The Manufactured Emotional Outrage Used To Keep You Controlled

in news •  6 years ago 

So much of what we are confronted with today is carefully designed to elicit a very specific response, more often than not an emotional one. The primary reason for this is that emotion is the most effective way to cloud, and possibly altogether overcome, logic.

We all know that the way we react as humans -- with jealousy let's say -- is never very rational, quite the opposite, it's emotional. We are overcome by powerful feelings, that by their very nature hinder our analytical skills. Everyone, man and woman alike, can recount a story of "flying into a rage" as many would put it, or just finding ourselves victims to our reactions, due to an emotional situation. Very rarely do we stop in the midst of this irrational response to consider all possibilities and information involved, let alone if we may in fact be mistaken or misled somehow. Typically, that is what we do after the emotion falls away, and we come to grips with what we just did, and the potential fall out.

This is all acutely understood by those who seek to control you for political, financial or societal ends. They realized long ago that if they can find ways to maintain that emotional fervor, by selectively feeding you that which you have already been programmed to react to, via social engineering and propaganda (mainstream news), then they can effectively keep you reacting instead of pro-acting. In other words, you emotionally react to a story or situation, instead of applying your critical thinking skills to the given situation in order to assess more accurately if you are being misled, if their might be more to the story, or if the story might not be true at all. You simply react, in a largely preordained and manufactured way, whether you are aware of it or not.

For you see, just as many react without thinking when told some salacious lie about their significant other (that may have some sensitive connection to the past) before taking the time to actually make sure it is accurate, the American masses have been prepped and conditioned to react to next CNN, FOX, MSNBC, etc. news clip that feeds into your near constant state of emotional outrage, leading you to jump to conclusions, make baseless assumptions, and just overall make emotional choices without addressing all the facts.

This is taking place all around us, from every direction, at all times. From the media, to your social media, your radio, even your friends and family also caught up in the most recent moral outrage story, it has become near constant, and that is not by accident. 

Until you can begin to distance yourself from this effort, stand back and see it for what it is, it certainly seems like the most important thing in the world. They fill you full of false pride and righteousness, telling you how "good" and "just" you are for sharing their fabricated outrage. But the moment you truly find your way clear, the whole thing seems absurd, cartoonish even, and you wonder how you ever got caught up in it all to begin with. Truly, it was not your fault, we were all there at one point, and this is a massively concerted effort that has decades of planning and effort put into it.

So if you have indeed found your way clear, it is now your responsibility to patiently do all you can to guide those still lost, in this circular self-reinforcing control mechanism, safely to the other side. It is not easy, and they are always adding new stories and new reasons to jump back on the propaganda train; but the reality is that we, as a society, are indeed beginning to see through it, and the more they lose control of the narrative, the more desperate and overt their actions become. Which only makes it easier to pull one more from the fray. The point being, giving up or relenting is not an option, quite the contrary, now is the time to rally the charge. 

Please take the information discussed in the video below and research for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. As anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer, is likely leading you astray, for one reason or another. Stay Vigilant.

Written by Ryan Cristian
Founder, Editor - The Last American Vagabond
WKUP "The Shift" Radio

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Amen! Everyone should practice.." Now wait a minute here....does this make sense?.....who benefits?.....I better look that up."

Great article and can not be stressed enough in my opinion. We are approximately 320 million strong in the US. What would they do if we all said "No." and called out the B.S.? What if just half of that stopped falling for it? We are creating dominoes my friend with articles like this.

The perfect strategy to keep those at eachothers throats rather than those who deserve their's torn out....Been preaching this for years, TY!

The hard part is getting people motivated enough to do their own digging. If they would look past the MSM propaganda, they would find that the truth is often in plain sight.

You're so right Ryan about the nonsense coming at us from all directions. I don't watch the church last Sunday a stand in preacher (our Minister's on sick leave) brought 'the Trump Administration's immigration disgrace' into the sermon using Jeff Session's quote from the was interesting how it played out with emphasis on the Gospel being for sinners, perverts and murderers in totally destroyed my Sunday worship, shame on me for allowing it. At the end I questioned his inaccurate account of the situation, I was a wee bit livid and said I was going to write a complaint to the Church. At the tea and coffee afterwards many heard the truth about the situation...too many were not happy with the truth.

Great post. I agree completely; I’ve been trying to do the same with everything I hear that trends or makes national news and I end up hearing about it from someone who watches that swill. I’ve been pulling back more and more since the Boston marathon ‘bombing’ and the info I’ve learned since then. Now unless I see something for myself I refuse to believe it’s authenticity coming from the talking heads.

Oppressors always seem to use the same tactic.
Israel uses terror as a weapon to try and obtain political goals with the government in Gaza...targeting civilians for social manipulation, using terror.
Then, after Israel continues their rein of terror, they promise more terror - to try and stop rock throwers, girls who slap soldiers and kites!!!!

indeed, the "news" is mostly designed to upset people

meditate !

really. it is the best we can do to mitigate the hate/fear/lust/greed insanity that is beset our times.

so I focus on the silence within and do my best to bring it forth.

may peace be in your thoughts and guide your mind.

love be what you are, divine spirit enfolds your very being.

God blesses your every thought.

choose wisely ; )

Ego is what drives most people, besides stupidity. Well ego causes stupidity.

"It is easier to fool someone than it is to convince them that they've been fooled." - Mark Twain

Mental strength is as important as physical strength . You have to feed your brain too . If you indulge in bubble headed fantasies like a utopian world in where we have ZERO government , instead of a captured and terrified of its people government , then you’ll probably get Alzheimer’s before you retire from it . A realistic approach is needed . Everybody can’t have what they want , but many can get what they need . Rule of law can only come from a united and determined front . They won’t relent until we corner them in a small room and beat them until they stop moving . I don’t promote violence , but I don’t promote enslavement either . You won’t get a bully to stop pushing you around until you turn around and kick his nut sack , and then pounce on him while he is trying to recover . And these PSYCHOPATHS deserve to be eradicated like vermin . Thank you 🙏 sir for another great 👍 insight 👏 . ✌️❤️👊🏻