Question of the Day - To Separate or Not To Separate Immigrant/Refugee/Asylum Seeking Families? [news][qod]

in news •  7 years ago 


Question of the Day

Although most mainstream media does not and will not show strife around the world, most open minded abled bodied adults will know and understand that there such conflict and despair. The United States of America should know this well since its very creation arose from people leave such dire situations and ultimately founding a place whose premise was to defeat such conditions that lead to strife for the common man and instead create a land where the pursuit of happiness is not a dream.

Today, America finds itself questioning its very essence through the immigration issues at the forefront of today's political agenda. On the one side, there are those who do not want any more immigrants, and are probably unhappy about the ones that are already in the United States. On the other side of this controversial issue are those that believe in legal immigration, and are willing to accept those that are already in the United States. It seems the U.S. has not been so divided since the Civil War back in the 1860's.

Yet now there is a caveat within the immigration situation that has bridged that divide between those on opposite sides of the immigration issue. Regardless of whether the Obama administration or the Trump administration started separating families with children that were either attempting to illegally cross into the United States or seeking refugee and/or asylum status, these actions have now caused many on both sides of the immigration issue to denounce this inhumane practice.

This immigration situation created by poverty (Latin America, Africa & other parts), War (Syria, Iraq, Somalia etc), political strife (Venezuela, Nicaragua etc) and other causes is something that many countries around the world will have to deal with in order to prevent the loss of human life.

The question of the Day is if you were President or Leader of your country, would you keep families and children together or apart if they are illegally in your country, or seeking asylum or refugee status and why?

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It is necessary to put yourself in the place of these people. It is necessary to help such refugees, to give them the opportunity to live life under normal conditions. I myself have refugee status, and I am very grateful to the state for the help rendered at the right time.

@magnata Thank you for input, especially speaking from first hand experience.

should there be any limits on who is eligible or how many we take? did you sneak over the border and then apply for refugee status or did you apply and then come?

Well this is a very delicate issue you know even for any world leader really however the united states has always been a country taking in refugee as the are not in support of any form of inhumanity however if people are living illegally in my country if I were president, I can give them a chance to make it legal if they do not have any criminal record

Here in America the president does not have that power, congress would have to do that, any such order by the president would be illegal, just like the illegal DACA order that Trump rescinded.

yes, but in the mean time that they are filling out paperwork or doing whatever to get legal, they are usually by then in a detention center. So in the meantime, do you separate the families from their children or not and why?

If they didn't separate the children when they put the parents in jail then the headlines would be "Trump puts kids in adult jails!"

@funbobby51 It seems like you are more concerned about Trump's image than the families and the well being of their children.

Just like the media. Why do you think they suddenly care? If the families cared about their kids and did not want them in US taxpayer funded care facilities then they shouldn't bring them should they?

@funbobby51 First off, you mentioned the media and and even created a headline.
Secondly, you are implying that these families don't care when in fact they do care, and that is a given, but a better question is do you risk immigrating legally or illegally or risk staying and possible death or a miserable life for your child/children? The answer for most if not all knocking at the door seeking refuge is the former.

The problem here is they are not knocking, they are breaking in the back door. If you are a legit refugee or asylum seeker then you proceed directly to the nearest port of entry and declare your status. You don't hire a coyote to smuggle you in. Right?

Here is what I will agree to @funbobby51 and that is that it's "the game" creating all these "players."

Great job...


well I don't think it's humane to separate them from their families, I'm utterly against it, something, anything other than this really, they can be detained yes, but seperation is not the way.

Hello @streetstyle, it is not good to separate families, the ones who suffer the most are children, I would leave them in my country, but I would not admit more, if this is the problem. The goal is not to build walls, but to establish rules.
Happy day

these are cases where people cross illegally with children who may or may not be theirs, the parents go to jail and the kids go to temporary facilities while they process them. Usually like 3 days or less. This is a manufactured controversy, this is not a new policy, they just want to create negative press and then blame Trump. In fact they were circulating Obama era pictures when they first created this narrative a week or two ago.

Gracias @martha75

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

That will depend on each state, because in countries like mine "Colombia" we now have a problem with Venezuelan immigrants, who exacerbate the situation in several regions of our country and the state can control it because the money is holding by corrupt politics and the money of the state is highly reduced it.

For each country will be different because in Europe there are more accurate controls for these situations and the corruption is much lower than in Latin countries.

I know it's a little bit different to your whole post but i wanted to share my opinion about immigrants in general. Regards

That's an easy question...
They come together, they have to stay together and if they have to go back, they have to go back together.
Anything else is against humanism and near to a criminal act.
Best regards
nothing between.

