Facebook bans Crypto Advertising (English / Deutsch)

in news •  7 years ago  (edited)

Facebook and Instagram protecting its users?

What a news from Mr. Zuckerberg. By claiming to protect its users from scammers this was another intelligent move by him. So the plan is the they are banning all ads that promote cryptocurrencies which include Steem, Bitcoin and all other tokens. Officially it is said to be an effort to

"prevent people from advertising what the company is calling “financial products and services frequently associated with misleading or deceptive promotional practices.”


Steemit promotions become illegal? What if Google follows?

What does the Crypto Community think about this? It has not been implemented yet but could affect a lot of industries such as legitimate advertising companies. The ban would also include any ICO promotion moving forward. Facebook is still the most used platform around the world to promote anything so that is a major news in my view.

Will Google / YouTube follow this route it could be the end of crypto currencies or a reason for Crypto Goes Underground? We will see what the future is bringing. Here is what will be banned:

Some material for you guys to check, read what the media writes about it below:











Facebook macht Ernst

Da wacht man auf und liest so eine schockierende News. Bin gespannt ob der Plan auch umgesetzt wird. Facebook möchte jedwede Online-Werbung für digitale Währungen auf der eigenen Plattform untersagen, also Facebook, Instagram sind primär betroffen. Ist es nur ein intelligenter Schachzug von Mark Zuckerberg oder ist es tatsächlich der Versuch Nutzer vor Betrügern zu schützen? Viele legale Werbefirmen sind betroffen, insbesondere jene, die sich auf ICOs spezialisiert haben. Offiziell sind sogar binäre Optionen betroffen und grundsätzlich alle Finanzprodukte und Dienstleistungen, die mit Kryptowährungen oder Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) in Verbindung gebracht werden.

Facebook lässt sich offen diese Politik anzupassen - mal gespannt was die Communities sagen. Was man schon sagen muss, die Masse an Scammern auf allen Plattformen ist schon recht hoch und viele naive fallen auf sogenannte Programme rein. Ich hätte mir eher eine Aufklärungskampagne gewünscht, aber PR-seitig ist diese News natürlich weitaus besser zu vermarkten. Der eigentliche Auslöser ist angeblich der Millionenraub auf Coincheck wo NEM Token verschwunden sind.

Steemit Promotions nun illegal? Was macht Google?

Das Verbot gilt auch für Privatpersonen - also aufpassen Steemians was Ihr postet. Dei Frage ist auch, was versteht man unter Advertising genau - kann man sehr unterschiedlich auslegen. Selbst ein Steemit Post Link in einer FB Gruppe könnte dazu gehören. Nicht auszudenken, wenn jetzt Google und YouTube nachziehen - dann heisst es Crypto goes Underground wohl.

Sources: Wallstreet Journal, recode, Gründerszene, it-times, techcrunch, Internet für Architekten

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Simply advertise Steemit instead of STEEM then. That's not breaking their rules. I think people need to read that closely. It gave examples of what isn't allowed. It's mostly talking about deceptive practices. The only people who should be worried are the scammers. Any other honest forms of advertising cryptocurrency aren't against the rules. Just drop the sales pitch and bogus claims.

I think people are overreacting. It's good for crypto if the scammers lose their voice.

I totally agree, all the Facebook ads I’ve seen have been bogus scams. If a project is good it shouldn’t need to advertise. But I also tend to have a skeptical view on most ICO or mining stocks, whichbis mostly what I’ve seen.

Agreed, Just promote Steemit, play their game. They are probably doing this as they have something in the pipeline which will be clogging up the marketing channels very soon, Face coin or Gmoney etc.

Scammers should be banned from all platforms. It is too easy to promote services that are complete scams with no background checks into the "companies" behind them.Some very simple checks from the likes of FB and Google would have eliminated this ages ago.

Good points - Steemit is indeed no currency. I hope you are right with honest advertising can be done and I agree a lot of scammers are on any platform. So if it ends up with higher trust in crypto we say Thanks Mark.

People who don't know a damn thing about crypto see those ads with promises of easy money. Of course that only makes the rest of us look bad, so get rid of them. That way, the new money comes to the established tokens, like STEEM. Then they see how it works and rather than telling their 2000 Facebook friends about how they got ripped off, they start spreading the word about how things are looking good, because that was the only option the new money was given.

