Never Forget: The False Flag That Killed 3,000 Americans and Set Off 19 Years of Endless Imperial War Abroad

in nine-eleven •  5 years ago  (edited)

The Never-Ending 'War on Terror' and the Big Lie That Started it All


Today marks the 18th anniversary of that fateful day in American history 18 years ago when 3,000 Americans were murdered in plain sight for the whole world to see; an event which marked the turn of the century, the rise of a global empire and the beginning of a never-ending 'war on terror', which would forever change the landscape of American politics at home and geopolitics abroad while at the same time fueling the heartless, greedy and power-hungry western war machine for decades to come.

It was an event that would be forever etched into the American psych, and the soul of the nation; the catalyst used to push a long-sought agenda still not understood by many of the mindless masses, a dark and evil agenda planned long before September 11, 2001 and still being carried out to this very day. The official story regarding this tragic event has to be the biggest lie ever told to the world, and the deadliest lie ever sold to the American public - the biggest lie of the 21st century that is - and it will likely remain so until the turn of the next century to come.

That 19 Jihadist Arabs, led by an old man on dialysis in a cave in the Afghan mountains, armed with nothing but box-cutters, managed to hijack four commercial airliners, successfully flying two of them into two of the World Trade Centers, powderizing not just the two building they crashed into but also a third (many hours later no less), flying a third of the hijacked airliners into the very section of the Pentagon which conveniently housed budget analysts who would be investigating the missing $2.3 trillion announced by Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld the day before, but somehow magically creating a hole smaller than the size of the airliner that was claimed to have crashed into the Pentagon.

Those inconsistencies and apparent absurdities listed in the very brief summary of the official story above are but a few of the many inconsistencies and absolute impossibilities both the government and corporate fakestream media still to this day insist we should believe, which should have sparked a most serious independent and in depth investigation into the attack; and yet no such truly independent investigation has ever been carried out, even to this very day. There are literally mountains of evidence exposing this monumental lie and the truth about the 9/11 attack - that it was the largest false flag attack carried out in American history, clearly an inside job carried out by the intelligence agencies of the West - that is the CIA, MI5 and Mossad - under the supervision of a treasonous faction within our own government which included the likes of Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney, planned and executed on behalf of elite Zionist Israelis.

A few pertinent questions would include: What happened to the missing trillions and why the 9/11 commission considered the money trail leading back to the funding of the attacks to be irrelevant; and why, since then, six of the ten 9/11 commissioners have testified that the investigation carried out by the commission was itself a cover-up. Following the money trail turns out to be quite the deep rabbit hole to dive into, is indeed enlightening, and doing so may in fact serve to illustrate exactly why those commissioned by the government to investigate 9/11 were apparently instructed not to do so.

How it was that on this one and only occasion in world history that fire was able to not only bring steel framed buildings crashing to the ground, but at free fall speed; why multiple NYC firefighters experienced and reported multiple explosions in the basements of the WTCs just seconds before they came crashing down if it was indeed the impact of the airplanes and fire fueled by jet fuel many floors above them that were to blame; how two planes managed to pulverize three buildings, and the third mysteriously falling hours later; and why the owner of the third building knew in advance not only that, but also exactly when it would be demolished and who then collected a hefty insurance claim from a brand new policy.

How it was that there just so happened to be a magically fireproof passport of one of the alleged hijackers which survived the fire and explosions, and fell right to the feet of investigators, while the black boxes of the two airliners which had crashed into the buildings were apparently destroyed - black boxes specifically designed to withstand crash impacts and fire; how a poorly trained pilot who couldn't even pilot a Cessna was able to perform in a large commercial jetliner an areal feat that trained fighter pilots would be hard pressed to successfully carry out, in order to hit the Pentagon how and where it allegedly did; and why all the video surveillance which had caught the Pentagon attack mysteriously went missing immediately and to this day has not been released.

How the corporate media and government somehow already knew on the very day of the attack before any investigation had even begun exactly who the guilty party behind this attack was; why George W. Bush neither acted surprised nor phased when informed of the country sustaining the largest terrorist attack in its history, but also continued reading books to schoolchildren for nearly a half hour before leaving the classroom and addressing the nation; and why Donald Rumsfeld, as the top acting military commander in charge in lieu of the president's absence did absolutely nothing in response to the attacks while all the agencies and employees around him scrambled to respond.

Why the world's most advanced military in the world was incapable of guarding its own airspace over particularly its own military headquarters; why NORAD was apparently given the stand-down order when news of the hijackings surfaced and they had scrambled jets, and why Dick Cheney had previously been given authority over the agency to give such an order on this one day only; and why there just so happened to be military drills practicing the exact same scenario that allegedly played out in real life in the form of these attacks at the very same time as the drills.

