Market, Buffs, Season, Stardust & Giveaway

in nextcolony •  5 years ago  (edited)


Today you'll have a chance to get the most valuable giveaway we've given away so far. The first of ten Yamato blueprints will be given away today. But let's start with a new and tasty update first. Let's go...


We've just released an update and thus an early beta version of the market on the main client. The market is fully functional and already intensively tested. You can now trade items, planets, and ships on the market.

All goods are traded in Stardust and are subject to 4% fees, which are burned and thus reduce the supply of Stardust. An additional 4% are sent to @nextcolony and used for rewards. The market is an important step for the ecosystem and a powerful sink.

We've been testing the market on @Jarunik's client for a couple of weeks now and are already seeing some nice numbers. Due to today's update and the implementation of the market in the main frontend we expect a significant increase in usage.

  • Total transactions (market): 53,533
  • Total SD sold (market): 16.4 million
  • Total SD burned (market): 1.2 million

The opening of the market was pretty much one of the most important moments so far in the history of NextColony.

Some basic rules of trade:

  • Ships that are for sale on the market cannot be actively used, as long as they are on the market. They can, however, be attacked. If a ship is attacked and destroyed, the sell order will be automatically deleted.
  • As long as there are active missions, a planet cannot be offered for sale on the market.
  • Items and planets on the market cannot be gifted.
  • Items on the market cannot be activated/merged/opened.
  • Planets on the market cannot start any missions.
  • If a ship is put on the market, it will be instantly delivered to the buyers' trade hub (located on the starter planet). This has become possible by a new warping technology, which is only available to the market.



Eight days ago we've released a small update with an early beta version of another new feature. At the moment, there are now two buffs available. Buffs are always temporary and available for Stardust. Buffs can be purchased multiple times so that the periods add up and thus last for a longer period. Buffs effects on the account level. We will probably implement more buffs in the future. Buffs will be an enrichment for the game and a nice Stardust sink.



The first Yamato season is now going in its final week. So far we have seen some astonishing developments already. In total, almost 16 million Stardust has been consumed and burned in Yamato upgrades. Some players have run out of stardust and started to burn their planets for Stardust. The most dramatic burn was the burning of the legendary Tartaros, which added 9 million stardust to the wallet of dachcolony. In total, planets for 17.4 million stardust were burned so far. @dachcolony is currently leading the race with 3.6 million reward points, slightly ahead of powernap (3.2 million) and zings (3.1 million reward points). One of these three will be the winner of the first season. So far, the season has been pretty peaceful, but we would consider it likely that players will become more aggressive towards the end of the season. But let's see what will happen.



The Stardust pre-sale is in the final phase. Only 50,000,000 Stardust is going to be sold in the first round, and 43.69% have already been sold. So there are only 28,155,000 Stardust remaining. Now it's time to stock up on Stardust to increase your influence, build up your liquidity, and grow your empire. If you want to learn more about the Stardust economy please read the extensive analysis by @rondras.

As soon as the second season has started, we will release another update shortly thereafter, so that you can exchange from In-game Stardust to Steem Engine. The backend is already completed. If the pre-sale will not be completed, we will sell the remaining Stardust on Steem Engine. We expect trading to be another exciting aspect for settlers and raiders.



Would you like to earn a Yamato blueprint? The first of 10 Yamato blueprints will be given away today. You just have to do two things:

  1. write one creative comment below this post and
  2. resteem this post

Please do not spam this post, because you'll get disqualified.

After the payout of this post we'll use the random winner picker to determine the winner. This promotion ends after 7 days.

Just comment and resteem.

If you have any questions, join the official Discord server.

Stay tuned.

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Don't get me wrong. I enjoy your game and I have been playing it since day one, a little too much even.

When markets were coming out I was hoping that they would be an upgrade for my planet, maybe even a blueprint. Something owned by the player. An upgrade that makes a planet become more valuable. You, NextColony talk about ownership and resale of digital assetts and Stardust. If you want people to get interested you need a way to make my current assets more valuable and desirable.

The worm hole technology owned only by the marketplace and instant transport of ships is crap, get rid of it! It can be used and abused way too much, I know, I've already abused it. The transportation of ships needs to be real game time to and from the market(s). This would reduce the alt accounts as you would have to fly your ships to the new planet and not just open an alt account and "sell" it a huge fleet for 8 Stardust.