If Facebook and friends wanted to harm crypto, one way to do that would be to simply ban advertisements and let the crypto people panic, go into conspiracy theory mode, then spread the news like wildfire... wait, no, that's not Facebook doing that. It's the crypto kids. I'm even reading it in the comments on this post.

In reality, this is brilliant. If Mark truly was attempting to cause harm, he did just that by shooting himself in the foot.

Guess he understood that he is doomed. THX for bringing the topic up. Will do some research on my own now :thinking:

Thanks @pollux.one - same here - trying to find more sources with in-depth explanation what is really getting the banhammer

Thanks for sharing this @uwelang. Personally, I think that Facebook actually did this to benefit their users. I was at a conference the other day, and was told that there are on average 5 new ICOs every single day.

Many of the ones that I have seen advertised on Facebook would be considered spammy, and a small portion that I have seen have been blatant scams.

I read the guidelines, and facebook is banning advertising with a call to action that directly promotes investing to users - something that I am not entirely against.

Now, I know that this could have a terrible effect on the promotion of STEEM as a currency, but we can still advertise Steemit as a platform, if we are smart about our advertising it will not affect us. I work full time in ICO Consulting, onine course creations and now blogging, so I would be more than happy to help create advertising campaigns for Steemit that are compliant with these new rules, but also help get new users in to the platform. If you or anyone else is interested in doing a Steemit fundraiser for advertising campaign funds, let me know and we can get something together to further promote Steemit.

I am currently working on a blog series with a focus on new users to the platform - showing them how I made around $1,000 worth of Steem in 3 days with no initial investment. The aim of the series is to turn new users in to long term daily active users by providing them with the skills they neeed - i think it is important and I feel that there should be a page that focuses solely on brand new Steemians, showing them the ropes through online courses, and curating content to give them the boost that they need. Again, I would be happy to do this, so I am currently trying to get SP delegated to myself so that my vote is worth something to new users. This way, even if we can't advertise on platforms like Facebook, we will spread the word by word of mouth of new users - not the most effective strategy, but it would get in a lot of active users in my opinion.

Thanks again for the post, let me know if you would be interested in any of this work! I have a graphic designer on board already, so we have a good skill set to start with. Would reall appreciate your support on my latest series for beginners!

Agree with your points and like the idea - am probably not the one to help you there - maybe @andrarchy is able to direct you here. We have some local initiatives on the platform e.g. for the German community where we help them on boarding, video tutorials etc. @jedigeiss @theaustrianguy @alexvan @twinner @flurgx @schlees and many more try to help newbies. The great Austrian guy above created also an account @neuvorstellungen which supports new Steemians.

We would need a central source for that ideally - agreed.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@uwelang, do you know the best way I can contact any of these people? Looking to get this running in a week or two.

most of them on discord probably - @andrarchy please try steemit.chat

Perfect, thank you!

Thank you! Okay perfect, thanks for pointing me in the right direction and will get in contact with as many people as possible - although I imagine it's hard for them to keep up with all of their comments!

Either way, I would really appreciate any feedback you have on my latest series, I'm really trying to help the beginners in the community! Thanks again.

Yes, I saw the news last night and started ranting about it here :)

But in the end I came to the conclusion that it's a good thing: it will drive the desire for decentralized, censorship-free media and bring a whole new influx of people to crypto, and probably also to Steemit. Hopefully not to advertise, though :)

interessanter Artikel, wäre noch hilfreich wenn die Referenzen dazu angegeben wären (Links)?

Warte - ich packe ein paar rein - später :-)

i think they banned it because they start to smell th danger for crypto. espcially steemit community which is growing everyday. just last month over 100 K users joind steemit. inaddtion all steemit members spend more time on steemit more then they do on other social media. its not a joke if steemit has over 2 milliones of usres he will be at the top of social media websites by they edn of the year if we do more promoting;

Mr. Zuckerberg hisemlf spoke about creating token for facebook so how does he disagree with crypto world and blockchain. its just they know well how blockchain will eat them lol

Think we need to wait what really happens and what really gets banned - in either way it was another great PR stunt by him.

to be honest we have a project called arabsteem. we are promoting steemit and support members who speak arabic language. so we are doing advertising on facebook and got more than 3K new comes joind to our project and our channel on discored lol. so doing advertising on facebook an dother social media reall make difference. but steemit will got to the light if they want or not. I am just waiting for steem to be ranked on top ten crypto in markectcap. that time people will run to hold it. thanks for sharing this infromation with us.

