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Nilson The Cabbaa'ge ~ Sporting A New Purple 'Rug'
Decor For The Center Of The Table
I have decided to take this challenge in a slightly different direction, concentrating on a Table Decor theme, with the added advantage of complete edibility at the end of the whole process. I realize I may get drummed out of the Iron Chef Challenge, but since I can't cook worth a hoot anyway, it may not really matter in the large scheme of worldly things.
I just wanted to add a bit of my own 'flair' to this idea of creating a foodstuff with a special theme. I'm really stretching my 'culinary wings' here, since I've only done this type of challenge once before. And that was for @woman-onthe-wing, with my rendition of [The Fine Art Of Cereal Mixing]. So, without further ado, whatever that means, I give you, Nilson, the Centerpiece Cabbaa'ge O' Lantern (pronounced Că-bŏ-ŏj ).
It All Starts With A Cabbage
I picked a green, standard cabbage for this entry. These seem to be rather hearty vegetables, with a good, solid 'base' as a sculpting medium. Since I've never actually carved a cabbage before, I decided the stiff, very round green ones might hold together better than some of the other fancy, less hearty varieties.
I don't know all the official cabbage names, and the guy I asked in the produce department about carving characteristics was of NO help. But after looking around and squeezing quite a few different cabbages in the grocery store today, I realized some just might not hold up very well to the carving knife. Let's face it, having your dinner come apart, well before the final prep-curtain drops, just won't do. Hence, the good old, Standard Green Cabbage for this project.
A Design Like No Other
To date, my only vegetable carving experience has been the standard pumpkin for Halloween. And a cabbage has proven to be a veggie of a different mother. Firstly, the official, approved procedure for carving an October pumpkin involves removing the top, or final 'lid' first, followed by scooping out the 'gook' from the inside (preferably with a large, sharp ice-cream spoon).
This step is followed by carving the outer layer or rind, once the pumpkin is fully hollowed out. No problem. We've all done a ton of these holiday projects since we were seven years old. And it usually works pretty well.
It's All Bass-Ackwards Here
Enter your everyday carving cabbage. The standard, run-of-the-mill garden cabbage is exactly the opposite, when compared to a pumpkin carve. You cannot start with the 'hollowing' procedure, then carve the outer layer last. Due to the multiple-layering dynamics of the entire cabbage, you must carve the surface design, in this case a face, BEFORE you clear the insides. A complete, carving 360. And an artistic challenge as well.
Also, a pumpkin has a hard, outer rind, that is relatively easy to cut with a sharp knife. Preferably a serrated, sawing-type knife. The cabbage has a gazillion layers of...cabbage...compared to the pumpkin rind. I couldn't say with any certainty how MANY layers a cabbage has, and Google didn't seem to know either.
Suffice it to say, there are more layers here than in a pumpkin, and this makes the carving process MUCH more tedious. If I had to summarize what I discovered here in the cutting process: "Always stay in vertical line, with your horizontal surficial design". A true necessity, all the way through to the final slice.
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The Kitchen Operatory Is Ready
The Tools Of The Trade
I started out with a whole series of carving knives, since I'm trodding into very new kitchen territory here. As you can see above, there are many options in knife design. I started with the thick blade, wide-handled 'shortie', but soon graduated to the smallest silver knife shown above. The 'pen-knife thin-blade'
The kerf of the blade ended up being VERY important. Sawing through the many cellulose layers of this vegetable is not possible. You have to fine-cut each layer separately with a sharp blade, and with laser-like precision. The thin blade on 'old silver' there was just the ticket.
NOTE: Keeping the knife razor sharp is very important. Hence, the sharpening rod. (Quality German steel)
Let's Get This Started
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A Nice, Standard Green Cabbage "Blank"
The head above was quite supple, solid, and just begging to become a nice table centerpiece.
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The Final Design ~ Mapped Out On The Surface
Plan Your Work, Work Your Plan
I stenciled my final design specs onto the cabbage with a No. 2 pencil. I decided against a Sharpie type marker, as the ink would probably soak into the outer layers, and make large, black blotches on the final art piece. Plus, I want to eat Nilson, when I'm all done. I don't think black Sharpie residue is all that good for you.
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The First Cut Is The Scariest ~ And The Hardest
Look- It Comes Out In Perfect Little Triangles
Though quite nervous in the beginning, particularly with that first cut, I was quite impressed with the eventual action of this procedure. It was much easier than I expected. As one cuts down into the layers, they lift right out like little triangles of paper, one after the other. This part was quite easy, once I got the hang of it.