This market can create and sell its own ships but it also sell ships of other players. If the marketplace wanted to sell more ships it would have to upgrade the market with more births, (? sorry I dont know the correct term for spaceship parking slot). It can sell other users ships but it has to have the available space for those ships to be docked and the ships have to bee flown to and from the market. (Hmm, I need a speed or MC buff).

Docked ships could be attacked but not fight back. Making a well protected market more valuable. While making your selection of a market to SELL your ships important. Causing competition among markets. Market Alpha, a well defended and well located market sells ships for 25% commission. Market Beta has no defense and a crappy location but it only charges 3% commission. The cost and travel time become important.

This would add a very strategic component to the game and add long term value to a location already explored. The location of the marketplace planet would be critically important. Ships having to fly to and from the market would also SLOW down expansion and discourage alt accounts.

Example, If I own a market place I could sell X number of ships based on how many births I had. If I wanted to sell more ships I would have to upgrade my market place. If John Doe wanted to sell his ships and he didn't have a market place he would have to deliver his ships to a market place and put them in an available bay to sell them. When they were sold they would take the appropriate travel time to arrive at the buyers destination of choice.

This would encourage markets all around the universe. Increase the value of my planet and already explored space. It encourages cooperation and interaction of players as the seller and market need to negotiate sales related stuff. It slows expansion while discouraging alt account abuse and gives greater control, options and reasons to play.

IMHO, With Love.

The market is still early beta and we are collecting data and feedback. These are a lot of interesting and valuable ideas. We appreciate that very much. Thanks for that!

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This comment is certainly more creative than Tron acquiring Steemit.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

... Tron acquiring Steemit.

Oh, that's just nothing ... didn't you hear, yet, that soon @nextcolony will acquire @splinterlands? :)

That's the truth.


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how cool is that!

I want one of that yamato! 🚀
I need one of these yamatos! 🚀
I have to have one of these yamatos! 🚀

please dear #nextcolony universe choose me!🍀🤞

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Did you know that the actual meaning of the word Ya mo to comes from Japanese? It actually means 'the print that is to be received by the chosen one who calls himself too curious.'

Yamato was also a huge Japanese battleship.

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How about having the ability to make a team or a team? The game will be more dynamic if it is compensated or benefited by Clan's ranking.

This definitely has a high priority.

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If I win I give it away!

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I am not creativ at all but I want a Yamato blueprint :)

You're definitely creative. We have proof of that.

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Good to know, that NC players have a goal to pursue now with these rewards. I think it would be nice to have more players rewarded, even with very small SD amounts in the future. Wishing you all the best for this game, I resteem the post to my 4000 followers.

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Good to see how this game is evolving and getting better with each update.

Thanks, @steelman! (:
Thanks for being so committed. We appreciate it very much!

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Looking forward to season 2. A ton of planets have been burned and it will be interesting to see how this plays out going forward.

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Did I win?

You should.

They said be creative.

It's good you didn't find a planet there. Would have ruined the effect.

I was hoping for that.

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A free Yamato "Blueprint of Force" could be my key to the global dominance of the hole Stardust Cookies.
That's phenomenal.

(I'm excluding myself from the contest)

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Hi @variola

I've noticed that we're both playing holybread and it seem that you were on my way :) (I play as @project.hope)

Hope you're enjoying playing holybread. I found this game quite entertaining. Perhaps it will get boring soon, but right now it's still loads of fun :)

What's your impression so far?


Oh no. I'm out of creative comment for NextColony after seeing so much numbers, stats and numbers. 8th month & christmas coming up, no sign of de' lejendary.

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I am really looking forward to be able to trade SD for Steem. However, I think you selling a lot of SD will ruin the market for players, as you are creating an oversupply.
And of course, I go along with almost everything that @cowpatty wrote. Market needs reform badly.

The pre-sale is limited and soon over. We are not planning do to the second one soon.

i dont understand how to sell ships. Where can i find the button to sell for example an battlecruiser?

I think it's obvious, but i dont find :D


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Ich bin zwar nur ein Kuerbis, aber ein Kuebis mit Yamato-Soße ist bestimmt total lecker xD

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Resteemed some days ago. But couldn't think of much for a "creative comment". So I came up with a giveaway that might bring few players in :)

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You all better hope I don't win, because I will be selling Yamatos like crazy on the Market! ;D

The Market looks very sleek on the Official Frontend!!! Very nice, and it's still only the beginning!!!

