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The spread of synthetic diamonds in China, originally designed for industrial purposes such as oil drilling, is posing such a threat to the global diamond market that it has forced dominant player De Beers to invest tens of millions of dollars on methods to identify the man-made stones that look exactly like the real thing.

Dont know how to accept this, weather to see it as a good thing or a bad thing. Maybe I would say this is coming with mixed feeling coz honestly I would say it's exciting to know that the price of diamonds will soon fall and diamonds will be available to all. But on the flip side , I feel so much for those who are holders of the original diamonds . They are gonna loose big Time.

A team of scientists at the mining giant are dedicated to fundamental research into the difference between synthetic and natural diamonds, while others work around the clock developing high-tech machines capable of screening out these tiny, “fake” gemstones,

Well that's basically what they can do for now. They should invest all they got to this coz if they don't, it's gonna be a very big loss for them.

Have you watched blood diamonds? DeBeers has been killing a lot of people to keep their diamond monopoly in place. This monopoly is the only reason diamonds have any price.

Diamonds are very common. Anyone who has invested in diamonds has invested in a scam. A scam perpetuated by DeBeers, through holywood and other advertising. "Diamond are a girls best friend" - paid for by DeBeers.

So, i hope this bloody monopoly comes to a bloody end. If anyone on this planet deserves it, it is them.
I am sorry for anyone holding a diamond for its trading value.

Debeers is a monopoly for diamonds. They corner the market and limit the supply so that the ones that are in circulation rise in value.

During the early 2000s popular science and a PBS documentary was already bringing up the fact the man made diamond are getting better and closer to the real thing. I for one personally think this is wonderful for many reasons.

This will slow down and maybe even stop the blood shed happening in Africa and other parts of the world in regards to mining diamonds.

The ridiculous prices for large diamonds make no sense to me. Who on earth went and paid $60 million for a pink diamond is beyond me? But realistically wedding rings are costing a arm and a leg. If technology can bring down the cost it makes life better for most of us. I have no sympathy for Debeers.

Honestly technology will one day make something more advance than diamond. Why not proceed forward rather than holding back. Sort of like cryptocurrency where banks are trying to hold back the technology where in fact it is superior ;) Thanks.

Good morning, @Kevinwong. I actually saw your original post about diamonds being nothing in the small hours of my morning, but thought to comment when a little more awake :)

Synthetic diamonds, sounds like a good band name, or euphemism for fake emotion, basically, a great writing prompt!

By association, I also think of the cynic philosopher, Diogenes, and his epiphany to 'Change the value of the currency...'
(or to challenge established customs and values).

I dunno that I care much for diamonds either, but heard girls do, so wed mine with one. Otherwise, crypto all the way :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Lab-grown diamonds huh?
We would get to that point...eventually
Their interest is to get to jewelry market and expand?Their original purpose was in oil drilling industry...Guess they see there is a lot more money they could go after,right?

Damn right @kevinwong.. I had a few friends that had invested much in them and honestly speaking they admitted to me how they regret the decision they made in investing in the diamonds when I showed them the price when bitcoin hit it's peak at the end of last year... I advised them to sell and invest in cryptocurrency such that they don't live to regret another time when prices come to rise and they have not invested.. Am glad many followed my advice and though the prices are in a dip, they don't regret investing in cryptocurrency. And I feel they'll celebrate when everything goes fine.

De-Beers bought the tech from a startup probably 2 years ago that would allow them to construct diamond cpu's for wearable and heavy duty electronics. Probably gonna be a space, deep sea and earth excavation tool to use fro sensors and what not at extreme tempratures and so on.

For wearable because diamonds unlike silica do not get hot. I think Google can confirm it. It made me a huge impression back then.

Created in labs in a matter of weeks, synthetic diamonds are chemically identical to the real thing. They are made from a diamond “seed” which grows new crystals with the help of carbon-containing gas in a microwave chamber operating at extremely high temperature and pressure.

wow, just got to know there are synthetic diamonds too.
What is more terrifying is that they are chemically identical to real diamonds.
Some problem the diamond market has got there.

With every passing day, synthetic diamonds are becoming more and more sophisticated and close to the original natural ones. I don't know how much longer De Beers are gonna hold on with identifying this. Am afraid soon diamonds might start devaluation.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

lol makes me think of Blade Runner where things like real wood are extremely expensive or gone and all the affordable things are synthetic; maybe the og diamonds will be these kind of expensive relics? Either way I hope we get matter synthesizers/replicators soon... 😅

Are the synthetic diamonds also forever?

Oh, and even more important question, could my wife spot the difference?

500 years is good enough. And unlikely to spot any difference..

If I had diamonds, I'd sell em for crypto today.

Why you kevin no help he friends

What's your favorite stone/metal, Kevin?
I love silver!

Only moonstone.. lol

Nice, looks like silver's lost brother haha.
You aren't talking about Pokemon's moonstone, are you?