Authors Note: There is great potential here for development of a new tool for this art work. I'd call it the Multi-Layer Cabbage-Lifting Fork. I envision a skinny, straight-tined fork, with little 90° bends at the end. Perfect for lifting the individual layers out of the cabbage like a miniature Otis elevator. This would be ideal for anyone searching for an investment opportunity, or better yet, a Crowd Sourcing project.
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The Dainty Eye Cut ~ "Easy Does It"
You can plainly see the multiple layers of the cabbage 'innards', as you cut down through towards the center. It is really important to keep the knife vertical as you slice down through the layers. It is also very easy to over-cut the corners, which ruins the fine design you have planned out on the surface. One of these cutting faux pas' can be seen in the lower left corner of Nilson's eye.
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More Perfect Cabbage Layering
The nice, well-cut surface of each layer is seen in the left eye in the photo above. These lift right out as you go down. Who knew it would be this easy. NOTE: You can still make out the planning outline of the nose and mouth in this view. They are still quite visible, even though we've been messing around with the cabbage for quite a while now.
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Good Golly ~ The Deeper You Go, The Messier It Gets
I soon cut the nose and mouth, and discovered a few new things about this process. As you go deeper and deeper into the cabbage, the cutting gets harder and harder. Staying 'in line' with the original design gets more and more difficult, as you have to cut each new layer as you proceed down through the globe. Not impossible by any means, but it's easy to over-cut the design.
Unfortunately, Nilson is starting to look more like a funky Freddy-Kruger chop-'em-up character in a bad B-movie, than a fun, "invite the guests in for brunch", cartoon Jack O' Lantern character of a centerpiece. Particularly with the knife jabbed into his right eye-socket like some sort of cruciferous zombie. I guess this part IS temporary. How does that chef's kitchen saying go?..."Thank goodness no-one's in the kitchen, when the prep goes down".
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Ooh, That's Gotta Hurt!!
Gutting the center of the cabbage was quite stressful. I had no idea if Nilson would fall to pieces once I started the cranial boring part, or if he would even stay more of less 'in the round'. Surprisingly, the layers all held fast, once I started the top-down mining process.
The hardest part in this step is staying perfectly vertical with your slices, as well as efficiently scooping out the cut pieces in the center of the ball. It is not possible to FULLY hollow out the cabbage, like a pumpkin, as it would no-doubt collapse in upon itself. Not UN-like when the old 49'ers hit a horizontal shale deposit in a coal mine, almost guaranteeing a major cave-in disaster. There's no way to shore up the inside of a cabbage as you go, so less hollowing of the sphere is the only answer to this pesky conundrum.
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Spooning Out The Green-Matter
If At First You Don't Succeed ~ Get A Longer Spoon
As the excavation continued and went deeper and deeper into the cabbage, it became harder and harder to get the cut pieces out. I even tried holding the cabbage ball upside down, and shaking it 'til the cows came home. All to no avail.
Using a knife to retract the 'bits' only cut deeper into areas where it was not intended, and I almost compromised my truly fine pumpkin-face design doing this activity.
The answer? A long handled iced-tea spoon. The scoop end is small enough to get inside the ball, yet large enough to efficiently scoop out the innards. The round-nosed handle also works well as an eyeball/nose/mouth cleaning device, to poke the cut layers back through towards the center of the cabbage for efficient scoop-age.
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A Bit Of Organized Mayhem
Our kitchen DIY project is almost complete. All the cabbage frass I pulled out is still useful as a vegetable addition for a stir fry, soup, or anything else a cabbage might be good for. We just need to round up the innards, clean off the board, and we're all set for the next step. Oh, and find something that will work as a top or lid.
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Much Better
The area is cleaned up, the cabbage pieces corralled and put into a bowl for the kitchen, and we're ready to light up our new, ultra-fine centerpiece. And just what IS that incredibly stylish topper on our new centerpiece?
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If The Shoe Don't Fit, Get Another Shoe. If There IS No Shoe, Find Something Else
One of the problems with this whole Cabbaa'ge O' Lantern project is that there is not really a lid for our little friend, once we're finished. Let's face it, a regular pumpkin does not sport this problem. As soon as you cut the top off a pumpkin in the first steps, you have your final lid.
But by the very physiologic nature of a cabbage, there IS no lid for our final centerpiece. All you have is many many small shards of leftover cabbage, in a very large, UN-consolidated pile. What to do? I was stymied at first.
A really great solution to this problem surfaced as I was digging around in the refrigerator for a writing snack. Rummaging about in my vegetable bags, the idea soon hit me like a myopic seagull flying through a storm drainage pipe. Purple cabbage. The leaves are large, and curved, since they ARE on a cabbage, which makes the outer layer leaf perfect as a lid.