And why to this day, despite none of these pertinent questions being reasonably answered by the government, the corporate media continues to insist that anyone who doesn't believe the official narrative is the crazy conspiracy theorist and not the other way around!

The following short but extraordinarily well-done video by James Corbett of the @corbettreport from several years ago, entitled 9/11: A Conspiracy Theory, demonstrates the absolute absurdity and impossibility of the official story of the 9/11 attacks. The truth is quite simple, that the official story is literally IMPOSSIBLE.

(Transcript and sources:

Despite all of the above questions and many more legitimate questions that certainly deserve answers, it seems to me that the only real question left that people should be asking at this point 18 long years later isn't what happened or even who was behind the attacks, as that should already be rather obvious as we will see; but why, despite the mountains of evidence of a cover-up, hasn't there been a real investigation, and why haven't there been trials and convictions of those who are truly guilty? And why, for heaven's sake, after 18 years of waging a global 'war on terror', there are easily far more radical Jihadi terrorists active in the Middle East than ever before, on a scale far beyond what the average person could have ever imagined on September 11, 2001? The answers to these questions, I do believe, directly tie in to the answer of the question of who was behind the planning and orchestrating of this false flag attack.

Looking into a few more often overlooked events surrounding the attacks of 9/11 may help to illuminate the situation and answer our questions, which seem to be very fair questions indeed.

For example, there were the five mysterious dancing Israelis caught celebrating the attacks just moments after the first plane hit the building. Sitting on top of a van, they took pictures of themselves celebrating with the burning tower in the background. The media never had too much to say about these five men, but a FOIA request eventually brought the FBI reports of the five detained men into the public realm.

The Israeli citizens were arrested by local police and then detained by the FBI and held for months under the suspicion of being Israeli Mossad agents. Polygraph tests in fact indicated this on at least one of the suspects, and that they lied about where they had been and what they were doing that morning before the attacks. They also offered conflicting versions of events regarding details about filming the attack.

According to initial media reports, there were several such vans and series of mysterious arrests around NYC, the vans reportedly full of explosives. Police reports also indicated a dog had alerted on this particular van for explosive residue, but there were no explosives reported to have been found. However one of the suspects did have over $4,000 cash in a sock, another had a pair of box-cutters (the same weapon used in the allegedly hijacked planes), and they all had tickets for a quick exit from the country.

Further, they all worked for a moving company, Urban Moving Systems, which was also owned by an Israeli national and was a suspected Israeli intelligence (Mossad) front company. When the FBI returned several days later to question the owner, he had already fled to Israel. The FBI eventually released the detainees for apparent lack of evidence, despite their own reports indicating that the evidence appears to be fairly compelling that they were in fact Israeli intelligence operatives working against American interests who also had foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks. The later ABC report on the investigation concluded that although it was still suspected that these men were in fact Mossad agents, the FBI had concluded they had no foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks and were instead investigating organizations suspected of raising money for Hamas and Islamic Jihad, the two major Gaza-based Palestinian resistance organizations dubbed terrorists by the Israeli Occupation.

Israel's long history of staging false flag attacks in order to further their agenda, and their willingness to attack their own allies - and specifically the US as the story of the USS Liberty in 1967 during the 6-Day War illustrates - is surely worth mentioning. The lengths US officials will go to in order to suppress the truth about an Israeli attack on the US, demonstrated in the aftermath of that deadly attack, should also be noted. Also worth mentioning is the fact that the ongoing war agenda still being carried out to this day, which the 9/11 attacks precipitated, was planned and overseen by officials and from within factions of the US government loyal to Israeli Zionists - the Neocons or more accurately ZioCons.

Then there was the then former and now current Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who, following the 9/11 attacks, admitted that the attacks benefited the interests of Israel. A look at the 18-year 'war on terror' sparked by this false flag will show this to absolutely be the case throughout. And let us not forget that it was this same Netanyahu who produced the nonexistent fake evidence that Iraq had WMDs used by Colin Powell and other traitorous US officials to lie America into the Iraq war which costed far too many thousands of lives, and to this day has not officially been brought to an end.

And the owner of WTC 7 who clearly appears to have had foreknowledge of the attack and who collected $5 million in insurance payout, Larry Silverstein? He just so happens to be a dual US/Israeli citizen, which I suppose could just be a freak coincidence.