800M active user per month on Instagram, we still got a long way to go...

So wie es für mich aussieht, ist hier noch kein offener Kampf gegen Steem oder andere Cryptos entbrannt. Wenn ich mir die Beispiele so angucke, betrifft diese Änderung erst einmal nur die Scammer.

Es hat zwar bestimmt schon viele einmal im Internet in irgend einer Form getroffen, doch wenn man mit offenen Augen vorm PC sitzt und nicht gleich jeden Klickbait frisst, der sich irgendwo ergibt, kann man doch recht sicher leben.

Und was haben die Leute sich eigentlich gedacht: "König von Afrika irgendwo gestorben, du reich, 1. Erbe. Jetzt mit dem millionsten Klick gewinnen". Man sollte eine gesunde Medienkompetenz aufbauen, denn Facebook und Google können einen nicht überall "schützen".

I think from one side this is a very good thing. I get a tons of ads every single day with scam ICOs and Ads with "the next bitcoin". There are milions of people that are uneducated on facebook and dont know scam ICOs exist and that is all legit and the people lose so much money only because they believe facebook ads... This is a lead up from the milions of Bitconnect ads that were everywhere on Facebook .
On the other side that is a bad thing for like you mentioned Steemit promoting. But Steemit is the MAIN future competitor for Facebook so i dont wonder why they did that. But anyway there should be some way around for Steemit and all of this stuff if we read more carefully the new rules they put. :)

Facebook ist definitiv doof und das Verbot zeigt j nur, das wir auf dem richtigen Weg sind :)

Die Hintergründe bleiben spannend und solange es nur den Scannern an den Kragen geht - perfekt! Und davon gibt es zuviele auf FB und anderen Communities.

let's see what happens to their share price later.

Könnte aber auch ein Schritt sein wirklich über eine eigene krypto nachzudenken und vorher schon andere zu verbannen.

So oder so bin ich gespannt

Damit gesteht FB seine Niederlage ein und versucht nur noch Zeit zu schinden, um das Unvermeidliche noch etwas rauszuzögern....
Kommt uns das nicht irgendwie bekannt vor... ;-)

Seems pretty obvious, that facebook is building up a line of defense against competitors. Facebook has gotten a lot of pressure in the last 12-18 months, partly induced by the influenced US presidential elections through FB advertisement.
People around the world even longer ago started to recognize, that facebooks' content makes many users feel so called "facebook envy" described further in this article by Peter Walker from Independent.co.uk.

Facebook is making us unhappy and causing people who suffer “Facebook envy” to be particularly depressed, a study has found.

No big news.
In addition facebooks' users have more and more become the platforms' product, selling the users' data and attention to big incorporations, scammers and soldiers of fortune.
Evidence for that is provided imho by facebook's initiative for 2018 to change their news feed Algorithms selecting the content provided to their users.

Zuckerberg on that:
One of our big focus areas for 2018 is making sure the time we all spend on Facebook is time well spent.
But recently we've gotten feedback from our community that public content -- posts from businesses, brands and media -- is crowding out the personal moments that lead us to connect more with each other.
We feel a responsibility to make sure our services aren’t just fun to use, but also good for people's well-being. So we've studied this trend carefully by looking at the academic research and doing our own research with leading experts at universities. Source

Sure enough these are steps towards the right direction. Facebook has good reasons to initiate measures against those sammers and soldiers of fortune to not loose their most valubale resource.
But at the bottom line I would take it with a grain of salt, since it stays a centralized platform highly commited to the interest of its' shareholders and the advertising/content industry.

My personal opinion is, that facebook is drifting towards the void of irrelevance caused by their past strategic decisions and they are feeling it very well.

This is really bad for the crypto world, although the chances of getting scammed on facebook is really high. Facebook should look for a way to ensure only trusted industries or individuals with trusted reputation should be the ones placing ads. Cryptocurrency is the future of online transactions and the best and fastest way to promote it world wide is through social medias like facebook and instagram

Facebook is simply protecting the interest of its users who are ignorant of scams.

