Endless Wars of "Peace" And Their Surrounding Manipulations

in news •  7 years ago 

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours.

As talk of memos and FBI corruption dominate the media, or rather the conjecture around them being presented as news, there is one thing that seems to be largely absent from the daily coverage, and that is the multi-faceted US wars abroad. Or more to the point, the illegal nature of them, and how that point is always seemingly absent of the brief propaganda segments that mainstream media calls news.

US Imperialism is being carried out globally under the guise of the excuse de jour, be it liberation, spreading democracy, protecting American interests, or even national security, as contradictory as that may sound. All seemingly ending the same way, destruction. This is a fact surely worth reporting on, so I guess someone has to do their jobs for them...

Please take the information discussed in the video below and research for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. As anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer, is likely leading you astray, for one reason or another. Stay Vigilant. 

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Written by Ryan Cristian
Founder, Editor - The Last American Vagabond
WKUP "The Shift" Radio

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Good post. Really informative

As the saying goes, " One man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist". The America war on terror is seen positively and supported by the vast majority of Americans and Europeans but is creating a negative image in the minds of those people whose country has been attacked. To just give one example, was the invasion of Iraq legal or illegal? Why Tony Blair said after Iraq war that they were misguided about the presence of weapons of mass destruction with Saddam Regime. I would say if America is looking to promote democracy then it should leave people to decide their future and transit to a democracy which is according to the socio-economic situation of that country instead of being imported from Europe.

Today's freedom fighters are tomorrows terrorists....and the game rolls on

I love this, there are so many wars today and bloodshed. Just as the b in Bible talked about, we are in the end of the end times.

It calls for sober reflection