As to the obvious players behind the attacks, officials and former high-level agents and spokesmen of intelligence agencies of dozens of countries around the world have all stated in unequivocal language that it is a known fact within the entire intelligence community that 9/11 was planned and carried out by the Israeli Mossad, British MI5, and American CIA as a Zionist operation with US government complicit in the attack. But I'm sure these people are all nutcases too, just like anyone who doesn't blindly believe the absurd and physically impossible official story.

9/11 and The Tale of Two Talk Show Hosts

In the months leading up to the 9/11 attacks, there were two independent 'patriot' talk show hosts who predicted 9/11 - Bill Cooper and Alex Jones, Cooper doing so about a month before Jones. Both of these men at the time appeared to be exposing government lies and the 'New World Order', both accurately predicted that there would be a scenario such as played out on 9/11 that would be a false flag attack blamed on Muslim extremists in order to kick off a war in the Middle East. One of those men was shot dead by police almost exactly two months after the 9/11 attacks he had predicted, and one who has time and time again predicted that he will be killed by the government elite he claims to be exposing is still alive.

Jones of course is the one still alive and kicking, and still runs a talk show, but has interestingly changed his tune dramatically since then, and has engaged in numerous behaviors indicating that he is in fact controlled opposition. Shortly after 9/11, Alex Jones was the main alternative mouthpiece yelling at the top of his lungs that it was an inside job, and didn't hesitate to point out the Israeli connections and condemn the Zionist influence in the country and the 9/11 attacks. He has since done a complete 180, and the man who once exposed and frequently condemned the two-party political system as a complete fraud owned by the Zionist international bankers is now an ardent supporter of Republican Donald Trump and a Zionist apologist.

Now he even shies away from calling 9/11 an inside job committed by factions within the US government, but rather spits the line that they simply knew in advance and let it happen rather than taking any active role, and let it happen by whom you ask? Saudi Arabia of course, the 'approved' alternative theory which isn't even alternative any more, as it is in the government's own official narrative that it was Saudi nationals backed by Saudi money behind the al-Qaeda attacks. The same Jones has gone so far off the deep end these days that he claims the "Chicoms" are taking over Hollywood, and that the Muslim extremists run the Federal Reserve Bank. Anything, no matter how absurd and easily disproved, to deflect away from the very easily provable Zionist control in America.

Adam Green of Know More News has done an excellent job throughout the years thoroughly exposing Alex Jones as Zionist controlled opposition, and did so once again towards the end of his excellent but long live-streamed show on 9/11 last night, of which I only caught about the last hour, but I think is worth sharing for all the great info contained in just the final third alone. Among one such interesting nugget of knowledge that was new to me was that, following the alleged capture and killing of Osama bin Laden in Pakistan, it was reported by the lamestream media that among his belongings seized during his capture were dozens of books and documents indicating that bin Laden himself was actually a 9/11 truther and all around conspiracy theorist! If this is to be believed, it certainly seems out of character for the 9/11 mastermind to be investigating who was truly behind the attacks. Even some books unrelated to 9/11 that would be labeled conspiratorial were allegedly among this odd discovery.

Now the rest of this post will seek to demonstrate the truth of the matter not by looking further into the details of the attacks themselves, but rather by comparing the official narrative of the so-called war on terror which the false flag event served as the main catalyst for with the clearcut reality of this endless ongoing 18-year war effort abroad.

The Truth About the 'War on Terror' and the Lies Told to Perpetuate it: Brief History of the 'War on Terror'

Before the attacks of 9/11 ever took place, in the late 1990s, a group of elite Zionist loyalists also known as Neocons in the US government, called The Project For a New American Century, wrote a document in which it was stated that without a 'new Pearl Harbor' it would be impossible to successfully carry out the imperial war agenda they had in mind which they were planning. The masses were not ready to support another war abroad without a large attack on US soil to justify such a war in their minds. Conveniently, not many years later in late 2001, the 9/11 attacks took place, striking terror into the hearts of the American masses across the nation. Mission accomplished, as Americans would now much more easily accept another foreign war, but many more lies would also have to follow.

The attacks were immediately blamed on radical Jihadist terrorists of the terrorist group al-Qaeda, masterminded by Osama bin Laden, and more specifically most of the 19 alleged terrorists were also tagged as Saudi nationals. None of the alleged hijackers were Afghani, this attack was being blamed on al-Qaeda, and yet the first order of business for G.W. in response to the attacks was to wage war on the Taliban in Afghanistan, ostensibly because the ringleader of the attacks, bin Laden, was supposedly hiding out in a cave there; although this never explained why the US was declaring war on the Taliban rather than on al-Qaeda, nor does it make sense of a complete ignoring of the Saudi connection.