Some facebook users are gollible because they trust facebook, and in the end, they get scammed.

That's a good move, but not entirely a definitive one.

We see how it goes with time.

This comes as no surprise really And I kinda understand why. Everyone is on Facebook and despite the terrible views, they stay there. If your into your bitcoin and making money it just makes sense to advertise and reach all if these people who have no clue and sell to them. The majority of Facebook ads I see are just people selling crap.. this course that course, this program thats gonna make you money this new tool. As soon as they appear I tell FACEBOOK to hide them. But that is what Facebook has become just a place for people to sell crap and unfortunately Cryptocurrancy falls into that. And I dont for one second think Bitcoin is a scam. Just yesterday it was the deadline for our tax returns and the BBC were reprting on how the Inland revenue was monitoring Bitcoin and other coins and they are expecting some bit tax returns next year as the selling of these coins put you in the capital gains bracket and liable for tax. ... Great post @Uwelang a full power upvote not that you need it .. look at those rewards already ;-)

Hallo Uwe. In Zeiten des Digitalen Datenverkehrs war es doch schon immer so, dass sich gute und böse irgendwie wieder finden. Als das Handy raus kam wurden die bösen SMS versendet. Hat man dann auch sofort das telefonieren in andere Netze verboten. Oder als die 9000 Nummern den Fernseher geflutet haben. Hat man dann den Fernseher vom Netz geschallten.Nein. Ich vermute einen Schachzug oder eher eine Strategie da ja einem Herrn Salzberg die Leute wegbrechen. Ich zitiere aktuell von heute " Facebook will die beim Online-Netzwerk verbrachte Zeit sinnvoller gestalten. Die Nutzer hielten sich sofort 50 Millionen Stunden pro Tag weniger dort auf. Also ich kann 1 und 1 zusammen zählen. Zumal ist es doch so das dies Form der Kommunikation hier auf Steemit doch eine ganz andere ist. Hier hat man den direkten Weg zum Endnutzer. Dem Leser oder dem Beitragschreiber. Der einen in Form eines Votes bewertet. Bei Facebook liegt es an der Vermarktung des -Nutzers und das was man im regelrecht aufzwingt zu sehen. Mehr noch man nötigt Ihn ja schon dahingehend etwas zu tun oder auch zu kaufen. Vergleiche ich das Salzberg Imperium mit einer digitalen Währung ist Gesichtsbuch eine Art Sparkasse mit extrem vielen Verkäufern die in Summe nur einem dann die Masse an Geld zukommen lässt. Aber in dem Zeitalter der Kryptowährung als auch Plattformen wie wir sie hier auf Steemit nutzen, sind ein Dorn im Auge der klassischen Nutzung Sozialer Medien. Ich für meinen Teil, merke an mir selbst, dass die Nutzung und die Qualität in Verbindung mit dem Anreiz meine Arbeit entlohnt zu bekommen mehr Vorteile hat als doofe Daumen. Ich brauche keine Daumen. Ich möchte eine Art freiheitliche Bewegung im Netzt. Sei es auf mein Geld als auch die Art wie ich mich in einem Sozialen System bewegen möchte. Krytowährung und Ihre Möglichkeiten überlassen einem doch selber ob man Gewinn oder Verlust machen möchte. Das gefällt eben diese Großen wohl nicht so. Denn es gibt nichts besseres als Hörige Nutzer denen ich alles Verkaufen kann. Wenn so ein System merkt das ein Markt gewisse Alternativen bietet die eben keinen Knebel braucht dann muss man es verbieten oder schlecht reden. Das ist meine ganz persönliche Meinung über den Zusammenhang, was ich aus dem oben genannten Beitrag für mich interpretiere. Grüße Markus

I think they are not sleeping and will add their own reward system (f.e. a "facecoin") soon.
Why should they ban advertising to protect their user 😂 (but curiously just the crypto/ico adds)...they have scams since years but suddenly we need to be protected...thank you facebook for baby-sitting.

Bis jetzt hat der Aktienkurs von Fb noch nicht nachgegeben. Mal schauen wie das ICO von Telegram verläuft. Wenn das erfolgreich on ist, wird Fb wohl nachziehen.