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Opening stardust on steem-engine will kick this game into the top tier of blockchain games.

You can get paid for gaming!

Bring on the masses!

Yes! (:

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Excellent giveaway and maybe season 2 will be more dynamic and more players involved into prize fund!

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We need more blood and dust of ships... let the fighting party begin at the next season!

  • Oh, and congrats the top rankers of the 1st season!

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I have some very creative ideas what to do with such a blueprint... no, not burning it for SD 😂

Posted using Partiko iOS

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I am in for Yamoto blueprint but in contrary I also think that NC keep some blue print with them and distribute "yamoto" to 20 players before the start of the season to the player fulfilling some condition.

There are 10 Yamato blueprints to distribute (from Earth).

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I've been missing NextColony... (played rarely recently)
Now maybe come back...

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I still remember when you were posting about BGM (Background music) for Nextcolony.

That was calm and dreamy music.

Will there be any chance to this music to be played in the game? I really hope there's a possibility.

Enjoying Nextcolony everyday.
I do appreciate for you & dev's great work!

Could be possible.

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Great news about the market, where you can commercialize any article of the game, of which we find in it. I think it opens the way to attract new players and investment, only advertising is missing, I will comment and share in the chat the new news, good with the few that I speak, but I hope the other players do the same to spread the word .

Thanks, @willsaldeno! (:

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Good to see the steem-engine market is now up for Stardust. I have made my first sale!

I think it would be good to include some more features in the game that make use of the populated areas - i.e. previously explored space. These areas are a little dead. I have some ideas on this but will put them in the ideas space on discord.

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You guys have done a great job with the game. I got burned out awhile back because I was constantly getting destroyed by attacks. Thankfully with the evolving game I was able to respawn my planet far away. That got me back in the game! Congratulations on the achievements!

let me try to find you again ;-)

lol...It will take you 3 months to get to me!🤔😉

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Looking forward to SD on Steem Engine!

Yes! (:

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Wisst ihr, was besser ist als 10 BP von einem verbrannten Planeten?
10 BPs von einem verbrannten Planeten PLUS ein geschenkter BP. Also machen wir hier auch last minute noch mit, während wir auf die neue Season warten :D

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For years, successful research has been carried out in order to further survival in space. Away from the peaceful Commonwealth, hostile activities have been recorded for months. While ultimate Yamatos are used as weapons of war and battleships are mobilized, the resources in the trading center of the universe are being driven away diligently.
According to the prophecy of the Yash'Gohl, the world view of the universe will no longer be secure in the near future and millions of stardusts will be burned.
See and marvel when the current season comes to an end and it is about wealth and honor in space.

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The last few updates which are told on this post are for real some of the best. I won't say that's every player needed but for me It's just very good. First, the market is just THE thing that the game needed to start a real economy and expand. The buff is not smth I'll use but I see the interest for big players to move faster or just make some massive attacks. And the stardust is linked to the market so smth players needed to build a real economy around this game.
So just thanks devs. Don't surrender you can do it

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With so many updates,I am interested in nextcolony again.

Posted using Partiko Android

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I'm not sure players will become more aggressive at the end of the season at all. Yamamotos seem too hard to catch and far too costly to attack when buried on planets with lots of other ships.

That being said its the first season and a lot can change. Hopefully in future seasons things get sorted out a bit more and regular players have a chance to participate and earn a share of the rewards :)

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Built in market sounds good. Hope more engagement to follow!
And yeah, Yamato BP would be nice addition :)

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Though others are complaining of slower development I think you are release too many features too close. Finding it hard to keep up with all the things that are going around.

We could take a long pause? kidding.

It's getting more and more complex, yeah. We are working on the 'NextColony Guide'. This will help to keep up with all the things that are going around.

Bildschirmfoto 2019-12-11 um 08.17.53.png

Thanks for your feedback!