In any event, the real reason behind this initial war effort, which has now been well documented, was control and protection of Afghani poppy fields for the manufacturing and export of opium, which profits would later be used to fund the very al-Qaeda terrorists blamed for the attacks of 9/11, once the organization's membership had exploded and it could be used as a means to further the agenda at hand - the toppling of Syria and Libya. Interestingly, the Taliban which was targeted by the US during this operation had a past record of burning such poppy fields, and so were an obvious threat to those wishing to control the poppy fields and export the opium made from their harvests. Bin Laden was conveniently never found during the war on Afghanistan, nor was it ever proved that he had been in the country at the time of the 9/11 attacks or that he was even alive at the time for that matter, and so the hunt for the man who was in all likelihood already long dead would continue elsewhere for years to come.

However, even when Osama bin Laden was allegedly caught and killed years later under president Obama according to the official story, the 'war on terror' waged in the name of exacting punishment on those behind the 9/11 attacks wouldn't end; demonstrating in yet another manor that this was really never the goal in the first place, but rather the grand facade to deceive the masses.

Interestingly, and evidence to further back up this assertion is that within a month of the 9/11 attacks, there would already be a Pentagon memo released detailing the DOD military plan to "take out seven countries in five years," this fact later leaked by General Wesley Clark who was personally shown the memo in October of 2001. These seven countries were Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Sudan, Somalia, and Iran - "starting with Iraq...and finishing with Iran."

general wesley clark.jpg

Looking back in light of this information which had not yet been leaked at the time, it is not the least bit surprising that the next target in the so-called war on terror, and the first major target of the western war machine led by the US following 9/ll would be Iraq, in order to topple the regime of Saddam Hussein and create a fertile breeding ground for radical Jihadist terrorists.

The Israeli government helped push the US into this war, leading the cry of 'WMDs' necessary to justify the invasion in the eyes of the masses, with Netanyahu furnishing the falsified 'evidence' that the Iraqi government had WMDs in its possession. It is interesting to note that any such WMDs they may have had would have been provided by the US decades before in the Iraq-Iran war when Iraq was used as a US-proxy in a failed attempt to overthrow the Iranian Revolution's new government which refused to bow to US and Israeli interests. However Iraq had, several years previously, destroyed the entire arsenal of these weapons under the supervision of the UN, so the claims by both Israeli and US officials were ridiculously absurd, and yet believed by the masses who were repeatedly told the lie by the imperial corporate media.

Despite Saddam Hussein having no connection whatsoever to either al-Qaeda or the 9/11 attacks, officials and the media were able to link Iraq to 9/11 in the minds of the masses and so further 'justify' their pre-planned war and toppling of the Iraqi regime in th eyes of the indoctrinated public, much to the satisfaction of the state of Israel. And the rest of the story is history. The country was de-stabilized, al-Qaeda grew and flourished, Bush's promised withdrawal dates for the troops kept getting postponed over and over and over again, the same delays took place under Obama, and to this day there are still US troops occupying Iraq. Then came the rise of the most brutal terrorist group yet seen, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, aka ISIS - which now also has been proven to have been been aided and supported by both Israel and the US, most notably in Syria.

With Iraq down, Syria and Libya would be next. Somehow, all in the name of the 'war on terror', US-backed Jihadi terrorist groups would now be used - playing the role of Syrian 'rebels' - in an attempt to overthrow the democratic regime of Syria's popularly elected president Bashar al-Assad. It was a part of the so-called Arab Spring, kicked off in the fall of 2011 - starting with staged protests by armed radical terrorists made to look like a citizen revolt against a repressive dictatorship. Eight years later, and the US has effectively failed at toppling Syria's government, though it has undergone the most brutal war, put under siege by US and Israeli-backed terrorists for almost a decade, though it is finally now winning and on the verge of taking back the last al-Qaeda stronghold, in Idlib.

Unlike Syria, however, the same tactic used to topple the Gaddafi-led Libyan government quickly succeeded in late 2011. US intervention in Somalia also ensued when drone warfare began, as Obama used drones to bomb the famine-stricken Somalia, as well as Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, and Pakistan.

That list of seven countries to be taken out was quickly beginning to shrink. And then there was the unexpected war on Yemen. The US/Saudi puppet president of Yemen was overthrown by a popular resistance movement aided by parts of the Yemeni military which defected. And so the new Houthi-led government was instituted, and the puppet Hadi was forced to flee to Saudi Arabia. Now for three years the US and Saudi-led coalition has been waging war against Yemen in what has become for all intents and purposes nothing less than genocide. Interestingly, just as with the Syrian government which the US and Israel is seeking to topple, the Houthis fight to eradicate al-Qaeda and other radical Jihadi terrorist factions such as ISIS from their land. And just as has been documented time and time again in Syria, it turns out that the US and its allies Saudi Arabia and the UAE have been arming al-Qaeda terrorists in Yemen who fight alongside the Saudi fighters against the Houthis.

