Piggy Back: Biggest Rigged Trade in World History! FREAK CITY REVIEW

in newworldorder •  6 years ago 

Are markets crashing? Or is the money supply contracting? "The pie is being cut into fewer pieces."

The Illuminati endgame is "Hyperinflationary Debt Repudiation." Piggy back on the biggest rigged trade in world history!

People don't realize that "Identity Politics" was created by SRI at the behest of FBI to run cointel against what Dr Martin Luther King Jr was doing. Bringing the black civil rights movement together with the white anti-war movement. Then again, that was back when the Left was AGAINST war.

The type of thing that I think is funny.

When the US Government was violently overthrown in a terrorist coup on Sept 11, 2001, it was VERY IMPORTANT to be open, yielding, receptive...

"The Imperial Narrative."

MS13 did some of it too, right? #secretarmy

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