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My mission is to find a legendary planet, but first we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin… ops! I meant to say:

🎵 🎶 First I take one Yamato Blueprint, than I take ten Yamato Blueprints founding a Legendary! 🎶🎵

🎶 I'm guided by a signal in the heavens
I'm guided by this birthmark on my skin
I'm guided by the beauty of our weapons
First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin

First we take Manatthan, Leonard Cohen 🎶

🎶 Me guía una señal en los cielos,
me guía una marca de mi piel,
me guía la belleza en nuestras armas,
primero conquistaremos Manhattan,
después conquistaremos Berlín
Manatthan, spanish version by Enrique Morente and Lagartija Nick

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Thank you for the game and for this promotion with Yamatos. Resteem made.

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The best is on the way 🎇 Yamayo Blueprint 🎅

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I like the newly added in-game market for pictures of goods, jarunic client does not has such feature.

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It is good that the market is active in the main client, this will undoubtedly be a boost for trade.

  • 16 million Stardust has been consumed and burned in Yamato upgrades.
  • The most dramatic burn was the burning of the legendary Tartaros, which added 9 million stardust to the wallet of dachcolony.
  • In total, planets for 17.4 million stardust were burned so far.

All those numbers are so overwhelming! my galactic empire seems just a small speck of dust in this vast universe. The burning of Tartaros, a madness!

Also, if someone wants to destroy Yamatos and doesn't find them, I can tell you where some are parked.

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I bought one Yamato by mistake and it ended up on wrong planet, I clicked and expected a confirmation window on purchase, and on which planet I want to deploy the ship once I purchased it.
It should go something like this: Are you sure you want to buy this item? Yes or No. If yes send this item on planet of your chosing. Not on planet you happen to be on while buying the item. Mistakes will happen like it happened to me :)
This is something you need to implement.

In the first step, we wanted a market that would react as quickly as possible. Imagine you want to buy 200 ships as soon as possible. But we're not sure if this will works out. We are watching this. Thanks for the feedback!

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This would be great oppotunity for the player who can not afford to buy a blue print. May be they can sell later with a cheap price or they can active it on their planet to produce yamatos.

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I was not expecting those stats for the market. I'm also very happy about the amount of Stardust that has been burnt. This should get those who were complaining about the inflation rate to shut up. The game has virtually no marketing at all. I would say a small marketing campaign would be great as the game is getting more updates more regularly.

@steemmonsters is planning for a serious marketing push when the mobile app is ready. Maybe a collaboration would do well to capture some of the same audience for @nextcolony. Both games are radically different. So there is going to be zero chance for conflict of interest.

I'd personally like if there were less active players exploring the galaxy leaving me better chances to find planets. But the overall ecosystem would benefit a lot if we can keep getting more outside players into the game before a bull market kicks in and everybody gets back onto the crypto bandwagon.


That is a lot of RC remaining. I only see 697 Pending claimed accounts. STEEM is a great place for easy user on-boarding for cryptocurrency (compared to many others like games on Ethereum or even just buying BTC) Claim more accounts and give new users free STEEM accounts.

Optionally you could make a "Starter Pack" where they can pay with fiat and get a pack of items on discount along with the free account.

Best of Luck!

We're slow, but steady. We are like weeds.

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Thats really cool. How long goes first season?

YAMATO!!!!!! YAMATO!!!!!! YAMATO!!!!!! YAMATO!!!!!!

Is it planned to integrate something like guilds? To build alliances etc.

"How long goes first season?"

Two days and 14 hours left.

"Is it planned to integrate something like guilds? To build alliances etc."


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What about making some sort of
'Hall of Fame'?

Everyone can see each Yamato season's winners in Hall of Fame so the competitors will have higher motivation to Burn Stardust & upgrade their Yamato for the glory! :)

Just my 2 satoshis.. or stardust ;)
Keep up the great work guys!

That's on the list.

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Creative comment.

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Yamato, come to me yamato ;) - jinxed. Nice to be here and on Next Colony.

Post passed to my followers.

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Jumping to the last wagon of moving train, but maybe some luck then? Would be interesting to give Yamato a try....

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*Insert Creative Comment Here

Seriously, not creative. But I wanted to stop in and say that the first season was super fun. I mostly just observed during this first season but I feel like game development is going well and I can see some growth in NC future.

Keep up the game development and please give me one of those PRECIOUS Yamato BP and I will consider not ransacking your planets :P

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Will be interesting to see what is gonna happen when more players get Yamato BP. And market is fun!

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Woo great news! 10 Yamato blueprints.