The military efforts against Yemen and Syria continue to this day, but with Syria in particular and Yemen to a lesser extent, these western regime change efforts are failing miserably towards that end. They are, however, succeeding magnificently in causing mass human suffering and creating fertile ground for the continued rise and growth of the same radical Jihadi terrorist groups they claim to be fighting to eradicate.

In Syria, Lebanon's Hezbollah and Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) have been fighting alongside the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) against the US/Israeli/Saudi-backed al-Qaeda and ISIS Jihadist terrorist groups, continuing to slowly liberate Syria inch by inch from the hands of the very same Jihadists which the US blamed for the 9/11 attacks, but now openly supports under the label of 'rebels,' despite still being officially labeled as terrorist groups by the US government.

One might wonder why exactly every government and military group in the Middle East which the US is currently at war with, seeking to destroy and/or labeling as our worst enemies in the region just so happen to all be the very countries, governments and military groups that are relentlessly fighting against the same Jihadist terrorist groups al-Qaeda and ISIS that the US is supposedly waging a 'global war on terror' against! One might also wonder why we just so happen to be targeting the very countries and groups which Israel has chosen for destruction, but that should be apparent, because the US imperial war machine is but a puppet for the Israeli Zionists. The insanity of targeting those who are actually seeking to annihilate the very terrorist group the US blamed for carrying out the 9/11 attacks and its close affiliates should be apparent.

But it becomes even more insane when one considers that the closest and largest US ally in the Middle East second only to Israel - Saudi Arabia - is also officially accepted as having been partially behind the 9/11 attacks. Yes, it is that crazy. Not only do we back a genocidal mass murderer - Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman - in arguably the most repressive regime in the entire Middle East, but we refuse to take any action against the Saudi Kingdom for its part in planning and funding the 9/11 attacks, and we do so while keeping the Kingdom as our closest ally besides Israel!

Oh the irony, that the two nations besides our own of which all the available evidence indicates were behind the deadliest terrorist attacks on US soil - Israel and Saudi Arabia - just so happen to be our closest allies, while all those fighting the terrorist group which we claim carried out the attacks - al-Qaeda - are our mortal enemies in the region! It is contrary to all common sense, absent of any logic or reason whatsoever when taken in context of the official narrative, and these simple facts alone prove the 9/11 official narrative to be the massive fraud that it truly is.

This madness has been going on since 9/11, continues to this day, and looks like it will continue long into the future. The wars currently still being fought in the Middle East right now, it all started with 9/11, 18 years ago - one big lie followed by hundreds of other lies.

But the biggest lie of all may be that America is waging a war on terror when both history and the present geopolitical situation indicate it is rather a war of terror. This endless war is being waged to carry out a Zionist Israeli agenda, and the joke is on the American people who still to this day allow this madness to continue.

And still, there are two countries left in the Middle East to "take out": Lebanon, "and, lastly, Iran." So no surprise that over the past several months the US has been pushing to foment war with Iran, albeit so far unsuccessfully. But Israel is nevertheless currently in the process of provoking a war with Lebanon, and over the past several weeks has been increasing its attacks on Syria and has now also begun attacking Iraqi forces on a regular basis in the name of 'stopping Iran'.

War on Lebanon and Iran is coming. In the words of Payday Monsanto, "don't say I didn't warn you, that's about all that one can do..." The song is below - Under Control - a great 9/11 truth song, and with that to conclude, I hope you all have a great rest of the week.

Never forget the lengths governments will go to in order to start and perpetuate wars, the lies they will tell, the deceptions they will sell, and the number of innocent lives they are willing to sacrifice in attempts to further political agendas. Never forget the lessons of 9/11 America surely should have learned by now.


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Good write-up. I came at it from the same angle in my video yesterday.

Thanks, I'll make sure to check out your video as well!

Thats a hell of a write up. Amazes me that the buildings pancaked the way they did. Jet fuel is not supposed to be able to melt the beams. Saw a video of a guy testing thermite, and when placed in the right configuration and set off, could have been part of the mystery.

Here is a link to a video about the University of Alaska Fairbanks study of the collapse of WT #7.

What's happening?


That's powerdown. They do not believe in steem.

While the Steem team instead of real work, resteemed some kind of dictator's conspiracy thesis, Steem continues to fall.

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Late comment but , thank you for memory post