Olympic games! Hockey!

in news •  7 years ago 

Did you like the match? What emotions did he cause?


Athletes from Russia became Olympic champions. Although Germany played well!

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Лично я очень переживала за Российскую команду, муж так вообще убежал в магазин, сказал что не будет глядеть решающий тайм, нервов у него видите ли не хватит. Пришел как раз к награждению!
Но и германскую команду стало жаль, когда на экране увидела их расстроенные лица и слезы на глазах. Но я рада что у наших на лицах счастье!!!
I was terribly worried about the Russian team, my husband just ran to the store, he said he would not look at the crucial time, he has no nerves. Came just in time for the award! The team is well done!
But the German team regretted when they saw on the screen their frustrated faces and tears in their eyes. But I'm glad that our people have happiness!

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