The Laptop Lifestyle - Live The Life of Your Dreams

in newsteem •  5 years ago  (edited)

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Would you like to live a life of complete freedom?

Would you like to have the ability to travel the world, to be your own boss, and work from anywhere?

If that’s the kind of life you want to live…then you’ve come to the right place.

5 years ago I was working a part time job, living at home with my parents, and had very little income. Today I am serving more than 500,000 students selling online courses from my laptop, traveling the world, and earning more than 6-figures in passive income each and every year.

Which leads me to this post…

Moving forward I will be showing YOU how to live a life of freedom…

How to create a laptop lifestyle…

And teach YOU how to live a life that most only dream of…

So…What are the benefits of following me @joeparys

By following me, watching my stories, and interacting with my posts, you will learn step-by-step how to create your life by design.

You will also get an inside look into my online business, travel experiences, lifestyle and more…

I will also be rewarding the best comments, suggestions, and interactions on this page with up-votes!

I am grateful for your support and for following me on this journey.

And remember… “The secret to happiness is freedom and the secret to freedom is courage” -Thuydides

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Nice, your YouTube video are very good. Looking forward to hearing more.

Posted using Partiko iOS

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

Interesting, I will come back to check out some posts about that..

I like your courses, and can't wait for the following posts

Posted using Partiko Android

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

Great! Good luck with your projects!🍀

Posted using Partiko Android

Alright, you got my attention. Where do I sign up? :)

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

Man you made it!
The digital nomad lifestyle will be the future for a lot of people ...

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  5 years ago 

Always I'm with you....

  ·  5 years ago 

Yeah brother..

Awesome- excited for the journey

Great your Laptop lifestyle

It sounds very inspiring @joeparys.

Hey @joeparys, here is a little bit of BEER for you. Enjoy it!