How do you know if they are the kids parents or human traffickers? When parents commit crimes in all other cases the kids don't stay with them, why should this be different?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

How many % of these people are human traffickers?
0.001% or how many?
And for these 0.001% have to suffer all others?
And, these cages were the people get locked remind me on Germanys worst history, the KZ.
The only way to help these people is to help the countries were they come from.
There the governments have to put their money in, not in the military complex.
In Europe the situation is very clear to see, 90% of the refugees come from countries were the US and their allies have their dirty fingers in the game.
The biggest mistake is the system, the system has to be changed.

They should assume anyone illegally smuggling a child over an international border is a trafficker until they have evidence of the contrary, shouldn't they?
Oh right, who can forget all the people trying to run into Germany who the Germans rounded up and treated to free food and medical care and then fairly adjudicated their asylum claims and then deported those who were found to be criminals!
Yeah dude, this is totally the same!
The system is fine, the problem here is that for so long we were not enforcing our laws, we are fixing that now. Most of the kids that you see came by themselves because Obama said unaccompanied minors would get amnesty, so they send their kids alone, when we fix that then they will stop.

That's funny, to blame the problems in Europe on the US and not their own fecklessness.

What exactly about the system do you feel should be changed?

Who created IS? Who bombs other countries depending on lies?
We know already Merkel broke all existing laws by letting them in, but most of the Germans still are seduced.
The whole financial system has to be changed and the whole system where only the rich getting richer.
But the upcoming tradewar I see very positive, maybe now we are short before the reset, it's time now.

At this point anyone who said they really knew the answers to those questions would be lying.
I told them they should have sank the refugee boats from the start. Merkle and those sort saw the reality that Germans and other ethnic Europeans were not reproducing enough to maintain the population and thought refugees were the answer to their labor shortage, clearly foolish.

Trump is so funny, he has everyone believing there will be a trade war, looks like they are going to have to give him whatever he demands in order to avoid it.

talk of "the rich getting richer" sounds like class warfare to me.

" Outrage over the Trump administration's “zero tolerance” immigration policy appears to have little to do with genuine concerns over human-rights abuses committed by the US government on a routine basis.

The Trump administration’s Stephen Miller-inspired immigration policy of coercively tearing children from their parents is rightly receiving a hefty load of criticism, even from some of the more traditional Republicans. Some 2,000 children have already been separated from their parents and placed in makeshift government shelters in less than a month and a half, with estimates that this number will continue to rise (and has probably already risen).

The outrage over this policy – while blame is still being deflected elsewhere by Donald Trump himself – is understandable and far-reaching indeed, right across the political spectrum.

“Because of the Administration’s policy of breaking up families at the border, these detention facilities are overflowing with children,” Sen. Kamala Harris (CA) wrote on Twitter. “Many don’t know where their parents are. Let’s be clear: this is a human rights abuse being committed by our government.”
That's a very clear fact.

LOL says the commie propaganda outlet.

@zanoni I can definitely see the logic in this solution, thanks zanoni.

I think that families can not be separated. This is very bad especially for children.

what's the alternative?

It is necessary to pass laws at the state level, so that families can not separate.

So you want Texas to pass a law that says what exactly? That kids should go to jail with their parents when the parents commit a crime or what? How would a state law affect the feds enforcing immigration laws? Should Texas become a sanctuary state?

@funbobby51 Is trying to live and survive at all cost a crime? Texas and the U.S should simply do its best to be humane and understanding to the human plight.

Live and survive, no that is not a crime, but illegally crossing an international border is, those who are legitimately seeking refuge or amnesty can go to their nearest point of entry, no need to jump the border. So being understanding and blah blah blah, looks like what?

When someone commits a crime with their kids there should the kids go to jail with the adults or what?

I have personally seen customs and immigration officers be extremely flippant and calloused with people attempting to navigate the system, and what one agent uncaringly disregarded and ultimately denied, another agent not 20 minutes later a desk or two away had the same exact careless attitude yet approved the paperwork.
For those that get denied due to these poor attitudes and disregard for the human condition, it can lead to acts of desperation, something many have never experienced.
It is odd that in this God (Creator) given world, where less than 300 hundreds years ago, there did not exist any demarcation indicating any type of International Border.
Did you know that even today, there are actual family members of the same Native American tribe separated by this border? Literally blood relatives cut off by the US/MEX border.
Did you know that most Mexicans/Latin American are around 1/3 Native American?
Did you know that in America, you only need 1/4 Native blood to be considered Native?
Did you know that 1/3 is more than 1/4?
Kinda hard to hate on those knocking on their own door isn't?

