USS Liberty 50 years Later, PizzaGate June 10th Protest, Bilderberg, Seth Rich, Hampstead, AMA Session

in news •  7 years ago  (edited)

USS Liberty 50 years Later, PizzaGate June 10th Protest, Bilderberg, Seth Rich, Hampstead, AMA Session

Welcome to the Live stream that happened last night on my backup channel. Went over many topics in an epic 3hour and 20 minute long hang out on air with a bunch of big name Youtubers and some smaller names that are just as awesome.

YouTubers and Topics Discussed:

Guest List:

  1. Katrina McCaffery
  2. From Delusion Truth
  3. @ReallyGraceful
  4. New World Agenda


  1. Hampstead
  2. PizzaGate June 10th Protest! (That is today btw).
  3. USS Liberty False Flag
  4. Seth Rich
  5. George Webb
  6. Wikileaks
  7. How to Use Steemit to negate YouTube demonetization
  8. @LaurenSouthern Joining Steemit & My Comment to her.
  9. How @BitChute can negate YouTube censorship
  10. New World Agenda getting his channel back.
  11. The Zionist Influence in American Politics.
  12. PizzaGate what is going on and why is no one still outraged?
  13. How Infowars is hurting the truth movement.
  14. Shill Operations such as the Flat Earth movement.
  15. I ended with an AMA Session.

Enjoy The Livestream Hangout on Air:

This Video is Also Available on Alternative Video Platforms (Vote with Your Views):

Alternate Platforms:

  1. @BitChute:
  2. Vid.Me:

Hampstead - Two Sides to the Story: Interviewed Katrina McCaffery on the situation.

  1. Echo Truths Hampstead Video can be found here:
  2. Katrina McCaffery YouTube:

The second Situation that was discussed was the June 10th PizzaGate Protest.

  1. Justin "From Delusion Truth" was interviewed his youtube channel:
  2. The Boston June 10th Protest:
  3. @TheLightReports Website for the Nationwide event:

USS Liberty Attack and The Value of the Steemit Platform discussed.

USS Liberty Articles gone over:


@ReallyGraceful interviewed about her USS Liberty Post, which is a first post for her ever on steemit, her video was demonetized on YouTube but because she posted it on Steemit it made it's value. Her info is here:
Really Graceful YouTube:
Really Graceful Steemit:

Also "Supreme Lord Commander" aka "New World Agenda" Jeff C joined us to discuss the bigger picture, Zionist plots, and the alt media.

Jeff's YouTube channels:

  1. New World Agenda:
  2. Supreme Lord Commander:

In the LiveStream Jeff's YouTube Channel which was suspended was re-opened, so please go sub to NWA. I also discussed how Jeff needs to join @Bitchute and Steemit. This is because if you mirror your videos to Bitchute they will never be censored and removed, and if you post them on steemit then YouTube demonetization can't hurt you. So this combo of blockchain technologies will keep us from being censored.

Is there Life After Death?

I also discuss the Qallout debate I took part in, debate:

Please Sub my backup channel "Lulz Machine" where I live streamed this video:

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Don't forget to follow me @TitusFrost for more of my work coming in the near future...

You can also connect with me on:

  1. My Patreon
  2. Titus Frost YouTube
  3. Lulz Machine YouTube
  4. Twitter: @ImperatorTruth (When I am not suspended)
  5. FedBook: "The Lost Truth"
  6. "TitusFrost"
  7. My Vid.Me Channel
  8. My Published Book: "The Lost Truth"
  9. TitusFrost
  10. BitChute
  11. Check out my book on OpenLibrary
  12. Read my Book The Lost Truth for Free online
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Good morning Titus Frost. I saw your up vote on post this morning "200 to 300 followers in 4 days". Man you are always there. I do appreciate it. I don't know how you do it. with all the activity you have going on. You must be a robot! I do hope today's will be huge and make a difference. Again thanks, You're a good man Titus Frost.

Steady, successful always

have you been watching lift the veil,hes claming seth rich is a hoax,call for an uprising is anti semite and several other things ,i do not agree with any of these things,so there for begining to have my suspicions about this guy.i tuned in last night i think it was his friday show,i thought you should know as you have put a lot of work into seth rich.

Yes, I have unfortunately heard some of LTV's rantings. He continues to be a useful idiot. Pushing bullshit for views and patreon support. He does not care about the truth, he only cares about building his platform.


I told Nathan that I won't work with him until he starts telling his audience the truth. I told him the best way to build a channel is to admit when you make mistakes and own them and move forward, something he refuses to do because he is petrified of losing patreon support. He begged me and others not to attack him because it would hurt his audience growth.

In a recent livestream Nathan called steemit a scam. You are on here, does it feel scammy to you? In my opinion I have made 23K in crypto currency and met a bunch of cool new people on steemit, and I have not lost a penny on it, so not sure how it is a scam.

Nathan is constantly looking for ways to grow his audience and support. I on the other hand don;t give a shit about my audience size, or support. I constantly make videos knowing I will lose subs and patrons, but I tell my audience WHAT THEY NEED to hear. Stolpman and many others, especially flat Erath / mandela effect type pushers are telling their audience what they WANT TO HEAR, which I could do and I would have way more subs and support but I care about truth while so many others don't.