I think this is a good thing. The fact that Facebook was appealing to the masses in a way where it is providing delusional advertisement is nonsense. “Want to know which coin is the next bitcoin?” Or “your neighbors are investing in bitcoin, be a millionaire like them?” This attracts the wrong kind of crowd and continues this lack of maturity that we are currently seeing in the crypto currency market. We need people who’ll believe in the tech and the fundamentals of the block chain. And we can accomplish that by good advertisement and marketing, summits, etc. Not that junk we saw on Facebook!

Aus Unternehmersicht ein Stück weit verständlich. Zucki geht der Allerwerteste auf Grundeis, denn die Zeit, die die "Überläufer" hier auf Steemit verbringen, verbringen sie im Gegenzug eben nicht mehr auf FB. Durch Steepshot gilt gleiches für Instagram. Und wenn dtube weiter wächst, kannst du davon ausgehen, dass Google hier zeitnah nachzieht.

Das wird die Entwicklung wahrlich nicht aufhalten, aber so gewinnen sie Zeit, um Gegenmassnahmen zu entwickeln. Kryptowährung ist für Einsteiger mit vielen Fragezeichen verbunden, die durch Ads und YouTube-Tutorials aufgelöst werden. Wenn dieser Content nun gesperrt wird, macht es den Ein- und Umstieg schwerer und bremst die Entwicklung ein Stück weit.

Nun, es bleibt spannend!

To some extent, he did the right thing. Many people have lost their money due to ponzy schemes like Bitconnect and this shouldn't happen again. We can promote DTube, Utopian and other money making machines we have here to attract a large audience.

Traurig, aber es zeigt was für ein Potenzial hinter dieser Technologie steckt, dass sich sogar die Big Player dadurch bedroht fühlen. Verlangsamen können sie die Entwicklung dadurch vielleicht, aber aufhalten nicht.

oder es stecken ganz andere strategische Pläne dahinter

Ich glaube echt, ich werde meinen FB-Account bald schliessen. Ich bin eh nur noch sporadisch drauf. Ich hab echt keinen Bock mehr, mit an dem astronomischen Wachstum von Zuckerbergs Konten mitzuwirken.... 😡

german here, english below:
War mehr oder weniger abzusehen. Auch eine Steuer sehe ich nicht mehr weit, wenn das Thema um die Coins noch deutlich wächst und die liebe Politik aufmerksam wird.

Eine Reaktion von YouTube und co könnte ich wesentlich eher verstehen, als diese Reaktion von Facebook. Wenn ich die Wahl habe, ein Video bei YouTube mit Werbeunterbrechungen sehen zu können, oder eben wahlweise bei DTube durch kommentieren und mitwirken sogar noch Geld verdienen kann, ist doch klar wo ich hingehe ;-)

an reaction like this by youtube I could understand even more, than this reaction by facebook. I mean when you could watch a video on youtube with all these advertising, or you could watch the same video on dtube without advertising and further earning some money by leaving an intelligent comment. Where would you go? ;-)

Steuer gibt es ja bzw Einnahmen / Gewinne durch Crypto musst Du eh versteuern im Normalfall, bei Post und anderen Rewards hier ist es dann an sich eine Art Einnahme durch Arbeit- schau mer mal wie es weitergeht.

Hab's auch heute gelesen, find ich arg, jetzt erst recht Steemit auf fb bewerben und Freunde einladen.

I suspect Facebook is planning on launching their own crypto in the not too distant future. Zuck isn't stupid. I'm sure he's well aware of Steemit and the threat it represents. Interesting times we live in!

Not only ads for financial products are banned. Practically everything related to blockchain technology or cryptos is banned.

For example Ivan on Tech can't advertise his online course "Blockchain Academy".

Na ja... Gibt halt auch viele Scharlatane die mit ihrer Werbung alles mögliche versprechen. Klar, jeder muss auf sich selber aufpassen. Trotzdem, manche Menschen werden blind wenn es um Geld geht. Und der Kryptohype scheint immer noch ganz groß.

Ich muss da wie schon oben erwähnt an diese "Investiere jetzt wenn du noch Geld übrig hast, alles Risiko frei" denken. Und dann noch diese Pyramidensysteme.