Not only is the leaf the right shape to fit on our spheroidal centerpiece, but it is a nifty and different color as well. Bright purple. Once I slapped it on as a lid, it reminded me of a stylish toup on our good friend Nilson. (Yes, I know on a human being the word is Toupee. But on a highfalutin, carved up vegetable, the 'ay ' is silent. It's a vegetable-garnish-design thing. You can read all about it under Stylish Garden-Green Canapés in The Joyé Of Cooking)
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Nilson Finally Gets Lit
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Proof Of Ownership ~ Nilson The Cabbaa'ge O' Lantern ~ Waiting For The Dinner Guests To Arrive
~ Finto ~
Poste Script: I realize this is not quite what folks had in mind for this challenge. But I got really excited when I found out this is a challenge I could actually perform. And though I realize this whole thing is not supposed to be about table centerpieces, I think it is still OK, as all table place-settings need a nice centerpiece in the middle to 'set things off ' just right. So, that is my final thought about this.
Also, I hear people talking about a Michelin Series Star Rating of 3.0... as being the best rating for a restaurant or other eating establishment. Just think of this post as more of a Dunlop 1.2 rating.
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Poste Script 2.0: This craft project was designed, pre-tested and approved by the head cooks within the Home Economics Department of the Schteinn School of the Sophisticated Sciences
Thanks for stopping in and viewing the intricate process of carving a nice cabbage centerpiece. If you have any thoughts about carving procedures, Crusiferid's as a table decoration, purple toup's on a vegetable, better ways to light up a cabbage, or anything else this post reminds you of, please feel free to comment away in the spaces below. I'd love to hear from you.
Please UPVOTE, COMMENT and FOLLOW if you enjoy my works.
And go to @ddschteinn -- There's a whole lot more...
Posted: 01/26/2018 @ 01:49
I have no idea what grocery store you frequent, but my produce section could go on about cabbage carving do's and don't's for an hour at minimum. Speak directly to that person's manager. In any case, you evidently managed quite well, despite such limited guidance by the purported 'experts'. Bravo, and welcome.
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Thanks, I will most certainly go back in and 'have a word', as I may have gotten short shrifted on this whole veggie cutting thing. Just imagine! (Sounds like you have a most-serious produce section in your corner of town. Lucky you.)
I'm also hoping I don't get banned from the contest on my first outing, for not only 'hedging a bit' outside the lines of direction, but possibly clobbering them on the guidance-noggin with a big old mesh bag of cruciferid's . But the little green cabbaa'ge just spoke to me, and I went forth and listened and diced.
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what an honorable cabbage. a true servant to humanity.
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Wow,this is great post in steemit.i like this.but i know this is recipe contest but you dont give recipe???
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Thanks, glad you enjoyed my carving. Yes, this IS a recipe contest, but I branched out in another direction. I'm sure I won't get a prize, but it's just what the cabbage had in mind when I brought it home ( :
Plus, I didn't really DO much, but chop holes in it. All in the name of something lightly disguised as art.
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Oh ok ,thankyou for given reply.i am also prepare for participate in this contest.
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Very welcome, hope you can enter the contest. It looks like a lot of fun to make things for it. A lot of good food is always going on there. Good luck and enjoy.
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This is 100% the best cabbage carving I have ever seen. Granted it is the only one I have seen, but still. It's brilliant! :D
I laughed at many parts of this but for some reason "a veggie of a different mother" really made me laugh. I guess, I am an odd duck. :P
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Whaaat, your first one? That's hard to believe, as it is a real art form in some circles...though they have a very small circumference. So glad you enjoyed the little romp into veggie-ville. It was fun to do as well. And I wouldn't call you and odd duck, just someone who loves to laugh. And the world needs a whole lot more of that. Thanks for stopping in and the wonderful comment, and have a nice night and rest of the weekend.
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😂 🤣 😅 This definitely deserves a prize! This is sooo funny! Thank you for the good laugh! Tip!
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Thanks, so glad you enjoyed my little project. I can't imagine getting a prize for going this far out on the rules boundary, but it WAS a lot of fun. Thanks so much for the tip as well, I really appreciate it. Though you enjoying it is a large tip for me as well. Have a nice night.
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Maybe a tiny bonus prize for you?! 😜
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Somehow, I now have the well-known Prince song in my head with "rain" replaced by "kale".
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Dang, now I have 'Purple (Kale) Rain' running all round in my head on a Prince-v'audioloop. Thanks for the memories ( :
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It's good to see the Cabbage acts as the pumpkin! It's very beautiful when lighting inside. It's really special centerpiece on the table... Great work! ;)
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It even lights up a bit 'green' when you look without the camera. But it only shows orange. I think I'm on to something here. Think we could sell them in Thailand, under "special pumpkin"? Then again, we would need a whole bunch of professional carvers. So maybe not...Hope you have a most wonderful Sunday.