For instance DITRH hgas a video titles "there are no forests on Earth" which has almost 1 million views, and would have made him about 3-5K in ad revenue. Though it is total bullshit you think DITRH would ever take it down or admit it was bs? No because he is making too much money from it. So many "truthers" exist to just make money by pushing conspiracies that are full on retarded. Just avoid these people or research the opposing arguments because you shouldn't waste your time with people like LTV or DITRH or any of them. If they push flat Earth they are either useful idiots, shills or cointelpro.

yes i heard him say that about steamit and also call the guy from an uprising antisemite ,i turned his programme off half way through because i could not cope with his bullshit, only the children matter and fighting against a corrupt government,there is no room for vanity or caring what others my eyes he is missing a heart.

people can't handle the truth :-) All good stuff ..good job!

2017 #UNRIG, The Election Reform Act

#UNRIG Is a very simple proposition put forward by Robert David Steele, who Is an American activist and former Central Intelligence Agency clandestine services case officer. Steele classifies himself as a political half breed, he says he Is alt right and alt left. He noticed recently that his colleagues and friends, on the alt left, didn't get that Donald Trump Is a chance to take down the Deep State.

Robert has been working with Cynthia McKinney since 2009, when they realized that #UNRIG was ready to take off. Both Robert and Cynthia realized that they needed to help everyone understand that the Deep State Is our common enemy. Also that If the enemy of my enemy Is my friend, If Donald Trump Is the enemy of the Deep State, which Robert Is convinced he Is, then there Is an opportunity here for all of us to come together.

Robert and Cynthia have published a manifesto called #UNRIG, Beyond Trump and Sanders, The Election Reform Act. They are working with the white and black churches, trying to get the churches to host open houses In June. To bring together the alt Right, alt Left, the black communities, Latinos, small parties and Independents to all come together. If they all agree that the Deep State Is our common enemy, If they agree that the Election Reform Act, that Roberts put together, aggregated from, hundred of peoples, knowledge of thinking about this for many years. If they agree, that Is the solution, putting Integrity back In to the United States government. Then In July Robert and Cynthia are suggesting to all citizens, that they self organize and that they occupy the front lawns, home offices, of every member of congress. Until each member signs the Integrity pledge, committing to co-sponsoring and passing the election reform act of 2017, In September.

They have asked senator Rand Paul to Introduce this act before the summer recess, even If he only reads It In to the congressional record. That will be the line In the sand, between we the people and the Deep State. Robert and Cynthia are also asking Donald Trump to take the leadership role here.

Please can everyone re-post articles explaining this and resteem.

I just wanted to bring your attention to this new video game Far Cry 5, that Is released early 2018.
I have played many Far Cry games and they're excellent, but this particular game has got George Soros and the globalists written all over It. If you could get the messages out about boycotting this game that would be excellent.

Far Cry 5 Is an example of just how much control and brainwashing the globalists are pushing on our children. These young people are the future of this world and the message this game pushes on them Is disturbing and very deliberate. This particular games story line Is basically aimed at destroying America and Christianity. The bad guys In the game are the good Americans In real life, the sort of Americans that fly the American flag and go to church. This game Is an attack on populism, an attack on patriots, an attack on the American flag and people that love Jesus.

Ok, I will have to take a look, I am not familiar with the "FarCry series" but I can take a gander.

I just finished playing / analyzing Mass Effect: Andromeda. Not only did the story line and all that blow, but the entire game was ridiculous Illuminati propaganda.

Thanks for the tip.

I noticed a few days ago that Jeff C. is also the guy you told me was "breaking news" on the Justin Woolee (aka Justin Hess) double murder case. Did he ever follow up on that or did he just do one video and forgot about him?

Listen to Jeff's video commentary about Justin P. Hess and compare it to mine. Who do you think is really trying to get the truth out?

Jeff C. video

FullTimeGeek video

Let's also not forget the blog I wrote on this subject: Did Justin P. Hess Kill His Own Mother and a Complete Stranger?

I will have to look more closely at this. However Jeff C and I do not agree on everything. So if I disagree with him on this, it would just be another minor thing we disagree on. The Justin Hess thing is very fishy in my opinion and seems like Directed Energy Weapons might be able to explain the erratic way he died. I don't know I need to look more into this.

Please look into the Justin Hess thing bro because it seems like this topic is again resurfacing with the current news going on with George Webb possibly being Dave Acton. Not sure if you saw @thehoneybee's latest tweet, but it's looking like George Webb is an actor.

I also seem to now be caught in the middle of Nathan's shit flinging because he accused me of being a shill in the following video @ ~47:40:

I still want to recruit him on Steemit though because I don't think he's a shill. Most people are just paranoid AF because we're constantly under spiritual attack. The truth will stand on its own -- time will tell.

Nathan is someone I have warned in DM on twitter that pushing bullshit is not acceptable. I thoroughly debated the flat Earth subject with him and he ducked and refused to admit he was wrong. He basically said it would hurt his patreon support to admit it. Nathan is in this game to make money by being a useful idiot.