Hey, are you still in Steemit chat? 0_0

yo @logic, i'm on discord now! try this:

I've tried to find you on Discord recently but there seem to be no username "kevinwong".

The above link redirects me to "add friend" section but without knowing your username, I will not find you.

Not sure how discord works yet, its kevinwong#2341, easier would be to communicate on telegram at

Different strokes for different folks. While some consider diamonds as everything to them, some see it as nothing. Actually, @kevinwong sees it as nothing.

haha i thought that was quite a bold statement, i removed it

Woah. Diamonds made in laboratories. It would cause in the decrease of the value of diamonds. Technology always does wonders.

Synthetic diamonds? What? ... but I'm not that surprised... look at me, I'm a mannequin... a synthetic human, haha!

Plastic hug
Steemitri The Mannequin

P.S. ... ok Kevin... just read your "edit"...

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Is this possible with precious metals also? Could we grow synthetic gold that is exactly like the real thing thus making it totally invaluable? I would want science to get to a point where we can literally turn any matter into anything. Imagine being able to turn sand into gold or water into hamburgers. One can only dream, for now.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

After reading through the article from the link you dropped, I have come to reason with you and now I am on the same page with you, I used to think it was a priceless piece. Never seen real diamonds anyways. Cryptocurrency all the way....

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

When China is talking about diamonds, are they mentioning Crypto?
Didn't know about this possibility of shaping Diamonds, thanks for sharing!

PS I am a 10 days old steemian and I am honored that you liked my LEGO article, if you have any suggestion of things I can improve please, let me know. I am @bafi on Discord as well.
I feel that's really unique and I could use steemit income to support the project with more lens or buildings or Time Lapse equipment!

“We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -George Bernard Shaw."

i have never really seen really diamond so i may not really know the difference

Hello @kevinwong, I still believe that natural diamonds will always be the real deal. Whatever is being synthesized in the laboratory cannot replace the God-made diamond

Problem is, soon without very sophisticated high tech equipment, you won't know the difference.

Lol...lab made diamonds....yess merits and demerits if technology, same is the case with BTC ...have a look at its market, value is decreasing

Diamonds do look simple but it is very valuable, the price is very expensive, not everyone can have it :)

Really i appreciate you. Go Ahead :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Man penchant for thievery at work once more. The scam rate is at 1% presently but with the fact that it can grow to 7-15% is a a cause for concern. They need to be proactive, locate the synthetic labs and shut them down with huge fines and jail term.

Synthetic diamonds are a threat to the natural diamond market and a low cost reliable synthetic diamond detector would be a threat to the synthetic diamond market.

Lab grown diamonds are absolutely like real diamonds—they display the same chemical and optical properties as natural diamonds. From a consumer perspective, it’s important to know that the grading system used for lab-grown versus organic diamonds is different. The GIA doesn’t grade lab-grown diamonds the same way it grades organic diamonds.

Wow. Synthetic diamond they look quite a charming. It would cause in the decrease of the value of diamond, hope they don't loose there charm with the time

when they start weaving diamonds into carbon tubes to make bullet proof vest that will bounce off bullets with elastic know material science has gone up another level

Wow it's very nice post thanks to your post.

Just waiting for the destruction. that's for sure :)

What the hell am I supposed to do with all that money then..

Are you sure?????

This great post i appreciate your creativity thanks for sharing...

Sooner or later thie technology will spread to the ends of the earth and it will be easy to spot these fake stones

But the ones that come from africa are real.

Wow.. technology!!!

Wao beautifull pearls I like pearls

Synthetic diamonds they look quite a charming. I hope they don't loose there charm with the time..

It's not material science. It's alchemy! How can they make diamonds :D

Such an amazing diamonds,kevinwong done a great job,those are so live to me,thanks a lot for sharing.

damn thats awesome look beautful

wow you shared an interesting article today damn life is changing

Amazing 🖒

Anything to avoid blooddiamonds and the inheritage that commes along with that....

Now we have Synthetic Diamonds, omg. Are they real?
No way they are as tough as the real ones lol.

Weddings will go through the roof lol

I do welcome the idea that diamonds can now be created in laboratories, at least it would no longer a do or die affair to own one.
Diamonds and Crude are the two major causes of wars and uncontrolled bloodshed in the African continent so just like the shift to alternate energy sources is welcome, the creation of synthetic diamonds is also also a very welcome development.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Picture courtesy of
I worked at GE Imaging Systems and we had a machine called a Hot Isostatic Press. This badboy could turn a powder into garnett. It worked by introducing amazing vacuum pressures and super high heat in a controlled and mapped, repeatable process. never tried but it had the capacity to make diamond from a carbon source, like graphene. It is an AMAZINGLY EXPENSIVE INSTRUMENT, but they exist and can definitely produce diamonds, although it may take a composite of sulfur or another non carbon atom to make a diamond of significant size. Its color would be altered, if that route of synthesis is used.

a very beautiful diamond @kevinwong!!
diamond from which country 😍😍

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

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