Hello everyone, I hope we all are doing great. Well I know it's been a while since I wrote here and believe me I have really missed everyone. Well by the special grace of God, I am back here to stay for good.
Moving to business now, I am done with my second achievement and I am here to deliver my third, so here it goes...

From the picture above, I am sure you have gotten an idea on what this achievement is about, so to avoid waste of time, lets dive in immediately.
WHAT IS PLAGIARISM?In simple terms, it means 'the act of stealing'. It is the act of taking or copying from one's work without acknowledging or giving honour to whom honour is due. It is the presentation of someone else's work or ideas as one's own, with or without consent by incorporating it into your work without full acknowledgement. This is really a bad attitude and one must desist from it to become a great writer or content creator.
TYPES OF PLAGIARISMThere are many types of plagiarism but I will be talking on the four most common ones.
DIRECTWell I will say that this is the most common one.
This is copying a section of someone's work, word-for-word without attribution and without quotation marks.
This act is really unethical, academically dishonest and not nice and one can pay for this act of dishonesty.
SELFThis involves copying from one's previous work without either taking permission from the professors involved or without providing a proper citation.
This is common among students.
MOSAICThis type involves the author borrowing a phrase or part of a sentence from a source without using question marks to acknowledge the original owner or source. It is also know as 'patch writing.'
ACCIDENTALThis occurs when a person intentionally or unintentionally neglects to cite their sources or misquote their sources.
HOW TO AVOID PLAGIARISMSome tips that can help in avoiding plagiarism.
- Try note taking(like keeping good quality notes).
- Use quotation marks(very important).
- Do not juat copy, you can describe other people's ideas or results(using references).
- Develop your own style(it should be clear and concise).
CITATION SAMPLEThere are a few secrets to the best classic, chewy chocolate chip cookies. Number one: Don’t use chips; instead, opt for a mix of milk or semisweet and dark chocolate chunks. The second is to let the dough rest overnight or longer for a more complex, toffee-like flavor. Lastly, use an ice cream scooper to get even-sized cookies every time. And that’s it! source
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