It is odd that in this God (Creator) given world, where less than 300 hundreds years ago, there did not exist any demarcation indicating any type of International Border.

Did you know that most of the border patrol agents working on the southern border are Hispanic?

your questions are an excellent example of whataboutism. you didn't answer my question.

Children have grandfathers and grandmothers. If the parent has committed an offense, then a close relative should become the guardian.

Wow, that's exactly our policy in many cases, these facilities you see house children for 3 days or less while they try to locate relatives in the US or to return them home. What did you think happened?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

My father is 82 years old. He's in poor health. I send it to a nursing home or take care of myself? I now take care of my father myself. This is a difficult job. And what other way out? Can you tell me?

I am also a child to my father.

That sounds tough, not sure what it has to do with this discussion though. I don't like my father very much so for me I would put him in a home, I don't know how you feel about yours.

As a human being i think the families shouldn't be separated. Thanks sir @streetstyle for sharing the valuable article with us.

Well to see it as a human, they do not have anywhere to go while some might have taken in the wrong way.But most of them do not have anywhere to go .While few of the countries are indeed doing a great job in supporting those people.

I'm certainly not the president and I doubt that I will, but I think any country needs people, especially since the dimography is not up to the mark in any country. We need to extend a helping hand to families trying to find shelter in a foreign country.

People always look for where better, so we are arranged. And if families had to leave their home in search of better conditions, then we definitely need to help them.

We are all the same people, and if someone is destined to be born in countries where the state does not need its own people, it is necessary to help such families
. Give them the opportunity to live a useful life for themselves and for the new state.

Sir this is a nice content. The United States of America should know this well since its very creation arose from people leave such dire situations and ultimately founding a place whose premise was to defeat such conditions that lead to strife for the common man and instead create a land where the pursuit of happiness is not a dream.

We should try and help the refugees and people in need of our support. These are just normal people like us who have been torn like branches of trees.
Imagine if we were in there places, that's why we must help those in need.

Nice politics..
Question is so good,,but depend on every person choice..
Thanks for sharing...

On the one side, there are those who do not want any more immigrants, and are probably unhappy about the ones that are already in the United States. On the other side of this controversial issue are those that believe in legal immigration, and are willing to accept those that are already in the United States. It seems the U.S. has not been so divided since the Civil War back in the 1860's.

This is inaccurate, there is not really a side that opposes immigration, don't let them fool you. There is a side that opposes illegal immigration and wants to get rid of ILLEGAL aliens, they like legal immigrants and legitimate asylum seekers. Then there is a side that wants open borders and to allow people to come here illegally and to be second class citizens and be subject to all the dehumanization that entails.

Regardless of whether the Obama administration or the Trump administration started separating families with children that were either attempting to illegally cross into the United States or seeking refugee and/or asylum status, these actions have now caused many on both sides of the immigration issue to denounce this inhumane practice.

Neither, it has always been the case to separate children from parents when the parents commit crimes. What Obama did was create a policy of allowing unaccompanied minors to have asylum, as a result there was a flood of unaccompanied minors. Obviously the solution is to change the Obama era policy.

I most of all love my wife. I really love my son and my father. I also like to eat and drink beer and have a rest and I like to work very much. Although this does not apply to our dialogue!

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Keeping a family living together is good. However if they migrate to another countries illegally that could not be accepted. The best option is keeping them staying together with their family if they have little kids.

Hahaha Amazing news.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Amesome news sir.Thanks for sharing this it.

love to read it about this.i support you sir.

i will always support you man!!!

I always respect your ideas about this platform....

i hope man is for man,
its a very helpful post, thank you..

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

I love to stay together,,

Congratulations @streetstyle sir... very good news.. I appreciate your life... upvote done..

However if they migrate to another countries illegally that could not be accepted.

how one can separate a family as a leader of a nation humanity is first even if they are refugee should be taken in consideration first and should be deal with the procedure if correct then there is no harm to keeping them together just my thoughts would love to know from others

Hola @streetstyle, no es bueno separar familias, las que más sufren son niños, los dejaría en mi país, pero no admitiría más, si este es el problema. El objetivo no es construir muros, sino establecer reglas.
Día feliz

when this families are breaking and turned at a nuclear family,,there have no bonding each other,,My mind think this type of concept that living in a separate nuclear family,,all will be the selfish type,,i don't like this,,
Thanks for sharing @streetstyle

This is a nice and good content ,,Family create thee bonding where all help each other in every moment,,like as steemit
This awesome feeling where all are stay together ..sharing every emotion,,

An excellent overview @streetstyle and your formula very accurately shows us how the social component of the Steemit is formed and it is very useful for me!

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment