted using Partiko iOS

Pretty cool! I like how fast everything loads on the phone.

Posted using Partiko Android

sir can you tell me best platform for download free images?

Sorry, I can not. I shoot all of my own photos so I have never looked into free image sites.

Posted using Partiko Android

Having been seeking for a nice mobile app for months!
Thanks, @patriko

Hey Sida!! Yay for @partiko!!

Hi @ogc Part of the #steemcreators family. Have an amazing day. #mypic


Posted using Partiko iOS

Hey another great interview. Your guests are great! I am excited about Partiko, and I have been seeing it all over it seems. I look forward to trying it out myself. Be well @steemcafe and

Hi Stacey D @freedomtowrite You Rock. is a great guy. So cool to have him and his team part of the Toronto Conference. Can't hardly wait for all of us to get together for Steem & friendship in a few weeks. Thank you for stopping by & commenting. Have a beautiful weekend.

Finally. You will love it my friend. And let us know what you think.

Posted using Partiko iOS



Posted using Partiko iOS

By far the best app for #steemit I love the constant work, the #updates. Its extremely streamline. Just nice, Really. It's nice to meet you Mr.

Posted using Partiko Android

Love that you appreciate our work. More exciting stuff are coming up. Stay tuned.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hi @prettynicevideo @partiko is a killer app. So Fast. I agree it is so streamlined. and the Partiko team are awesome. Have a fantastic weekend. BTW great video today.

Thanks Man! Marvelous interview. I'm using @partiko app as well :D

The Famous @neopch Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to comment. Hope all is well in the magical land of Beautiful Birmingham. Have your self a safe and awesome weekend.

Haha! I'm absolutely sure that you are more famous than me BRO :-)

All Best!

Thanks for being a long time supporter of Partiko!

Posted using Partiko iOS

No worries. Let's do this! :D

Hey @steemcafe and I watched this interview as i do most of I.J.'s interviews. I have seen the name Partiko in many comments left in mine and other creators posts. So after watching this i made sure to download it for Android and this app so sooo smooth. I can't believe how functional it actually is! Well I will bring using it from now on that's for sure. Great work guys!!!

Posted using Partiko Android

We are glad you made the right choice. Have a good day!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Man @the-puppet-patch What can I say. You kick butt. Thank you for your kind words. Hard to believe you are friends with Mr. Red @partiko app rocks!!!! Say hi to the gang. Hope their summer time fun is going well. Stay cool. See you all down the road.

Maybe MR. RED can do a commercial for the app if @partiko wants one. So you around I.J.

Posted using Partiko Android

This is beyond the best app going right now and is definitely my daily driver. One thing I love is that the dev team is always on the ball with updates and innovation...I definatly recommend!!

Posted using Partiko Android

It’s our privilege to have your support.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Great interview! I'm checking out @partiko now! See you all in Toronto!

Good day to you @captainbob Always great to here from you. Toronto will be a time to remember. So many awesome Steem users & developers will be there. Be great to shake you hand in person. You going on any bike adventures this weekend?

This weekend we are actually shooting a promo commercial for a Golf and Games business here locally. They do mini-golf, a short course par 3 golf course, go-karts, driving range, games, and such. That'll eat up today and tomorrow ;)

See you in Toronto!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks I have downloaded the app to my phone. Now I can steem easier on the bus ride to and from work

Hi @bethcharron That is awesome. Yes it is supper fast and clean. Thank you. Tell me what you think. Have a fantastic weekend. Thank you again.

So far it is easy to use and I love it

Posted using Partiko Android

Glad you did it! Yaaaay!

Posted using Partiko Android

Got it, works really good, i was waiting for it, thanks buddy

What a Great Way to Kick in the Weekend ! Two amazing gentlemen doing very amazing things for the Steem Blockchain! Great Job on delivering the iOS version of @partiko! It's amazing how swift and dedicated you and your team are. Nothing but love.
Have a Fantastic Weekend...

