Some unknown information about butterflies

in newsteem •  5 years ago  (edited)


The colorful butterflies roaming the swell do not add to the beauty of nature. There is a lot of interesting information about butterflies in just a few short life cycles. If you do not know what will fascinate you as a form of insect. Butterflies taste with legs. The butterfly drinks water from the shoulder. Butterflies use camouflage techniques to protect themselves. Beyond all the beauty, the life of the insect is very pleasant.



Tasting with the legs
Butterflies have a special role to play in finding or consuming butterfly foods. Unluckily, these insects taste food through their feet. The receptor that tests the taste of food, is on the butterfly's feet. Moreover, female butterflies roam from tree to tree. And begins to hit certain parts of the tree with legs. They then test the extracted juice of the tree with a chemoreceptor in the foot. If they conform to their assigned criteria, they lay eggs there.


It is very important that the butterfly larvae get the necessary nutrients from this plant or tree after birth. In this way, butterflies find the ideal place to eat or lay eggs. But in nature, butterflies are not the only insects that taste food through the feet. Shrimp and locust receptors are also present on their feet.


Relying only on liquid foods
There is no part to chew on the butterfly's face. So they cannot eat solid foods at all. They have a pimple in the mouth like a tube, from which they can eat only liquid foods. In liquid diets, their main food is flower honey, but they also collect food from soft fruits or plants.

Interestingly, butterfly larvae or caterpillars have chewing parts called mandibles, through which the larvae eat strong food. Because they can't fly very far like butterflies. And wherever one is born, one has to spend a great deal of time. Therefore, they live in the early stages by eating the leaves of the native tree.

Transparent wings
The most colorful insects in nature are butterflies. Butterfly wings of various colors are the base of their beauty. These colored wings are made up of a layer of protein called ketin, which is extremely thin. Thousands of fibers are on the wings of this catechin. Where we see hundreds of colored butterflies in light work. When these fibers drop with age, only the wings made of catechin remain. If you notice, these wings are very transparent and easily visible from one side to the other.

However, the coating on the transparent wings made of catechins is very important for butterflies. This is because they strengthen the wings and provide the balance on the sides. Usually during mating, butterflies lose some fiber while eating or flying. But, flying is not so much a problem for butterflies. Since butterflies cannot reproduce these fibers, if they lose too much fiber, it is a serious threat to their lives.

Life is just a few weeks
Butterfly is generally regarded as one of the most beautiful parts of nature. The life of an adult butterfly is limited to only 2-3 weeks. There are four stages of a butterfly's life cycle - eggs, larvae, pupa or chrysalis and becoming butterflies.

Adult butterflies are available only after release from chrysalis. Then the butterflies spend a large part of their energy on eating and breeding. Most butterflies survive only a week or two. There are, however, a few butterfly species, whose life span is about 6 months.

Get water from soggy sink
Butterflies that depend only on liquid foods cannot survive their entire life by eating honey. In excess of heat, water may be seen from soggy sinks or wet sand, which is rich in minerals and their salt needs are met here.

This feature of butterflies is more noticeable in males than females, known as puddling. It is thought that this mineral-rich water helps increase male butterflies' ability to breed.

Butterflies cannot fly in the cold
Butterflies cannot produce the temperature they need for themselves. Because they are cool blood pests. Therefore, the effect of ambient temperature on their life cycle is significant. When the temperature of the butterfly's habitat starts to decrease, their body temperature also starts to decrease and the wings cannot fly once more.

They can fly up to temperatures of 60-108 degrees Fahrenheit. However, temperatures of 82-100 degrees Fahrenheit are considered ideal for butterflies. If they are unable to fly in extreme cold, they take shelter on rocks, trees or foliage. This time they became easy targets of hunting.

Not so sharp in sight
Although the butterflies may not look very good at distances greater than 10-12 feet, they can see again that the ultraviolet rays that humans do not see. This sight of butterflies plays a vital role in the important tasks like flower checking and companion selection for food collection. Research has shown that butterflies have at least 15 different types of photoreceptors! Each receptor is stimulated in different colors.

Impersonation to avoid becoming a victim's food
Since there are animals at the bottom of the food chain, butterflies are on the food list of birds, spiders, ticks and many other animals. The biggest weapon for butterflies is to disguise the hungry predator as there is no other powerful way to protect it. They can be easily avoided by catching the victim with the color and design of the wings.

However, some butterflies resort to the exact opposite of disguise. Through their extremely colorful designs, they proclaim their presence to be one of glory. Hunting animals avoid them because some highly colored insects are poisonous, and some butterflies try to take advantage of them. Butterflies are not poisonous, but if some butterfly's wings are painted in order to create a pattern of poisonous insects, they can be very useful in self-defense.

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majestic photography

Beautiful contribution and nice pictures :)

Where are these pictures from?

wow wow wow The first butterfly photo has been outstanding. It's very difficult to photograph butterflies. because he often flies when someone approaches him. and I've experienced that.

You have shared a lot of unknown information about butterflies. Thank you for this. I did not know that butterflies taste food on foot.

Have a wonderful time ahead and stay blessed.