in news •  7 years ago 

Republicans after war money and power again, who knew?

For those of you who missed it Trump recently announced the US's recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel rather than Tel Aviv.  

There has been wide spread condemnation of this move through protests in Cairo, Gaza, and the west bank among other places. As a result, the middle east could become more unstable.

Both the Palestine militant group Hamas in Gaza and  Iran backed group Hezbollah in Lebanon have called for a Intifada (or uprising). Past Palestinian Intifada's lasted for several years and left many dead on both sides. 

Major European powers, the Arab league, other members of the UN security counsel, Russia, and China have all pushed back against trumps decision. This has left trump in poor international standing.  

Islamic extremists have been slowly diminishing over the past few years. However, this move may enable such groups to tap the resentment some Muslims have towards Americans. This in turn, may spark subsequent actions of terrorism which is bad news for trump right? 

Well no. This is where things dark. 

Trump wants a terrorist attack on american soil

Trump is a billionaire with security far more sophisticated than any average citizen. The chance of a successful terrorist attack against a billionaire president in 2017 is.. at best very very low. However a terrorist attack from one of several provoked terrorist organisations, is relatively high. 

Lets take a step back for a second, Prior to the terrorist attack on 11/09/2001 George bush was taking a server hit in the polls and it looked like he would not be re-elected as president. After this terrorist attack Bush's popularity surged. This is no coincidence. 

Think of this way. The Republican best ally is fear, racism, and and the hope that one day you will be rich "like trump" while conveniently lowering the tax levels of the upper class to consequently remove your access to the education which is required for a high paying job. No one would sign up for this deal unless patriotism was at stake, that is; the "American dream" our hard working American/christian/hard working ancestors have provided us with the ability to achieve this dream and the reason why we may fail at this is... well because of Muslims and other minority races which we probably belong to but... like I mentioned before, education is lacking here.. 

My basic point can be summarised like this

Trump provides the political message - all Muslims are evil and I am tough enough to stop the evil things they do.    

Trump irresponsibly provokes minority Islamic terrorist groups for a reaction. 

Terrorist group kills lots of civilians.

Trump takes this as evidence that he was in-fact right that Muslims are evil. While conveniently negating that fact that he has created said terrorist groups. 

The US reacts to the issue at hand. 

Trump looks like a powerful leader and his ratings go up. 

We've seen this with Bush, I believe we will see this with trump. This is the way right wing politicians work - keep the public stupid, racist and easy to control. Trump is nothing new.

Ultimately it is the civilians on both side who pay for their irresponsible leaders and idiots within their society... All we can do is ensure that the population remains educated and connected and I honestly believe that our society will get better. Education is the cure for human stupidity caused by religion (any religion, if you value another human life lesser than your own simply due to a god that thousands of tribes over hundreds of thousandths of years have never even heard of. Then sincerely, in no uncertain terms, fuck you).  

"In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule."

Friedrich Nietzsche

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Well, the people decide to stay dumb it seems, therefore this strategy worked with bush and will most likely work for Trump as well.

But in top of that i think his maingoal is not to remain president of the USA, but start a war since the election is still far from now

yeah :/ Hopefully people get smarter with time... but yeah I'm doubtful.

I mean he has so much money and so many investments... he will probs profit from something if there was a war.. I think he could destroy Americas economy tbh


i glad to see your discribtion, very nice post

great job keep it up..

Trump has created a new critique of the world after this announcement, which has received much criticism from the Middle East. People of his own country and oppose him. Thanks for the nice post.

i liked in your post

hallow dear friend may be a question dear

Donald Trump is a great political leader. I love trump and his activities.

Why's that?

Niceeee post!!