Oh, Great Job AS ALWAYS I.J! <3 @steemcafe

Thanks for your love and support!

Posted using Partiko Android

Partiko is a great app. It’s so nice to see you guys meet up.

Thanks for your previous report of us as well!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hi Hi @joythewanderer Thank you for saying hi. Hope all is well. You down to do a 1 on 1 taping with me? Hope so. Have a fun weekend.

1 on 1 taping? For sure!

Haha glad you guys met through Partiko. Best thing in the world.

Posted using Partiko Android

YAY!!!! are you on discord? steemcafe#9459 This is going to be FUN!!!!

yes very great app good

Toe steem legend in one post...

Haha thanks for your complementary!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hola, muy buena la entrevista @steemcafe y . Con mi bebé es muy difícil pasar el tiempo que necesito en Steemit frente a la pc, pero con Partiko en mi Android sin duda es la opción ganadora. Cosas como estas, ver tanta juventud echándole ganas, poniéndole corazón a lo que les gusta, aprovechando las oportunidades me hacer estar contenta de formar parte de la generación Steemien. Gracias por el progreso, por dar el plus, sigan adelante. Espero seguir viendo sus entrevistas. No podré ir a Toronto, pero les seguiré desde aquí y me ofrezco a participar en el comercial que sugirió otro amigo. :)

Amazing advice! Thank you!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Partiko is on point! The team remains consistent.. Every new user i bring on has loved it!! So excited for the conference...!

Glad to hear it! Thank you for your support!

Posted using Partiko Android

Partiko is Great app! I'm glad that we have such excelent app for mobile devices and Steem!

Thank you so much for your love and support!

Posted using Partiko Android

Sounds good thanks for providing iOS app.
This helps a lot for me and lots of iPhone lover's.

Posted using Partiko Android

Glad to hear it! Hope you and your friends enjoy it!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Partiko is a great app.I can nicely post my article with easiest way by using partiko.i can easily and ani picture and link .I think for new users like me its a great app. Thanks to and @steemcafe .So much love for you..

Posted using Partiko Android

So much love for you as well! Love makes us grow!

Posted using Partiko iOS


Posted using Partiko Android

As always, @steemcafe, a really great interview, and on a topic that interest me personally. I switched from eSteem to Partiko a month ago and I haven't looked back since. Great highlight for a great app!

There we go. How come we didn’t find you before? Would love to hear more from you!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Ah yeah, you guys showed me this app when your were in town! Noice!

Haha isn’t that noice? Glad you like it!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank you for this! I've already installed it and I think I kinda like it. I will compare my experience with it with the eSteem app. I already see some points where I would prefer Partiko.

Can’t wait to hear more from you.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I will post a blog about it in a day or so. I've just uploaded my last blog. Hope you upvote it as help for a beginner like me 😀

Posted using Partiko Android

Enjoyed both Part 1 and Part 2 ONE-ON-ONE!

Partiko App works so far so good on Android.

Thumbs ☝

Posted using Partiko Android

Glad you like it !

Posted using Partiko Android

I enjoy your videos, you are wonderful, you have chemistry with all your guests, I like that about you

Hello @betaniaj Thank you Thank you. So kind of you. I try my best. All my guest have been wonderful. Take care. Have a killer day.

another star with you @steemcafe was a great interview, I liked how they gossiped are the most

Hello my friend @glorimarbolivar How is your summer? Any fun plans with the family this week. Always so nice to hear from you. Thank you very much for leaving a nice comment. And yes it was a great interview. hahaha

parkito is the maximum, download it for android and it works great it's comfortable to use, I'm new to the steemit community

Posted using Partiko Android

Glad you enjoyed it!

Posted using Partiko Android

You got a 100% Re-steem from... No, wait, that's not quite right. Doh! Anyways, resteemed :P

Thank you for the re-steem. Have an amazing weekend.


Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank God for @partiko App. It's been very helpful Steeming from Bed, or the toilet or the kitchen 🙈. Although I don't make posts on the app, I'm not so good typing articles on my phone, it's been a great way to stay connected to Steemit @steemcafe

Although there are still some flaws, I'm sure the team is working on it. A common issue is connection time out when upvoting or commenting on a post, I usually had to do it again. Sometimes I can't find my comment at all 🙄

I once made a comment, it appeared 3 times 😁😂. Don't know how that happened. But generally. It's been so helpful and thankful to the @partiko team. Looking forward to more updates like what to do with my points 🙂

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for your report. We'll work harder on that.

Posted using Partiko Android

(@@)oh what, is the founder. Wow, so talented and great!
Love this app, strongly recommend it!

Posted using Partiko Android

Yaaay! Thanks for the love! Hope to meet you in person soon! - Sida

Posted using Partiko Android

I am leaving the state next friday and will be back mid aug

We definitely need to meet up

Posted using Partiko Android

while using @partiko I have never missed my request, @partiko of a steady application

Amazing, glad you like it!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Great discussion guys! I have heard a lot about how good this app is, you gave me the nudge I needed to find out for myself. Very well done. Looks like you had a blast talking about it too :)

Posted using Partiko Android

Welcome to the family!

Posted using Partiko Android

  ·  6 years ago 

我已经习惯用partiko了!非常棒!So Good!

Posted using Partiko Android

Great to hear. That's the best thing we could hope for.

Posted using Partiko Android

this is great, awesome works

Thank you!

Posted using Partiko Android

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

what a new.thanks for sharing this news.i am really greatfull to u dude.

Thank you for commenting. Have a great day.


@steemcafe is clarified as a major unit of record on a stage called Steemit. Steem is a Blockchain-based stage where clients can distribute substance and vote on it like on each other online networking stage, yet with the distinction that on Stemmit, they are compensated with tokens.

The Steemit organize gives new Steemit units to distributers and voters consistently. Steem can be traded either on Steemit Backed Dollars.

Few days back I learned about Partiko app which is made for Steemit users.
Same time I downloaded Android app and installed.
It easy to operate and is user friendly. But still this app need some more bug fixing.
Overall nice app.

Pls vote for my articles. I really need your help pls

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hello guys!!!
this is great because i can have my steemit with me all the time anywhere.

this is awesome!!!!

good luck!!!!

have a great day!!!

Thank you for your comment. We totally share your excitement.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Can we write blogs on the app

Not sure what you mean by "blogs", but we are adding the ability to edit full fledged articles pretty soon!

Posted using Partiko Android

Are the only two wallets available for STEEM, on Steemit, and Vessel? Anything else you guys recommend, I'm super new at STEEM.

Vessel is a very good desktop wallet and I use it myself. also has a very nice interface for the desktop web version. - Sida

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank you for this! I've already installed it and I think I kinda like it. I will compare my experience with it with the eSteem app. I already see some points where I would prefer Partiko.

@steemcafe what do you think friend will it work properly?or this idea will work ?

I will surely give this Partiko App a trial, so much has been said about the App

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Thank you, and let us know what you think!

Posted using Partiko Android

@steemcafe sound nice, i hope the Steem Creators #Conference North & SMT Summit in Toronto 5-7, 2018 in Toronto will be amazing conference ever, so excited about it.
@steemcafe and @crypto.Talk
You guyz are doing really great.. I hope you will fly high...

Thank you! We are as excited as you are!

Posted using Partiko Android

It is a great news that partiko is now available on the apple store.

Thank you, we are as excited as you are!

Posted using Partiko Android

Awesome interface,love it.

Thanks for the love!

Posted using Partiko iOS

I am following you

Hello @steemcafe please send me 20 SBD for activ akun

one thing that would help new users (maybe as a beginners mode of steempeak) is mouse hover explanation of what the buttons do.

Fantastic work with this one, kudos

It is a great interview you both are doing too much fun.Like you are enjoying this interview

Thank you so much!