Daher ist das schon Ok so. Wobei man da wohl auch selektiver heran gehen könnte ohne gleich Rundum-Schläge zu verteilen.

Meine bescheidene Meinung zu dem Thema :)

Vielen dank lieber Presse-President Zuckerberg das du mich vor ICOs and Cryptos beschützt, amen

Who even needs Facebook? 🤔

I need it as long as 99.9% of my relations private and business use it :-)

Yes, Steemit is much better!

i think Zuckerberg dont want more and more ICOs, Coins and Tokens on the market. Every one wants his own Named-Coin... i think that is not healthly for the cryptomarket... Maybe he will do this to protect his BTCs & ETHs he have?

I still see a promotion for a " bitconnect " groups in facebook .

Das ist inakzeptabel

haha - ich schick ihm schnell ne WhatsApp und sag Bescheid :-)


I hate Facebook a little more each day

I would never let somone tear me down so much that I would have to hate him.
Easy said, hard to accomplish..
Stay positive and always look at the bright side of life.
The good will evolve even in the craziest times :)

Traurige Nachricht irgendwie... Danke für die News!

Man, good thing they blocked crypto advertising. I was getting tired of seeing stupid ICO ideas. No facebook I'm not interested in investing in in banana coins or trump coins but thanks for the ad.

Awful choice by Facebook @uwelang. If I'm into crypto or bitcoin, I most likely want to see ads about it. Who does Facebook think they are? I'm fairly certain they've also done this with medical marijuana, guns, and other sensitive categories. Apparently a Bitcoin company can't advertise on there, but they don't have an issue with Russia placing ads designed to stroke hatred & division within our country!

...or perhaps Facebook is getting ready to launch their own coin...?

After this ban i suggest Facebook to delete all groups and pages promoting cryptocurrency,ICOs etc etc...lol
Facebook intention is to stop scams running on the name of cryptocurrency but thats not the way.They can find out some other way to filter out the scams.

I don't understand the trouble about Facebook..
In my opinion facebook is a dead social network. There are so many fake accounts and fake news.
Since two years i only use facebook maybe 2 times a week when i'm really bored.
Now i found steemit and it't much better than facebook!

they are afraid of being abandoned by their users.
thus masking the truth.

great news

Be happy you did not get a flag straight away, did you ever read any posts you commented on?

Maybe he just was sarcastic. :)

a very useful post, thanks for sharing in steemit

It wont help!!!
They can't stop the cryptolotion anymore! And now the banksters shitting their little pinky pants :D They are afraight !

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Amazing how quickly FB reacts when something might hit their bottom line. Why does FB not act in the same way to prevent perverts stalking children or terrorists who want to kill us from communicating?

It's because FB is part of the problem, not the solution.

I do not understand your point on account worth - 14$?

There are currently about 2000 people whose account is worth around $14

Is this a precursor to them enabling ETH on their network for purchases? I heard a rumour about this.

That could be - would not be surprised, part of a well designed marketing campaign by Zuckerberg

Oha! Was soll das ! Ich glaube Zuckerberg macht das aud Angst User zu verlieren!

I think the main reason is not to prevent scammers - as long as people are pulled into his platform, he is happy. His real intention maybe is to prevent further movements from fb to Steemit. He is smart and all Stats, including Alexa ratings point into the direction, that Steemit could be a significant threat for fb. So he wants to prevent this as much and as early as he can.

ich denke denen geht grade der arsch total auf grundeis wenn sie das steemit netzwerk sehen

I find it really interesting, is it banned, if we post a comment where we mention steem or a other platform where we can get or earn cryptocurrency?

no, that should be allowed - and steemit is no currency but a platform or ecosystem so assume no worries.

Congratulations @uwelang, this post is the eighth most rewarded post (based on pending payouts) in the last 12 hours written by a Hero account holder (accounts that hold between 10 and 100 Mega Vests). The total number of posts by Hero account holders during this period was 418 and the total pending payments to posts in this category was $13010.77. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories, click here.

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egal wir haben ja steemit ;) whe dont care about facebook and instagram :D steemit is the FUTURE ;)
me 3.jpg

Advertising the service instead of the token would get around this but Spybook could still shoot it down.

This appears to be a result of the recent frauds from ads. Cryptocurrency groups are still all over the place. Thanks for the insightful article @uwelang