A Great Magma Bubble Appears in the Pacific - Belt of Fire Lights

in news •  7 years ago 

The ring the fire belt of the Pacific, an extensive ring that surrounds the Pacific Ocean. Along the length of the ring the most active subduction zones of the earth are concentrated, as a result of which there is intense seismic and volcanic activity in all its extension.

Source: https://ibmagazine.es/aparece-una-extrana-burbuja-magma/

It has the most volcanoes, that is, three quarters of the world's volcanoes. In addition a large percentage of earthquakes in the world occur along the fire belt.

Since the end of September, the fire belt is especially active and at the moment its activity is very high; but perhaps the worst is a discovery recently made by Japanese geologists, since a very strange and huge bubble of magma is growing just south of Japan, in the middle of the Pacific's belt of fire.
The belt of fire of the Pacific the truth is that it is doing very, very rare things. Look, it is well known that at the end of September the belt of fire of the Pacific was activated, then in December it seemed to lower its activity, but the truth if they have been fixed since the beginning of the year have been earthquakes and eruptions in all its extension; And not only that, but very rare things are happening. I will comment on them little by little in the course of this article.

Source: https://periodismo--alternativo.com/aparece-enorme-burbuja-de-magma-que-pasa-en-el-cinturon-de-fuego-del-pacifico/

First of all I wanted to tell you that for some strange reason the Pacific fire belt has been active for some time, not since September, if you look at January and February, there have already been many seismic events; are only two months effectively, starting with many earthquakes and Japan, surpassing the magnitude in all cases
We also have the well-known Alaskan earthquake and the Taiwan earthquake that, as you know, happened recently in February, but there were also more, as I am going to mention, we have the Indonesian earthquake, this one was quite curious because practically at the same time activated a volcano that erupted at about the same time as the Indonesian earthquake.

In Japan there was also a tsunami warning, it also trembled because of a large earthquake, but if you look, just after the earthquake of great magnitude, just the next day, on a Tuesday, there were earthquakes.
In addition to all these events that I am commenting on, it is evident that several volcanoes were also activated and many of them erupted. For example, in the Philippines, a volcano erupted and sent lava into the atmosphere a few meters above sea level, followed by people evacuated.

A little aside from all this, there is a strange event that is happening in the south of Japan, which I think we should all know because it was a very interesting relationship that I think we have to take into account and that is at the same time that this mysterious increase in seismic activity has occurred throughout the Pacific fire belt; A strange anomaly has been discovered in an area in southern Japan.
In the middle of the Pacific fire belt you can see that there is a submerged area in the south of Japan that houses a supervolcano that erupted about seven thousand years ago, this area is called super kikai volcano, and contains cubic kilometers of magma, list to go out into the atmosphere.

The worst thing may not be this, the worst of all points to that there below, just in that area under the sea, there is a mysterious bubble of hot magma that does not stop growing, and that is what worries all the scientists that They are studying this phenomenon.

Source: https://noticostarica.com/ee-uu-descubren-una-enorme-burbuja-magma-subterraneo-se-dirige-hacia-la-superficie/

The data captured just in this area, confirm that this bubble of magma, has grown tremendously, and that now has a tremendous magnitude; approximately five thousand meters high per thousand wide this means that it is huge, and that there could be a tremendous eruption without warning, and this is what the study says, it is not because I am saying it, this study which we are talking about, has been done by researchers from the kobe ocean exploration center.

This study has revealed what we are talking about; that this super volcano, could make a big eruption without warning and also added that it could affect hundreds of millions of people, we are talking about hundreds of millions of people, we are not talking about something small, we are talking about something of epic proportions; But good part of this is what would also cause in the background, side effects, such as, for example, subsequent earthquakes, tsunamis, which would expand not from what is the epicenter.

There is also talk of a volcanic winter that would affect almost everyone, wonder what scientists did to verify this anomaly, well, to check this anomaly what they did was go down there diving and collect samples. Also check that there is a kind of dome that does not stop growing, what they have seen there is also superheated water and hot bubbles, they were also equipped with a boat with various devices that what they do is measure the subsoil, the reflected seismic waves , that is to say, the waves that are reflected in the seabed are reflected to the ship, and with this technique you can also study quite well what the background is, that technique they call it, the technique of seismic reflection.
It should be noted that until March they will not go down there with robots to check the bottom, so there is still some information missing about that we call it a mysterious super bubble that is right in the Pacific's belt of fire.
Are all these events interconnected? I ask this because I know that when an earthquake occurs and near a volcano, many times that volcano erupts.

I wonder if all these events are interconnected with this strange bubble, in case there is a connection of all these events, I think it is true that we should prepare; because it could produce something of epic proportions. What we do now have are four hypotheses that experts are raising about this growing and worrying activity of the Pacific ring of fire.

Many will believe that this would have nothing to do, but indeed if it has to do. At the end of an extensive study, conducted by Roger Bilhamde, revealed that due to what is a slowdown in the rotation of the earth, the world would see a fairly significant increase in earthquakes

Apparently this slowdown coincides. Many people did not agree with this study and unleashed a wave of controversy with rejection by some scientists, who mainly considered it as something based on probabilities; and not in predictions.

Effectively earthquakes can not be predicted accurately because we do not have enough and accurate measurements over thousands of years to check these seismic cycles that the earth has. But it is very possible that the earthquakes of the 'ring of fire' correspond to cycles of seismicity that are given the belt of fire of the Pacific every so often.

This would explain why the activity of the Pacific fire belt rises, as if it were a kind of chain reaction, when what actually happens is that they are cycles of the earth.
The truth is that we can not close in any hypothesis, not even the hypothesis that something could be affecting us in space; Although the truth is that it is not proven, it is perfectly possible, and in the next few years given the advances in science and technology, it could even detect something that is affecting us from space and that we do not know at present.
Many of us have thought with this issue of the increase of earthquakes in the belt of fire of the Pacific that could even be the warning of something much bigger, but many experts assure that what is happening in the belt of fire of the Pacific is simply pure chance, and that the events that are happening in this belt of fire are simply random events.

I do not think that this is a coincidence in fact I do not believe much in coincidences, but what I do know, is that the fire belt is very active, and that there are very, very rare things happening down there, that's why I ask everyone they are reading, especially to the people of Latin America and not the people who live near the Pacific fire belt, to protect themselves, since what happens on many occasions is that when these things happen, the government in many cases does not help, and I believe that prevention is our best letter.
Friends, thank you very much for being there and see you, leave your opinion in the comments box, do you think that bubble of magma explodes?

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Excellent post, very well articulated. thank you so much.

Thanks!! upvote :)

Awesome job writing this article. A LOT of good information written here. I wonder if this is a new magma that explodes, if it will effect the other super volcanoes around the world. And if it does, that could be mass destruction. I enjoyed reading this and learning this new info. I'm highly intrigued by volcanoes and their history. I hope you continue to write posts like this, keep steeming on!

Thanks! upvote :)

Very interesting but it scares...!