Posted using Partiko Android

@kenmelendez Thank you very much for coming by and sharing Thank you very much for coming by and sharing

Oh yeah!

great work partiko doing great job

Thank you!

Posted using Partiko iOS

waiting for android applications please!!

Android is already available on the app store! Check here:

Posted using Partiko Android

The social media is about to explode

Hey, check out Kuende App:
Waiting for you in chat! your post is very excellent and wonderful animated-flower-images-and-wallpapers-8.jpg

a very useful theory, I really like it, attracts a lot of people, can make learning from the theory, useful for your followers, you are very good at making things like this, very good

I am a new steemit user but enjoyed going through your post

Nice post

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you!

Posted using Partiko Android

great pratiko, i will start using pratiko app as soon as possible and start sharing my feedback here, thank you

Amazing! Let us know how it goes!

Posted using Partiko Android

Partition is hands down my favourite mobile app to access and interact with the system Blockchain.Pratiko Beautiful an apps

Thank you for being part of Partiko.

Posted using Partiko iOS

really its glad to know that Partiko is now available in the App Store

Thank you! Give it a shot!

Posted using Partiko Android

I listen everywhere about partiko Android app many people's give me link but I don't understand now when I see u r post I understand really outstanding thanks for sharing us 100% upvote for u sir love u

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Interesting piece of information. Let me just download the app and go through it. If anybody has already downloaded it, please let me know it how is it going?


Thanks for giving us a shot! Let us know how it goes!

Posted using Partiko Android

Congratulations ios parkito

Thank you!

Posted using Partiko iOS

what ? in apple store available

Yes it is!

Posted using Partiko Android


Thanks for following us!

Posted using Partiko iOS

You're most welcome.

pls upvote comment and follow me

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Great app, thank you! Will try it out soon. Does it support all features from

It depends on what you meant by "all the features". Check us out at , and thank you for your support!

Posted using Partiko Android

Now that is cool !

Awesome development for the betterment of steemit. I still hope to learn more about this new platform.

Thank you! We will love to hear more from you!

Posted using Partiko Android

Awesome development for the betterment of steemit. I still hope to learn more about this new platform.

Tell us more about what you want to learn! And definitely join our Discord channel so that we can answers your questions!

Posted using Partiko Android

Nice one brother..

yes this is very good post dear brother you are so nice

Nice ....i m new here

Congratulations @steemcafe!
Your post was mentioned in the Steemit Hit Parade in the following categories:

  • Comments - Ranked 6 with 133 comments
  • Pending payout - Ranked 1 with $ 725,32

I would like to try it but find it need ios11 or above. Is there any possible to run on a lower system like ios10?

Thanks for your interest. iOS 10 is hard to support at this moment because of Apple’s update on the layout infrastructure. With iOS 12 around the corner I think you will have a very good chance to try that out. Apple has demonstrated on their wwdc keynote that the iOS 12 is actually very good for old devices.

Posted using Partiko iOS

why wont you one image twice?tell me sir

Hello, i just upvoted your post. Also, $10 - $160 Reward is waiting for you in GBYTE crypto, please
follow instructions in this post: .
Join our Discord & enjoy happy STEEM community:

Wow new ios .
Very cool ....
Thats was very good news.

congratulate you, excellent post greetings

@steemcafe Wow great new for all ios device holder

Congratulations for such an excellent post friend @steemcafe keep going, from #venezuela supporting your work in #steemit ...

Nice to see you again ma man <3

Winny out...for now ;)

thanks for sharing


can you tell me best platform for download free images and i am new here i want to know more about steemit

Congratulation for you and nice post on this momen.

thanks i like this

You got a 53.85% upvote from @postpromoter courtesy of @steemcafe!

Want to promote your posts too? Check out the Steem Bot Tracker website for more info. If you would like to support the development of @postpromoter and the bot tracker please vote for @yabapmatt for witness!

looks like this app called Partiko is good to use steemit profile but not sure if its safe to use. Are you using it ? If yes then since you are using it. I am more worried about security of steem account @steemcafe