Should Robots be Taxed..??

in news •  8 years ago 


A question that will be a hot topic of conversation in the coming weeks, months and years is.... "Should Robots be Taxed..??"

Some may think that this is a crazy idea even just to suggest, but it should be realised that in the coming years millions of jobs will be taken out of the system and replaced by robots.

This is reality and must be tackled head on.

As robots replace labour in manufacturing, distribution and all other industries how do Governments intend to replace the life blood income stream of TAX..??

It is not only income tax that will drop but more importantly that no one seems to what to discuss is the loss in Income Pension Contributions needed to pay out existing liabilities.

Robots are therefore in essence robbing the system of TWO crucial income streams, TAX and PENSIONS.

A third dimension that is probably also more alarming is that as Corporations drastically reduce their labour force in favour of robotics and Banks divert and manipulate profits through complex DERIVATIVES there is a potential that ultimately Corporations and Banks will hold Governments to ransom as it is these that are now in full control of the TAX and PENSIONS incomes.

These are challenging and worrying financial times that are accelerating towards us at an unprecedented rate and most people are simply burying their heads in the sand through fear of not fully understanding the consequences.

Currently there is $275 trillion of Global Governments DEBT, but the real problem that no one wants to face up to is the $750 trillion of Future UNFUNDED Government DEBT..!!

So the next time someone says that Taxing Robots is a crazy and stupid idea ask them who is going to pay the $750 trillion of Pensions, Social Security, Medical Care, Government and Veteran Benefits to name but a few in the future..!!

Thanks for reading.


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Taxation is theft. Nobody should be taxed. Robots are property owned by people. Robots should not be taxed.

Property is theft.

Property is freedom. Property is the result of human action to achieve ends. Only when property is acquired through plunder rather than economic production and exchange can it be theft.

Property is freedom for the haves , not for the have-nots. Property might be the result of human action to receive ends, or it might just be that your rich parents gave it to you, and their forefathers robbed it from someone, for instance native americans. Property has no moral value in itself. It is not a right. We have the right to our share of the accumulated wealth on this planet,as this was created by our forefathers. I have a right to have personal property, if not in excess,but I do not have the right to own a river, and deny you the right to drink if you are thirsty, because you have no money. THis is oppression, and this is what property is in most cases, a tool of oppression.

What is your distinction between "private" and "personal" property, specifically?

Why do you seem to be arguing that property itself is responsible for the "haves" vs "have nots"?

Who has a superior claim to the production of another, absent a voluntary agreement? Remember that wage labor is not the worker's ownership of the produced good, but exchanging his capacity to produce for an agreed wage instead of the investment costs and risk of speculative production which is assumed by the employer.

YES!!! I say if the damned robots want our jobs...let them pay the taxes! No more taxing people, just robots!!!

Thanks for the comment. Some people think I am totally crazy even to suggest it but if robots are not taxed who the hell is going to be able to afford to pay income tax in the future when there is LESS people working..?? Cheers. Stephen

I agree! I was making an inept attempt at humor, but you have a really valid point.

There will be less people, and less of a need for taxes.

Thanks for the comment. I am not talking about current tax payments covering current liabilities I am talking of a reduced workforce having to pay for a ballooning unfunded future liability which is currently $750 trillion and growing faster than GDP. Stephen

That's exactly how I feel @richq11. I think they should pay their fair share of taxes and not receive voting rights without proof of citizenship and a photo I.D.
I'm sick and tired of carrying theses robots on my back as a tax payer.
The next thing you know there will be a sanctuary city for robots.

Not to mention unemployment compensation and welfare!

StephenPKendal Stephen P Kendal tweeted @ 07 Dec 2016 - 21:15 UTC

Should Robots be Taxed..?? #DEBT #PENSIONS @Steemit… /

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

Robots are labor therefore the corporation using the robots should be taxed as in larger percent of income and no employees are being paid. Therefore the corporation controlling the robots is at fault of robbing the system. But I would also agree that taxation can be thought of as stealing from the poor so lazy politicians can get paid to do nothing.

What percentage of what someone earns belongs to another party? What is the source of this claim?

Both the individuals & government bodies are gonna be outta jobs...

Haha. =X

Nice share!!

If automation killed jobs, unemployment would be far higher than it is.