That reminds me -- I've been meaning to ask you, what do you think about the Michelson–Morley experiment? Does it prove the earth is motionless?

If you believe in the aether theory then you should find it interesting.

I think that there is a good chance that the Earth is motionless. Though that being said, I feel like Flat Earth is a distraction from more important science like geo-centrism, and the electric universe theory.

I think that there is a good chance that the Earth is motionless.

Us finding some common ground on this subject is a huge accomplishment in my book. The earth being motionless is just as a big deal to me as it possibly being flat. I'll see if I can dig up some more info to support it.

@1:26:30, Nathan said you're cool btw.

Hi Titus - I subbed to Lulz Machine, thanks for trekking to Bilderberg and the Boston Pedogate rally! I really hope you find a solution for the hacker to get the contents of the CPP website to authorities - one thought I had, if any of the CP was transferred or accessed by an IP address out the US then maybe those police authorities would be interested.

I'm writing in regards to Hampstead, as this topic has been covered by a number of YT channels as of late I've immersed myself into this case watching all testimony and reading the medical reports and the judges report. I'm a Harvard trained child psychiatrist, so I feel I need to understand this because other SRA cases have been dismissed as "false memories", at least in my circle of psychiatry, so I'm trying to look at this case without pre-judgment.

After I saw your stated 180 on this case, I was interested to see what you found so compelling. I listened to the two videos (3hours) and Kitty was on Random Rants of Ryan and on your show. I was underwhelmed by their "evidence" and found they were emitting strong emotional opinions and judgments about the mother and her boyfriend, Abe. I went to the Trello board but I didn't see any "evidence" for their opinions. I get why they are put off by Abe on the Jean-Clement (Abe's brother-in-law) secret recording of the sexual abuse disclosure and videos while on vacation in Morocco. I too wondered, and still harbour doubts, but after I listened to 4 recent interviews of Ella, including one with Abe, looking for the detached demeanor and inconsistencies that the Echo Truth videos report, I didn't see this - btw not once did Ella or Abe solicit/ask for funds when given the chance to do so. So when you put that recoding in the context of their decision to return to the UK and immediately seek advice to bring this to the authorities, it is not so far fetched. The kids were in fact telling them that social workers and other authority figures were involved. In fact, Ella refers and recommends that people listen to the Jean-Clement recording. Kitty said on YT that Ella edited out segments with the alleged "coaching" - maybe so, I don't know, something to look into but the fact remains Ella tells people to look at this recording (3 hours).

Taken together with children's testimonies/recanting and the medical evidence (as well as the very dismissive language the judge used in her report, including belittleling and dismissing the opinion of a well-respected 25 yr expert in paediatric abuse cases) and the authorities holding a strategy meeting after the kids testimonies with the principal of the school, someone named by the children (including details of private tattoos)- the probably of evidence is in the other direction. Why was this ever tried in a family court and not criminal court? Why no investigation of named perpetrators or locations described in detailed?

I don't doubt the sincerity of Echo, Kitty and Lulu, yet it is evident from their emotional tone, that they are now no longer objective. I give credit to Lulu to reaching out to some doctors about the extent of physical damage that can be caused by sodomy as described in the case. She received responses that the damage would be terrible and extensive, so she concludes not as described in the medical report. As a child psychiatrist, I only saw one case of child sexual abuse, so I am no expert but that also means few doctors are - I doubt the opinions of a GI specialist or pediatricians without sexual abuse expertise. I would have probably said the same thing as the GI or meds doctors. The expert's findings and opinion in this case is detailed in the two medical reports and is conclusive that the children were sexually abuse consistent with their accounts. I did some medical research using pubmed, I found a solid study published in 2014, that supports the London expert's view. Unfortunately, Lulu and/or another lady, were either briefly referring to wikipedia (misinfo page on RAD, reflexive anal dilation, that dismisses RAD findings are strong indicative of abuse) or the paper the judge quoted in her report (despite the article I link to below being available at the judge). Here's a link to the paper:

I wasn't impressed with Echo/Kitty/Lulu collective grasp on the details of the case (Lulu a bit more), given they describe having devoted a lot of time to this topic. If I did the math of my research, it would be about 24 continuous hours (and I don't think I'm an expert in this case but yet I feel I know more facts), perhaps they have spent much more time but it didn't come across in the video, could be a delivery style. Perhaps, they spent more time on the various Hampstead websites (I didn't, I don't judge this to be credible "evidence" but perhaps I'm overlooking some contextual information from the websites). Echo, I think, read this repulsive "poem" she received and she is rightly indignant. She says Abe sent it, but then she doesn't explain how she knows that and doesn't allow for "imposters" given the well known trolling going on this case. It is too bad they didn't (maybe not too late?) interview at least Ella, that they accuse of being at best negligent and at worst a abusing (at least by proxy of Abe) the children. It would have been interesting. Ella has done several interviews, maybe despite Echo Truth's trio's expressed beliefs, she would still consent to an interview?

If you want to go with these ladies' assessment, it's your call, only you know if you've looked at all the evidence with an independent mind.

Stay strong!
-PS: Apologies for long comment :-)