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Ha ha! Good idea! I'll help you to sell that in Thailand, for sure! Um! Really special pumpkin indeed!
Have a pleasant day, today. GFF! ;))
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OMG ! I love this... your description of the process is awesome ... hihi .... wishing you the best ! ...and defo will look out for your posts ... you are seriously hilarious !
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Thanks so much for the wonderful comment and vegetable-carving accolades. I really appreciate it. Glad you enjoyed my way-too-late-to-get-it-done foray into the world of high cookery. It's all up from here ( :
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Well my friend if you didnt lose any digits in this process ( and I didnt see any telltale sign of red staining on the future slaw) I would say you, Sir, are entirely lucky!
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Yes, I'm quite sure it is a whole lot more about luck than skill. Then again, where DOES one go to gain skills in this sort of thing? Luckily no one was injured in the making of this post. At least not anyone that is not a cruciferid vege'. Those, I cannot vouch for. Thanks for stopping in and enjoying the 'artwork', tongue firmly planted in said cheek. Have a nice night.
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eheheh :) very like. you made it great. you are very creative. even I will take the cabbage and try .. I share the photos with you: D very good expression. I love to follow you, my friend. Thank you
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Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed the little experiment. And I definitely think you should get out knife and spoon and large cabbaa'ge, and 'have a whack' at it, all puns fully intended. It is rather fun. I hope to see photos of your creations soon. I'm following your as well, I appreciate the support and comments. Full Steem Ahead and all of the great things that go along.
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OH, heavens, why do I insist on drinking coffee when I read your posts? Now, most of it is down the front of me from giggling. So many giggles.
Do you know, in Scotland and Ireland, they carve turnips and beetroot for halloween. It made me think of that straight away when I saw this post.
Could you not offer Nilson (The CAHB- AHJJ) a variety of hair styles? Say, when he is tired of the used car salesman toup he currently is doning, he might like a free and easy flourish with a few pieces of frilly leaf lettuce, or for that 'Janet from the Muppets' look, why not some fettuccine (not al dente of course, you want soggy free love movement in that type of hair)
And for the food rating I shall give it a Firestone 1 and 17/42 stars. Well done sir. And when he has been out too long, give him a nice warm bath with some dill and corned beef, he'll be the better for it ;)
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I'm just glad I don't drink coffee...as likewise...I would be spraying the stuff all around the place when I read your funny comments. Always give me a lilt-y lift in the chortle department. Thanks for that.
Have you ever carved a small turnip or beetroot? Sounds difficult, yet rather fun.
I do think you are onto something in that varying toup thing. The possibilities are endless. I think you may actually have given me idea inspiration. Hmm. Maybe I should do a post on here for tonight/tomorrow... We'll see how that 'pans' out.
I do promise to give Nilson a nice sendoff in a hot-tub of finely
spicedscented waters, with many of his best garden friends invited along. He deserves no less after sitting for me for so long.Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons:
I have not, myself, carved either or I'd probably be shie a finger or two.
I am sure his fare well bath will be a delicious endeavor.
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I will let you know how his 'end' comes about. I'll no doubt shed a tear or three.
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Hi @ddschteinn! You have received 0.1 SBD tip + 0.1 SBD @tipU
from @pusteblume :)
@pusteblume wrote lately about: Steemit Iron Chef 2018 Act 01 Round 02 ~ Cabbage ~ Purple-Green Lasagna. Feel free to follow @pusteblume if you like it :)
Check out new tipuvote! feature :)
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Thank you very much, this is greatly appreciated.
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An emo cabbage!!
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Saaweeet. He is kind of cute, in a sort of victim of a horror movie kind of way.
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Well, that's one finished. When do you think you can get to the rest of them?
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"Oh Noooooooo, we'll have them by next week. Maybe". Are those all cabbages? My first thought was, "where'd he get a photo of piles of hundreds of cruciferids in an old fashioned village?" First thought was an outdoor Shakespeare theatre putting on 'Ham and Cabbagelet' But on closer perusal, I'm pretty sure this is from a game. Hard to put one over on THIS guy! Thanks, got quite a guffaw out of that little combination.
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Press E to take cabbage.
Right-click to carve cabbage.
Use scroll wheel to select toupee.
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Oh WOW! This is simply a masterpiece my friend! What a great honor to have you entering SIC with such a unique entry! Definitely worth a special prize!
Hope to see you more this season...why not a take on each of the product of the week!?
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