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le jeu est de plus en plus intense, bravo les gars c'est une belle réussite, gardez le cap

Congratulations @cryptoyzzy, you successfuly trended the post shared by @nextcolony!
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NC is so nice. Fingers crossed for the Yamato.

Not many followers, but post resteem-ed. Thank you.

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I'm new to this game but the system and tactics to create seems nice. It's just pretty hard to start but anyway the updates mentioned bellow are looking nice

I'm new to this game
But the system and tactics
To create seems nice

                 - dw-amhaq5dc60da

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

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He pasado un montón de tiempo en busca de ese Yamato, aveces he dedicado hasta unos 18 horas al día a este juego en busca de ese planeta Legendario para ganar y si logro encontrar ese primer planeta legendario, yo le regalaré un plano de esos 10 al primer jugador que llegue a 100 planetas encontrados con su cuenta, creo que merece uno de esos planos, allí mi respuesta terricolas. La dejo en mi lengua nativa espero entiendan el mensaje, nos vemos en el espejo.

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I just wish to win this bp that I can really starts something into this game :)

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Ah yeah, and a comment from here where I can also resteem to enter the giveaway^^

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So great news!

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me me me - I'm so remote that you will never find the build spots!

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Yam(my)ato yammy. A blueprint would be perfect since legendary planets seem to hide from me..:/

Posted using Partiko iOS

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I just sold all my planets, but I would still like to win.

You still have your alpha, If you like to comeback, I can give them back.

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balance is key

...and a never ending story.

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Well, well, well...


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What the ***** Why @dachcolony? Why??? :,-(

Weil wir's können :)

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Sorry aber diese Entscheidung kann ich echt null nachvollziehen. Wie kann man einen Planeten verbrennen der die Gemeinschaft finanziert hat, ohne die Anteilseigner nach ihrer Meinung zu fragen?
@dachcolony gab es doch überhaupt erst wegen diesem Planeten und dann wird der für lächerliche 2400 Steem verbrannt?
Für mich macht es den Eindruck, als wollte der ein oder andere noch ein wenig profitieren, bevor man sich zurückzieht.

Good question!

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This giveaway will stir up things for sure. There is a chance that it will increase the 'density' of Yamatos over the area, especially given that there is not that many of them right now due to the entry cost. However, I can't help but feel uneasy about early buyers' feelings. I don't remember how many Yamato blueprints were actually sold so far, but I have a feeling that 10 free BPs is quite many compared to what was sold. Won't the buyers be a bit .. grumpy about that giveaway?

No. This has been published a long time ago (2 month):

"At the start of the Yamato module, all owners of each legendary planet will receive 10 Yamato blueprints. You can activate them on a planet of your choice but choose it wisely. There are currently 10 legendary planets (including Earth), so 100 blueprints would be distributed. We will not use the 10 blueprints of the earth, but share them to you in contests."


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Oooh, I see. That surely had been given a time to sink in. 2 months ago I was pretty new to NextColony and wasn't paying that much attention to annoucements, so I totally missed that. Thank you!

If Space is endless
One can never be too late
Ultimate power

Although, that same logic suggests power can't be too ultimate in an endless space ;)

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star dust on steem engine.


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#NEXTCOLONY SEASON 2!!! ┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ)
pick me! ^_^

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I'm just a sock puppet, but I want to win, too :D
I will Todesstern you all over with my new Yamatos if I win :D

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One Yamato...

Two Yamato...

Three Yamato...


Bloody hell ,wrong chat!

I'm just looking some TOMATOES!!!

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Good progress so far, lets keep it fly...

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Wow Yamato hope I lucky enough ;)

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This great, hopefully i will got a Yamoto!

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After I have waited so long for my first planet and have found, however, the luck a Yamato BP would be the coronation for my Acc.

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A yamato blueprint is the only thing on my X-mas list this year.

Well... that and a jug of whiskey. But why can't a guy have it all?

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How cool Nice Update 😄

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Good awards. I Hope I will get one blueprint :)


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Wow - 10 blueprints of the starbase Yamato - cool.

I have resteemed the post.

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The boost values of runes on the market are double compared to the ones on the shop. Which one is correct? Or both are correct?


Fixed. Thanks!

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Thanks! (:

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Thanks! (:

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

Thanks! (: