It came from outer space

in nigeria •  7 years ago 

Have you ever seen a streak of light in a starry sky? perhaps you called it a shooting star.Actually,such streak of light are more accurately known as meteors. Most of the matter that enter our atmosphere from space burns up completely before it reaches earth.Sometimes, however chunks of Stony or metallic matter survive the intense heat and reach the Earth's surface.These are called meteorites.Most are small in size,but some weigh many meteorite in Namibia, Africa,is estimated to weigh about 60 tons.
Let's us enjoy a visit to the Mbozi meteorite in Tanzania,which is the eighth largest found on is located at marengi hill in the Mbozi district of southern Tanzania,near it's border with Malawi and Zambia.This three meter long and one meter wide object weighs some 16tons and consists of 90 percent iron,about 9 percent nickel,and small portion of Cobalt, copper,sulfur and phosphorus.
Nobody knows when this meteorite fell,but it must have been long ago because there are no local legends regarding it.A land surveyor from Johannesburg,W.H.Nott, reported finding it in October 1930.since then,a trench has been dug around the object, making it appear as if the meteorite has been lifted up and placed on a stone altar.Thus the meteorite has remained at it's original landing place.
Some have tried to cut or saw the meteorite surface to secure a souvenir-a very difficult task.In December 1930, when Dr.D.R.Grantham of the Geological society used a hack-saw to cut out a specimen of about ten centimeters,it took ten hours!This specimen can now be seen in the meteorite collection at the British museum in London.
The site where the Mbozi meteorite lies has been arranged to accommodate visitors.There is a little reception house with some benches and a table.The Warden,who lives in a small mud house about 50meters from the meteorite, kindly ask us to sign the visitors book.and since then thousands of visitors from all over the world have found their way here.A small booklet that describes the meteorite are given to visitors and the photographs are taken.
Some children climb the meteorite and imagine that they are riding a spaceship.As we picnic nearby, enjoying the peaceful surroundings,we marvel at the sight of this extraordinary object that traveled all the way from outer space to Mbozi.SI_20180322_141528.jpg

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